AHT Intermediation

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AHT Intermediation offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


  • Coaching and (immersion) lectures on knowledge management
  • Basic knowledge management training and introductory workshops
  • Advanced knowledge management trainings:
    • Concepts and models
    • Discovery (smart search) and advanced search
    • Design thinking and other knowledge management tools
    • Enhanced agile methodologies
    • Knowledge management and project management (IPMA)
    • 3 Sphere model methods and tools
    • Knowledge management training with selected focus on ISO 2015 and ISO 30401 norms
    • Knowledge management Business Case – is it worth it?
  • Discovery workshops, digitalization approaches and Think Tanks
  • Assessing knowledge as risk factor – knowledge at risk

  • Knowledge Management Certification for ISO 2015 update
  • Knowledge Management ITIL with focus on IT services
  • Certified Knowledge Manager class topics: (KM Institute)
    Business case for knowledge management initiatives; Knowledge retention and transfer; Skills for knowledge managers
  • Ein Business Case für Wissensmanagement – Erfolgsfaktoren auf dem Weg zu einer positiven Entscheidung für Wissensmanagement im Unternehmen
  • Wissenstransfer bei Personalwechsel
  • Wissensmanagement für BeraterInnen und TrainerInnen
  • Knowledge and collaboration management discovery workshops


  • Knowledge Management
  • Knowledge and Innovation Management
  • Knowledge Management for Risk Managers


  • How to use Knowledge Management Tools successfully
  • How to measure the impact of knowledge management activities – Business Case for KM
  • «eHealth Quo Vadis»? How soon can internet knowledge replace my physician?
  • Knowledge Management und ISO Update
  • Diagram our way into knowledge management with modeling tools known as Causal Loop Diagrams and Success Logic
  • Von Semantic Enterprise Search über Competitive Intelligence bis zu Wissensmanagement
  • Tools für die integrierte Umsetzung von Wissensmanagement in Prozessen
  • Wissensmanagement in der Industrie: Erfahrungen der letzten 10 Jahre – Lessons learnt
  • Wissenstransfer durch systematisches Debriefing und Briefing im Bereich der medizinischen Diagnostik
  • ITIL und Knowledge Management. Implikationen der Integration von Knowledge Management in der ITIL Version 3
  • Schlüsselfaktor Wissen bei der strategischen Projektsteuerung
  • Wissen ist Macht
  • Wissensmanagement ohne Computer – verbesserte Team-Kommunikation durch intelligente Organisation
  • Grenzen und Möglichkeiten für Wissensmanagement
  • Kosten sparen mit Wissensmanagement

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