Der im Jahr 2002 offiziell gegründete Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM) geht aus einem 1996 initiierten Kolloquium von Diplomarbeitsbetreuern der Berufsakademie Karlsruhe rund um Prof. Riess hervor. Der Verein bietet Veranstaltungen und Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten im Großraum Karlsruhe und darüber hinaus (bis Stuttgart, Baden-Baden, Weinheim). 2017 wurde der Verein aufgelöst. Der Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM)
Midwest Knowledge Management Community
The Midwest Knowledge Management (KM) Community, formerly the Midwest Knowledge Management (KM) Professionals group, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
BetterWork Media Group (BMG)
BetterWork Media Group (BMG), formerly Human Capital Media (HCM) and MediaTec Publishing, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge and Information Professional Association (KIPA)
The Knowledge and Information Professional Association (KIPA), formerly the Green Country Knowledge and Information Professionals (GC-KIP) society, the Tulsa Knowledge Management Interest Group and the iKMS.US interest group of the Information and Knowledge Management Society (iKMS) in the United States, 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS) Committee
Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems Committee (FoIKS) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training