Advice for the Knowledge Management Master’s degree at Kent State University

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Thomas F. asks:

At Kent State University, we are in the process of strengthening our degree in Knowledge Management. I am advising the committee to streamline and strengthen the degree and to reduce it to 36 credits, from the current 42-45: see Requirements. We have students, even a doctoral student, in Knowledge Management, and for whatever reason, it appears that there are growing inquiries about the degree this year, while interest has been fairly flat in the past. It still is a degree that has been hard to sell because many American companies do not really understand what it is or they have a distorted or misconstrued understanding. I have noticed that in the SIKM mailing list there have been many discussions on the nature/successes/difficulties of Knowledge Management and how to foster Knowledge Management activities and practices in organizations. One of our concerns is determining the current framework of Knowledge Management and then strengthening our degree to match marketplace demands.
Should you be interested in current educational programs in knowledge management, we would like to ask members of SIKM list to provide their views on the following three questions.
(1) What are the core understandings and practices that constitute the current core of Knowledge Management – should the focal point be “Knowledge Management” or “Knowledge Services,” “Knowledge Sciences,” or some other emerging focal area in knowledge management?
(2) What is the current or anticipated marketplace for graduates trained in KM? What are the skills and knowledge that are currently being sought or anticipated in job seekers?
(3) How can we strengthen our degree to suit current or anticipated marketplace demands? See “Requirements” for required and elective courses in our current KM degree.
We obviously do not expect consensus on responding to these issues. If you are interested in contributing to the discussion and make suggestions, could you please contact me (tfroehli@…) with your name and email so that I can add you to a doodle poll to determine the best time for a meeting over the next several weeks. I am assuming that most of you would be available in the evenings and the poll will be oriented toward this timeframe – if not, please let me know of daytime alternatives. If you wish to offer some advice apart from a discussion meeting, feel free to send me any advice that you care to offer (I can call you as well), and we will take it under consideration.
We also intend to seek next year a distinguished professor in Knowledge Management to lead our efforts in this field. We anticipate the position will be open rank to allow the possibility of hiring a thought leader from academic, corporate or government ranks.
We would appreciate your help with these endeavors for streamlining, strengthening and focusing our degree, by providing us with an understanding of the current status of KM and its job market. And later we would appreciate your help for suggesting candidates for a KM position, particularly for a professor of practice.
We look forward to your consideration.

Thomas F.: Seeking advice for the KM Master’s degree at Kent State. SIKM Leaders Community @, November 18, 2015.

Note: 12 member comments so far (11/2015)

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