Abstract: This paper proposes a curriculum framework in pre-service teachers training program to develop Teachers’ Personal Knowledge Management competency. Supporting the sustainable development of teachers as professionals in the knowledge society is a critical issue in teacher education. Personal knowledge management (PKM) is an intertwined macro-competency that involves cognitive, metacognitive, information, social and learning
Knowledge Management education
Knowledge Management (KM)’s Relevance to Library and Information Science (LIS)
Abstract: The study aims at exploring the relevancy of knowledge management (KM) to library and information science (LIS). Besides the review of relevant literature, the study has conducted an online survey of KM education programs offered by different schools of the world. An interdisciplinary approach of KM education is analysed to find its link
ICICKM 2012: Mini Track on Teaching Knowledge Management
Mini Track on Teaching IC and KM Chair – Mustafa Sagsan 9th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning – ICICKM 2012, 18-19 October, Bogotá, Colombia Challenges and Opportunities: Designing and Delivering a 21st Century Knowledge Management Education Program | Bedford
Incorporating Knowledge Management education into LIS curriculum
Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine how and to what extent knowledge management (KM) has been incorporated into the library and information science (LIS) curriculum. Design/methodology/approach – The study is conducted using an e-mail questionnaire survey of LIS academics world-wide who adopted KM education in
Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF)*
The Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF)1) was supposed to be an on-going, annual dialog hosted by Kent State University (Information Architecture and Knowledge Management Program) and George Washington University (Institute for Knowledge and Innovation) in order to identify and grow consensus on the knowledge management body of knowledge, competencies, roles and educational curriculum.