Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)*
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The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS), formerly the “Australian” and “Annual” Conference on (Databases-)Information Systems (abbr. ACIS, DBIS, and ISOP), is the premier conference in Australasia for Information Systems academics and professionals, covering technical, organisational, business and social issues in the application of Information Technology.
ACIS is organized by the Australasian Association for Information Systems (AAIS), the Australasian chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), founded in 2001 at ACIS. Before 2001 ACIS was organized by an Executive Committee, affiliated with the Australian Computer Society (ACS).
Conference themes of special “Knowledge” interest:
- 2017: Data, Knowledge and Decisions
“Knowledge Management” conference tracks/sessions:
- 2021: Data Analytics, Knowledge Management and Strategic Decision-making (since 2022: Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Decision Making)
- 2019: Knowledge Management and Analytics
- 2018: Information and Knowledge Management
- 2017: Information and knowledge management for decision making
- 2016: Knowledge management, decision making and big data
- 2012-2015: Knowledge Management and Information Systems (follow-up of ACKMIDS)
- 2008: Collaboration and Knowledge Management
- 2003-2004: Knowledge management – the role of Information Systems
- 1999, 2001-2002: Knowledge Management
Co-Located “Knowledge Management” events:
- 2009: Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support (ACKMIDS)
- 1998: Australian Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support and Knowledge Management (AWIDS)
Conference History:
35th ACIS 2024, 4-6 December, 2024, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia
Conference Theme: Digital Futures for a Sustainable Society
(Host: School of Information Technology & Systems, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Canberra)
Conference program TBD
Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Decision Making
“Knowledge” Papers:
Unpacking the Relationship between Creativity and GenAI: The Role of Knowledge and Expertise
StandFram – A Method to Design and Build a Standards and Frameworks Knowledge Graph
Overcoming Data Scarcity: Strategic Data Manipulation in the Development of a Knowledge-Based System for Type 2 Diabetes Prediction
Generative AI-powered knowledge management in education: A dual perspective of design and use
The Impact of Knowledge Acquisition, Knowledge Sharing, and Technology Acceptance Factors on Generative AI Adoption in Higher Education Institutions
Raising Cardiovascular Disease Knowledge and Awareness: Designing Health Apps for Young Adults
Prompting for Perks: Enhancing Generative-AI Enabled Job Crafting in Knowledge Work
Ontology-Driven Archival Knowledge Graph Construction Leveraging Large Language Models
A Taxonomy of Microlearning Applications for Organizational Learning
Understanding the Components of AI Literacy at the Individual, Group and Organizational level: An Organizational Learning Perspective
An Organisational Learning Framework for Preventive Strategies to Mitigate Cybersecurity Challenges in Higher Education During Major Crises
34th ACIS 2023, 5-8 December, 2023, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
Conference Theme: Thriving in an uncertain digitized world // Te huarahi oranga i murimuri i te ao hangarau
(Host: School of Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington)
Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Decision Making
“Knowledge” Papers:
Factors affecting the growth of online agricultural communities for knowledge sharing
A procedure to identify indigenous knowledge holders for constructing a 3d model artefact
A Multiclass Approach to Predicting Diabetes Using Machine Learning
Technology-enabled Active Learning (TEAL) – A Study of its Influence on Learning
Resource Allocation in Biological Crisis Response: With Fusion of Mobile Device Data and Machine Learning
Panel Discussions:
Developing sustainable community engagement strategies in the digital age (industry day)
Lifelong learning – university-industry collaboration as a tool for navigating the future for upskilling, reskilling and future excellence of IT industry
Addressing Challenges for Lifelong Learning Collaboration – Embracing University-Industry Perspectives
33rd ACIS 2022, 4-7 December 2022, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
Conference Theme: The changing face of Information Systems
(Host: School of Computing and Information Systems, University of Melbourne)
Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Strategic Decision Making
“Knowledge” Papers:
‘Just a Normal Day in the Metaverse’ – Distraction Conflicts of Knowledge Work in Virtual Environments
Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Knowledge Sharing in the Workplace
From Knowing to Data-Driven Organizations: Review and Conceptual Framework
On Developing Sustainable Digital Ecosystems and their Spatial-temporal Knowledge Management
32nd ACIS 2021, 6-10 December 2021, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Information Systems for a Sustainable Future, Connectedness, and Social Good
(Host: Department of Business Analytics and Actuarial Studies, Macquarie Business School, Macquarie University)
Track: Data Analytics, Knowledge Management, and Strategic Decision Making
Bubble-Wall Plot: A New Tool for Data Visualization
Unmasking the Regulatory Burden for individual Australian Residents
A Complete Text-Processing Pipeline for Business Performance Tracking
Digital Web Ecosystem Development for Managing Social Network Data Science
Mining for User-Defined Categorizations as an Approach for Process Simplification in Business Process Discovery
Evaluating the quality of repurposed data – The Role of Metadata
Knowledge Sharing Challenges in University-NGO Collaborative Project
The Role of Business Analytics Capabilities in Enabling Competitive Advantage for SMEs
A strategic alignment perspective of public-sector organisations in Saudi Arabia in the digital transformation age (Quantitative study)
Business Analytics (BA) – powered transformation for environmental sustainability in organisations: A dynamic capabilities perspective
Session: Others
Experiential Learning in Work-Integrated Learning Projects to build Metacognition
Factors influencing knowledge protection strategies in small businesses
31st ACIS 2020, 1-4 December 2020, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Navigating the Digital Future: He Waka Eke Noa – We are All in this Together
(Host: School of Information Management and the Wellington School of Business and Government at Victoria Business School)
Session: Others
Virtually Extended Coworking Spaces – The Reinforcement of Social Proximity, Motivation and Knowledge Sharing Through ICT
Knowledge management competence and ISD vendor innovativeness in turbulent markets
Knowledge transfer in university-private research partnership in Saudi Arabia: A gender perspective
The use of gamification to increase engagement and other intrinsic factors with work integrated learning participants during new hire onboarding: An organisational case study
Knowledge graphs in support of credit risk assessment
30th ACIS 2019, 9-11 December 2019, Fremantle (near Perth), WA, Australia
Conference Theme: Making the World a Better Place with Information Systems
(Host: School of Management, Curtin University)
Track: Knowledge Management and Analytics
Are business intelligence systems different to decision support systems and other business information systems?
From Knowledge to Action: Exploring the Interactions between Theory and Practice
Decision making for Farmers: A case study of Agricultural Routing Planning
Session: Others
Exploring Knowledge Leakage Risk in Knowledge-Intensive Organisations: behavioural aspects and key controls
IS guided Logistics and Supply Chain Management Systems and Knowledge Management
29th ACIS 2018, 3-5 December 2018, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Strategic Positioning
(Host: School of Information, Systems and Modelling, University of Technology Sydney)
Track: Information and Knowledge Management
An Integrated Information Retrieval Framework for Managing the Digital Web Ecosystem
The Interplay between Social Capital and Knowledge Contribution in Online User Communities
Facilitating Knowledge Transfer based on a Resource Based View of Tacit Knowledge Stock: A Skills Assessment Perspective
Information Technology and Organizational Learning Interplay: A Survey
The Effect of Organisational Culture and Knowledge Environment on Organisational Success: Directions for Future Research
IT Service Management Knowledge Ecosystem Literature Review and a Conceptual Model
Identification of Complexity Issues in the Jakarta Energy Planning Process using Agent-Oriented Analysis
Session: Others
Organisational Learning with SaaS CRM A case study of Higher Educatio
28th ACIS 2017, 4-6 December 2017, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia
Conference Theme: Data, Knowledge and Decisions
(Host: School of Engineering and ICT, University of Tasmania)
Conference program n.a.
Information and knowledge management for decision making (TBC)
“Knowledge” Papers:
The Role of IT and Knowledge Management Capabilities in Generating Innovation Knowledge in Telecom Companies
Investigating the impact of ICT tutorial strategies to promote improved database knowledge acquisition
IS Enactment and organisational learning: A case of an integrated ERP post-implementation in Australia
Design Principles (DPs) for Building Social Media Enabled Collaborative Learning Environments (SMECLEs)
Technology Knowledge in Marketing Ecosystems: a Framework and Research Agenda
A Balanced Theory of Knowledge Management in Software Process Improvement
A Typology of Knowledge Co-creation in Social Networks
Knowledge Sharing and Innovative Work Behaviour: A Case Study from Vietnam
Practice of Design Science Research in a Developing Country: Circumscription Knowledge Informed by the Socio-cultural Context
Facilitating Knowledge Transfer for Innovation: Towards a Decision Support System to Identify Knowledge Stock in the ICT Profession
A SECI-Based Knowledge Conversion Model of Business Process Capture
27th ACIS 2016, 5-7 December 2016, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Occupying the Sweet Spot: IS at the Intersection
(Host: Faculty of Business, University of Wollongong)
Conference program n.a.
Knowledge management, decision making and big data (TBC)
“Knowledge” Papers:
Mitigating Knowledge Leakage Risk in Organizations through Mobile Devices: A Contextual Approach
The influence of personal knowledge management on individual decision making in health care medical treatment
Customising Agent Based Analysis Towards Analysis of Disaster Management Knowledge
Design Considerations for a Virtual Community of Practice for Health Practitioners: A Learner Centred Design Approach
26th ACIS 2015, 30 November – 4 December 2015, University of South Australia, SA, Adelaide
Conference Theme: Information Systems in the Age of Big Data
(Host: School of Information Technology and mathematical sciences Science, University of South Australia)
Conference program n.a.
Track: Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Towards knowledge sharing in disaster management: An agent oriented knowledge analysis framework
Knowledge Retention through Low-Tech Knowledge Sharing Channels in Loosely-Coupled Networks: A Human-Based Approach
Antecedents for Successful Collaboration in Requirements Engineering
Sessions: Other
Behavioural Dimensions for Discovering Knowledge Actor Roles Utilising Enterprise Social Network Metrics
Investigating the Impact of Learners Learning Styles on the Acceptance of Open Learner Models for Information Sharing
Leveraging ERP Implementation to Create Intellectual Capital: the Role of Organizational Learning Capability
Conceptual Knowledge Relationship Model of Enterprise Architecture and Top Management Roles
Understanding Knowledge Leakage & BYOD (Bring Your Own Device): A Mobile Worker Perspective (Research in Progress)
The Relationship between Organization Culture and Knowledge sharing towards Business System Success (Research in Progress)
25th ACIS 2014, 8-10 December 2014, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference Theme: Integral IS: The Embedding of Information Systems in Business, Government and Society
(Host: Department of Business Information Systems, Business School, Auckland University of Technology)
Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management and Information Systems (TBC)
“Knowledge” Papers:
Ontology Usefulness in Human Tasks: Seeking Evidence
The Research on Characteristics of E-Commerce Enterprises’ Knowledge Workers and Their Motivating Factors
Sharing benefits through knowledge management: A knowledge-based approach to integrated trans-boundary river basin management
Exploring antecedents of game-based learning effectiveness
The Influence of Socio-technical Factors on Knowledge-based Innovation in Saudi Arabia Firms
The Impact of Knowledge Interpretation and Organizational Context on the Use of Electronic Recordkeeping Systems
Exploration and Exploitation as Knowledge Management Strategic Approaches in Saudi Arabian SMEs
A survey of Knowledge Management Practice among academic staff at the University of Botswana
Knowledge Management and IT Project Success: A Meta-analytic Review
Barriers to Knowledge Sharing in ICT Project Environments
Data Scientists as Game Changers in Big Data Environments
Challenges in Managing Knowledge through Medical Record Management: A Case Study of an Australian Hospital
Post-conference Events:
IFIP Working Group 8.2 (Information Systems and Organizations) Working Conference, Dec 11-12
International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), Dec 14-17
24th ACIS 2013, 4-6 December 2013, RMIT University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Information Systems: Transforming the future
(Host: School of Business IT and Logistics, RMIT University)
Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management and Information Systems (TBC)
“Knowledge” Papers:
A Model for Measuring Knowledge Constructions of Students in Online Discussions
When and How to Facilitate the Introduction of New Knowledge Processes in Organisations
Organizational Knowledge Management Framework: The COMFENALCO Case
Knowledge Sources and IT Applications among SMEs: An Empirical Investigation in Saudi Arabia
The Genealogy of Knowledge: Introducing a tool and method for tracing the social construction of knowledge on Wikipedia
The role of diverse knowledge in creating knowledge within industry networks ¬¬-A study in the Victorian biotechnology industry
The role of partner diversity in collaborative knowledge creation -A study in the Victorian biotechnology industry
Exploring Information Sharing Problems in Nursing Handover: An Activity Theory Perspective
Leveraging Enterprise 2.0 for Knowledge Sharing
Teleconsultation Knowledge Sharing in Healthcare: Resource Influences
Improving Data-Driven Decision Making through Human-Centered Knowledge Sharing
What knowledge is most worthwhile in IS work placements?
23rd ACIS 2012, 3-5 December 2012, Deakin University, Geelong, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Location, location, location
(Host: School of Information Systems, Deakin University)
Track: Knowledge Management and Information Systems
Multiple Perspectives Framework to Model Complex Processes
How Organisations Know What They Know: A Survey of Knowledge Identification Methods among Australian Organisations
The Effects of Website Quality on Adoption of E-Government Service: An Empirical Study Applying UTAUT Model Using SEM
Global Positioning Systems in the AFL: Worthwhile or Waste of Time?
Potentials of social media for tacit knowledge sharing among clinicians: Preliminary findings
A Similarity Measure on Tree Structured Business Data
Towards A Semantic Quality Based Approach for Business Process Models Improvement
The Relationship between Knowledge Management Strategic Orientation and Business Strategic Orientation among SMEs
A Framework for Inter-organizational Knowledge Sharing: Managerial Influences
Patient and Business Rules Extraction and Formalisation Using SVN and SBVR for Automated Healthcare
Exploring the Global and Local Networks of National Information System Integration Initiatives: A Case Study of National Cultural Collection Integration from an Actor-Network Perspective
Enterprise Social Networking in Knowledge-intensive Work Practices: A Case Study in a Professional Service Firm
Patent Management and Social Software
KM Value Creation: Evidence from a case
Track: Others
Wikis: Transactive Memory Systems in Digital Form
The Past, Present and Future of Knowledge Management (KM) in Australia
22nd ACIS 2011, 30 November – 2 December 2011, University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Identifying the Information Systems Discipline
(Host: Business School, University of Sydney)
Conference program n.a.
“Knowledge” Papers:
A Framework for Industry-Relevant Ontology Development
Information Sharing Under Mixed Cooperative and Competitive Reward Structures
Managing Community Knowledge to Build a Better World
Knowledge Management Goals Revisited – A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Social Software Adoption in Corporate Environments
21st ACIS 2010, 1-3 December 2010, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Conference Theme: Information Systems: Defining and Establishing a High Impact Discipline
(Host: Information Systems Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Queensland University of Technology; Co-organizer: UQ Business School, Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, University of Queensland)
Session: Others
Developing a Knowledge Base for Enterprise Systems Success: The Roles of Management and Operational Staff
Facilitating Information Sharing in Organizations using Electronic Content Management Systems (ECMS): Towards a Model
Metamodelling Approach Towards Managing Disaster Management Knowledge
Understanding the benefits of ontology use for Australian industry: A conceptual study
Knowledge Management Challenges for Nongovernment Organizations: The Health and Disability Sector in New Zealand
Can Semantic mapping be used to model information seeking behaviour in resource discovery systems?
Business Process Management, Social Network Analysis and Knowledge Management: A Triangulation of Sorts?
Process Improvement Based on External Knowledge Context
Development of knowledge management support for the sleep disorder diagnosis process
Affiliated events: (CANCELLED)
Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support (ACKMIDS)
20th ACIS 2009, 2-4 December 2009, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Evolving Boundaries and New Frontiers: Defining the IS Discipline
(Host: Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University)
Session: Knowledge Management (ACKMIDS)
Key Organizational Elements for Effective Information and Knowledge Management
The functional ERD: conceptual modeling for complex knowledge systems
KM facing simultaneous obstacles and strategic benefits realization: a continuing conundrum
Session: Knowledge Sharing
Impact assessment of knowledge sharing bottlenecks: the Knowledge Sharing Environment Model (KSEM)
Investigating Inter-Organizational knowledge Sharing Intention in Supply chain Partnership
Developing an e-collaboration framework for knowledge sharing in the Australian wine-making industry
Session: Others
Knowledge Process Outsourcing
Proposing a KMS Success Model for Healthcare
Knowledge sharing acts as a significant antecedent to organizational commitment in a Confucian culture: A quantitative study of employees in the Hong Kong ICT industry
A Knowledge Mapping Approach to facilitate Strategic Human Resource and Knowledge Management
Towards a Knowledge Perspective in Information Security Risk Assessments – an Illustrative Case Study
Knowledge Sharing by Organisations in Sustainable Development Projects
Knowledge construction in online health community support groups
Important Themes in Communities of Practice for Postgraduate Research Supervision and Examination
Knowledge Management in an Organisational Climate of Uncertainty and Change: A Longitudinal Case Study of an Australian University
Affiliated events:
Australian Conference on Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support (ACKMIDS)
19th ACIS 2008, 3-5 December 2008, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
Conference Theme: Creating the Future: Transforming Research into Practice
(Host: College of Business and Economics, University of Canterbury)
Session: Collaboration and Knowledge Management
Task-based Knowledge Management Case for Addressing Merger and Acquisition Risk
An Ecosystem Approach to Knowledge Management: Case Studies of Two Australian SMEs
Advice Networks in an Inter-organisational Knowledge Transfer Environment: A Social Network Analysis Approach
Towards Understanding of Knowledge Sharing among Small Businesses in Australia: Development of a Research Model
The Adoption of and Satisfaction with Web2.0 Based Collaboration and Knowledge Management Technologies in Global Software Development – Insights from an Empirical Study
Collaborative Tagging of Knowledge and Learning Resources
KM Among Academics: Do as I Teach Not as I Do
Bridging Thought Worlds of an Academic CoP and IT Suppor
Pluralism in Knowledge Management
Building Knowledge from Experience: Reflective Thinking as a Mediating Process for Collaborative Knowledge Building
Taking “Data” (as a Topic): The Working Policies of Indifference, Purification and Differentiation
Integrating collaboration into the Design of Complex Adaptive Systems
Session: Others
Factors Influencing Australian SMEs Knowledge Sharing Online
Generating an Ontology from Scientific works: Initial Results
Investigating the Social Dimension of Alignment: Focusing on Communication and Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Transfer in a Strategic Alliance – Knowledge Management in East Timor
Business Functions Ontology and its Application in Semantic Business Process Modelling
18th ACIS 2007, 5-7 December 2007, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, QLD, Australia
Conference Theme: The 3 Rs: Research, Relevance and Rigour – Coming of Age
(Host: Faculty of Business, University of Southern Queensland)
Sessions: Others
An Ontology for Mobile Situation Oriented Systems
Understanding Knowledge Transfer in Web-based B2B IT Support
An Ontology-based Knowledge Network to Reuse Inter-organizational Knowledge
Integrating Learning and Business Process Management
Dynamics of Knowledge Leverage in ERP Implementation
ERP Success Factors: The Impact of Knowledge, Organizational Context and Institutional Forces
Facilitating and Enabling Global Change: A Model of Knowledge-Based Paradigm Shift
Information Behavior of the Malaysian Managers and their Perceived Needs of Information and Knowledge Managers
17th ACIS 2006, 6-8 December 2006, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
Conference Theme: Thought Leadership in IS
(Host: School of Computer & Information Science, University of South Australia)
Session: Others
Toward an Integrative Role for Intranets: An Interpretive Case Study of Intranet-based Dynamic Knowledge Integration in Socio-technical Networks
Relationship between Information Systems and Organisational Learning — Lessons from the Field
The labour of learning: a framework for understanding knowledge barriers in IT innovation
Understanding Sociability and Collective Knowledge Construction in Virtual Communities
16th ACIS 2005, 30 November – 2 December 2005, University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Socialising IT: Thinking About the People
(Host: Department of Information Systems, University of Technology Sydney)
Session: Others
Synthesising Sensemaking Approaches for Understanding Distributed Knowledge in Organisations
The application of Social Network Analysis to Knowledge Management
Explicating Tacit Knowledge Embedded in Nominalisation
The Development of a User Self-Help Knowledge Management System for Help Desk: Deployment of Knowledge Management Approach and Software Agent Technology
An Approach to Understand, Capture and Nurture Creativity and Innovation Knowledge
The Effect of Organisational Culture on Knowledge Sharing: A Comparison of United Kingdom, United States and Australian Behaviour
KM Governance – a research project in progress
Information Systems Rollout for Knowledge Management at the ABS
Measuring knowledge management as a strategic resource
Managing Negotiation Knowledge with the goal of developing Negotiation Decision Support Systems
Online Knowledge sharing and media selection in a community organisation: An application of the Theory of Media Synchronicity
15th ACIS 2004, 1-3 December 2004, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia
Conference Theme: Managing New Wave Information Systems: Enterprise, Government and Society
(Host: School of Information Systems, University of Tasmania)
Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management Issues And Practices: A Case Study Of A Professional Services Firm
Utilisation Of Intranets For Knowledge Sharing: A Socio-Technical Study
Understanding Data And Information Sharing In Organizations: A Value-Based Approach
Data -> Information -> Knowledge? The Perspective Of Media Philosophy On Knowledge And Its Management
Software Process Improvement, Organisational Learning And Knowledge Management As A Multilateral Approach To Understanding And Improving Organisational Capability
Distributed Cognition And IT Support For Knowledge Work In Breakdowns: Match Or Mismatch?
Session: Others
Creating Learning Communities: Using CMC Tools In Large Class Situations
Information Systems Strategy And Knowledge-Based SMEs In The Australian Biotechnology Industry: Does IS Need To Reorient Its Thinking?
Exploring Proposed Ontological Issues Of ARIS With Different Categories Of Modellers
Imparting The Knowledge Of Business Processes And Integration To Business Students – Evaluation Of An Approach
A Preliminary Study To Determine The Role Of Organisational Knowledge In Computer Security
Offshore Outsourcing And Organizational Learning: A Model Of Cultural Occlusions
Knowledge Dissemination In An Extra-Organisational Community Of Practice
14th ACIS 2003, 26-28 November 2003, Edith Cowan University, Perth, WA, Australia
Conference Theme: Delivering IT and e-Business Value in Networked Environments
(Host: We-B Centre, School of Management Information Systems, Edith Cowan University)
Conference program n.a.
Knowledge management – the role of IS
“Knowledge” papers:
Leading knowledge management strategies in Australia and New Zealand: a comparative study of public and private sector organisations
Sharing and Reuse of Web Developers Experience
Stages of Growth for Knowledge Management Technology in Australian Law Firms
There is Knowledge Management in Process Improvement
Socio-Technical Systems for Knowledge Mobilisation in Communities
An Exploratory Study of Risks and Issues in Knowledge Management
Prospering in a Global Market: Organizational Learning in an Economy in Transition
Knowledge Sharing as a KM Strategy: Panacea or Tyranny
Post Implementation Reviews – A Means of Applying Knowledge: Lessons from a failed project
Building competitive advantage through knowledge management: Pattern languages and their relationship to innovation, risk and technology transfer
Breast Cancer Knowledge On Line Portal: an Intelligent Decision Support System Perspective
An Organisation on the Edge of Knowledge Management
Mapping the Knowledge Environment – Processes, Social Networks and Knowledge
Theorising Organisational Learning and the Impact of Information Systems: Talcott Parsons, Anthony Giddens and Niklas Luhmann
Pre-conference Workshops:
Location-oriented knowledge management: current state and future directions
13th ACIS 2002, 3-6 December 2002, Victoria University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Conference Theme: Systems: Enabling Organisations and Society
(Host: School of Information Systems, Victoria University)
Session: Knowledge Management
Enabling Knowledge Sharing: New Challenges for Information Systems
Factors of Adoption and Diffusion of Knowledge Management Systems in Australia: A Structural Equation Modelling Approach
Tacit knowledge characteristics: A research methodology
Towards an autopoietic perspective on knowledge management
A Maturity Model for Quality Improvement in Knowledge Management
Towards an Organisational Perspective to Promote Knowledge Strategy
Knowledge Management Strategies: Developing an Activity-based Approach
Session: Others
Knowledge Generation and Dissemination in virtual communities and virtual teams
IT support for Communities of Practice in organizational settings
Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition with Case-Based Reasoning Techniques
ERP and Changing Work: Knowledge Management in Practice
Classification of Knowledge in Enterprise System Roles
Building a User Sensitive Intelligent Portal to Breast Cancer Knowledge To Meet Diverse Information Needs
Knowledge Management Frameworks
Knowledge Nation, Information Systems and Filling the Creativity Gap
Knowledge Discovery through Visualization
12th ACIS 2001, 5-7 December 2001, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: IS Odyssey: Where are we going in Cyberspace?
(Host: School Multimedia and Information Technology, Southern Cross University)
Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management: Results from an Exploratory Case Study
Understanding Crisis from a Knowledge Management Perspective: An IS Operation Change
Mapping Tacit Knowledge Flows within Organisation
Session: Others
Integrating Knowledge into Process Models
Information Systems Strategy and knowledge-based SMEs
What does Knowledge Management have to do with Information Systems?
Foundation of the Australasian Association for Information Systems (AAIS)
11th ACIS 2000, 6-8 December 2000, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Conference Theme: The IT Skills Crisis: Partnering with Academe
(Host: Information Systems Management Research Centre, School of Information Systems, Faculty of Information Technology, Queensland University of Technology)
Session: Ontology
Ontological Analysis of Integrated Process Modeling:Some Initial Insights
Ontological and Conceptual Structures for Tendering Automation
Session: Others
Knowledge Mapping as Sensemaking in Organisations
10th ACIS 1999, 1-3 December 1999, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand
(Host: School of Communications and Information Management, Victoria University of Wellington)
Session: Knowledge Management
Understanding Organisational Learning in Military Headquarters: Findings from a Pilot Study
Travels in ‘I-Space’: The Diffusion of Disaster Management Knowledge
Navigating the Information Maze
Session: Others
Incorporating Knowledge Discovery into the Process of Determining Users’ Information System Requirements
Using Knowledge Management and the Internet to Support Evidence Based Practice: A Medical Case Study
9th ACIS 1998, 29 September – 2 October 1998, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
(Host: School of Information Systems, Faculty of Commerce and Economics, University of New South Wales)
Titles n.a.
“Knowledge” Papers:
Cooperative ERP Life-cycle Knowledge Management
Teleworking and a Knowledge Worker: An Exploratory Analysis
A Human-Centered Integrated Framework of Agents and Objects for Modeling Data Information and Knowledge in an Enterprise
Using a Software Process Assessment Model to Examine Organisational Learning
Co-located conferences:
Australian Workshop on Intelligent Decision Support and Knowledge Management (AWIDS), Sept 29
8th ACIS 1997, 29 September – 2 October 1997, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA, Australia
(Host: School of Information Systems, University of South Australia)
“Knowledge” Papers:
Knowledge-Enhanced Data Entry: A Study in Machine Learning for Drug Input
Accounting For Knowledge
Extending Cooperative Information Systems for Knowledge Processing
Implications for Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) in Human Resource Management
7th ACIS 1996, 11–13 December 1996, University of Tasmania, Hobart, TAS, Australia
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Tasmania)
Titles n.a.
“Knowledge” papers:
Knowledge Management in Australian Companies – A Survey
6th ACIS 1995, 27–29 September 1995, Curtin University, Perth, WA, Australia
(Host: School of Information Systems, Business School, Curtin University)
5th ACIS 1994, 27–29 September 1994, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Host: Department of Information Systems, Monash University)
Note: The conference is officially known as Australasian Conference on Information Systems. The name is changed from “Australian” to “Australasian” to reflect the involvement of New Zealand.
4th ACIS 1993, 28–30 September 1993, University of Queensland, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
(Host: Department of Commerce, University of Queensland)
Note: The conference is officially known as Australian Conference on Information Systems. The acronym for the conference is “ACIS’92”
Titles n.a.
3rd ACIS 1992, 5–8 October 1992, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Information Systems as Organisational Processes (ISOP)
(Host: Department of Business Systems, University of Wollongong)
Note: The conference is officially known as Australian Conference on Information Systems. The acronym for the conference is “ISOP’92”
2nd ACIS 1991, 4–5 February 1991, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Conference Theme: Databases in the 1990s
(Host: ?, University of New South Wales; In conjunction with the Australian Conference on Computer Science (ACSC))
Note: The conference is officially known as Annual Conference on Information Systems and Database Special Interest Group or Australian Databases-Information Systems Conference (DBIS’91)
“Knowledge” Papers:
The Corporate Knowledge Bases of Expert Portfolio Managers
Learning About the Intensional Aspects of Data: A Form of Knowledge-Driven Querying
A Model of Statistical Database Compromise Incorporating Supplementary Knowledge
1st ACIS 1990, 6 February 1990, Monash University, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
(Host: Department of Information Systems, Monash University; in conjunction with the Australian Conference on Computer Science (ACSC))
Note: The conference is officially known as Annual Conference on Information Systems
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(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 14, 2023 – Boris)