ACKMP Knowledge Management Summit

ACKMP Knowledge Management Summit

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The ACKMP Knowledge Management Summit is the annual summit of the Association of Certified Knowledge Management Professionals (ACKMP). 3 Days of the latest information, best practices, and leading trends from top Knowledge Managementexperts and practitioners. (This event is free for college students)

Conference History:

2nd ACKMP Knowledge Management Summit 2019, November 20-22, 2019, Fredericksburg, VA, USA

(in cooperation with Hybrid Technical Enterprise System Consulting (Hytesysco))

    Hands-on Knowledge Management Workshop
    Knowledge Management Cafe

    Keynote Speech
    Intellectual Property Protection
    Knowledge Management Strategic Advantage
    Knowledge Management & Capital Investment
    Basic Text Analytics
    Knowledge Management Artificial Intelligence
    Emotional Intelligence & Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management: Today’s Best Practice
    Knowledge Management Audit
    Enterprise Innovative Solution
    Customer Service & Knowledge Management Tool
    Knowledge Management & Community of Practice

1st ACKMP Knowledge Management Summit 2018, September 26-28, 2018, Fredericksburg, VA, USA

    Note: The 2018 summit was announced for July 25-27

    Conference program n.a.

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