Asian Development Bank (ADB)
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The Asian Development Bank (ADB) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Sustainable Development and Climate Change Department (SDCC) > Knowledge Advisory Service Center (KASC or SDCC-KC) 1)
- Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum)*
- The Asian Development Bank Knowledge Forum (ADB Knowledge Forum) will bring together knowledge practitioners and leads from international financial institutions and other multilateral organizations, internal and external partners, and ADB staff to learn and discuss knowledge management practices, tools, application of knowledge management in development institutions, among others, through interactive discussions, knowledge sharing, training, and networking.
- Knowledge Management for Development Forum (KM4Dev Forum) 2007, 8 – 9 February 2007, Manila, Philippines
Conference Theme: Building and Strengthening Knowledge Networks for Development: Issues, Challenges, and Opportunities- The Knowledge Management for Development Forum (KM4Dev Forum) aims to provide a venue for Knowledge Management practitioners, both new and experienced, to interact, network, learn, and share experiences and concerns on creating, disseminating, transferring, and managing knowledge and information. The Forum also aims to benefit the knowledge workers who will learn, create, and embed development knowledge into business processes and in drafting and designing effective programs. The forum is organized by the KM4Dev Community and the Knowledge Management Center of the ADB Regional and Sustainable Development Department.
- Knowledge Management Briefings 2)
Knowledge Management and Learning Series (Jun/Sep 2010)
Learning from Evaluation (2 days)
Reflective Practice (1 day)
Learning in Teams (2 days)
Learning for Change Primer
Sep 2010: Building a Learning Organization
Aug 2010: Leveraging Knowledge with ICT
May 2010: Managing Knowledge at Work; Communities of Practice: Passing the Fitness Test
Apr 2010: Designing Knowledge Partnerships Better
- Dec 2021: The Asian Development Bank’s Knowledge Management in Action: Vision, Learning, Collaboration (Launch of ADB Knowledge Solutions Book & Online Portal)
Eminent Speakers’ Forum
Apr 2005: Knowledge Economies in the 21st Century
Study visits
Feb 2011: Study visit of the University of the Philippines (Los Baños)
– Building a Knowledge-Centric Organization
– Communication Tools for Knowledge Management
– Storytelling and the Most Significant Change Technique
Southeast Asia Development Solutions (SEADS)
- Southeast Asia Development Symposium (SEADS)
2022 Tracks: Knowledge Management and Innovation in Action: Transforming Policy Making for a Sustainable Southeast Asia (ADB)