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Knowledge Management guardian, steward or…?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Peter B. asks: Dear all, I’m involved in setting up KMS & culture in It has been proposed to call the members of the small KM core team “KM guardians”, remembering our past km4dev experience, I’d like

Knowledge Management Job Ladder

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Tony M. asks: Good day SIKM friends, My organization is exploring the possibility of having a dedicated KM career track/ job ladder. Having a KM job title is easy enough, but having a structured track is more involved apparently. For

Knowledge Management Competency Frameworks?

Discussions, forums | Knowledge Management education & training worldwide

In the discussion list of the Systems Integration KM Leaders Community Matt M. asks: Hi, I’m running a 90 min session on essential skills, competencies and know-how in knowledge management with some masters students at UTS. I have Bill Kaplan’s CKO attributes, Frada Burstein’s knowledge management roles and responsibilities, David