Filed in: Knowledge Management roles and responsibilities

Becoming a Knowledge Management Specialist

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: As we previously discussed in an article about the top 5 knowledge management challenges, managing knowledge translates to converting raw data into comprehensible information, which all members of your team can access, anytime. We also talked about some of the best practices you need to follow to make sure that

Changing knowledge manager role

Books, Proceedings, etc. | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Chapter five looks at how the role of the knowledge manager will change to reflect wider field transformation. What new capabilities will they need to develop? What people will you need to be looking for in the future? Data scientists who can provide insights and analysis; those who can tell a story with

Top 3 Successful Knowledge Manager Skills

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: The specific tasks of an organization’s Knowledge Manager will depend on the size, needs, and capabilities of that organization. For example, some Knowledge Managers will manage large teams while others will be a one-person department. Generally speaking, Knowledge Managers work cross-functionally with departments and teams to establish company knowledge, improve its functionality, establish

Company knowledge manager role

Weblogs | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

Abstract: Good knowledge management is a huge success factor for both employees and customers. Unfortunately, it’s not something that happens spontaneously. Someone has to take the initiative to get things started and then maintain those processes once they’ve been established. The best way for a company to do this is to appoint one of

Careers in Knowledge Management (KM)

Abstract: The field of KM offers several choices for careers, and the practice of KM applies to any career. Few blessings in this world compare with the joy of spending your days working at a career you enjoy. As a public space for self-expression, nothing beats your career. What you choose to work at