Filed in: Society 5.0

Society 5.0 Knowledge Managers Curriculum

Abstract: When “quality being everyone’s business” coincides with the reality of a disruptive work environment, critical self-evaluation becomes an essential tool to ensure accountability. Academics who design curricula and their tuition offering have a certain degree of freedom in what and how they teach. However, academics need to be consciously discerning, yet inclusive, about

Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management (TKM Symposium)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management (TKM Symposium) or the Transformative Knowledge Management Research Area Symposium (Japanese: トランスフォーマティブ知識経営研究領域 シンポジウム), quasi-successor of the JAIST International Symposium on Knowledge Science (ISOKS 2016) and the Knowledge Science Symposium (KSS; 2001-2013; Japanese: 回知識科学シンポジウム) is organized by the Transformative Knowledge Management research area hosted by the School of Knowledge Science

International Knowledge Management Conference and Award KM4D*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The International Conference on Knowledge Based Management (KM4D), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge Management (KM4D) and the Knowledge for Development Partnership Meeting in Iran, is a 1 day conference held in conjunction with the International Award on Knowledge-Based Management (KM4D) Award Ceremony (the award is also known as the KM4D International Knowledge Management Award

World Knowledge Forum (WKF)*

Knowledge Management conferences| Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

The World Knowledge Forum (WKF; Korean: 세계지식포럼) is a fete of knowledge, the biggest in Asia. It is also known as Asia’s Davos Forum (World Economic Forum). Established in October 2000, the World Knowledge Forum gathers more than 200 business and opinion leaders from around the world ranging from environmental and international organizations to world’s