On the website of the Knowledge Management Association (KMA) you can find short lists with links to universities and certification providers offering Knowledge Management education and training (s. Degrees and Certifications). You can submit additional “Universities and Degrees” and “Certifications” at
SLA Click University
Knowledge Management Certification, any ideas?
In the Knowledge Management (kneme) LinkedIn Group Firoz K. asks: KM Certification, I’ve been in the field for a number of years and recently my employer has asked for me to recommend some courses to get some official titles under my belt in KM. Any ideas? Join the
Special Libraries Association, its Knowledge Management Division, and certification
Full text from publisher » (no figures) Karen Reczek: Info pros leverage their network to become KM pros. Inside Knowledge, Volume
Special Library Association’s Certificate Program for Knowledge Management Professionals
Abstract: The Special Libraries Association (SLA), a nonprofit global organization for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners, announced it will offer its members a new opportunity to earn a knowledge management (KM) certificate. The certificate will be offered through Click University, an online learning system for post-graduate, practicing librarians and information professionals.