Canada School of Public Service (CSPS)*
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The Canada School of Public Service (CSPS; Français: École de la fonction publique du Canada (EFPC))1) of the Government of Canada has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Training Courses
Professional Development Courses
- T036 Knowledge Management Through Communities of Practice / Gestion du savoir et communautés de pratique
- Commumnities of Practice / Communautés de pratique (E100)
Canadian Centre for Management Development (CCMD) / Centre Canadien de la Gestion (CCG)*
- Knowledge Management Workshops / Atelier: Gestion du savoir
- Knowledge Management 101: Thriving in the Knowledge Era / La gestion du savoir 101 : Réussir à l’ère du savoir2)
- Knowledge Management 201: Mapping the Road to Application / La gestion du savoir 201 : Comment passer à la mise en œuvre2)
- Knowledge Management through Communities of Practice / Gestion du savoir et communautés de pratique3)
- Getting Started: Becoming a Knowledge Enabled Organization – An Applied Approach / Un point de départ : la gestion des connaissances appliquées4)
- Le plan d’apprentissage personnel / Personal Learning Plan
- Building Competencies for the Knowledge Age / Mise en valeur des compétences à l’ère du savoir
- The Learning Summit** (2001-2003)
- Learning Summit 2003, October 29-30, 2003, Gatineau-Ottawa, Québec, Canada
Summit Theme: Dare to know…know to dare-
Keynotes / Invited Speakers:
Dare to Know – Know to Dare
Inventing a New Learning Culture
The Human Side of Knowledge: Why People Don’t Tell What They Know
Are we taking the “wonder” out of learning?
Learning in the Midst of Adversity
Blended Learning: the Art of Balancing Cost and QualityWorkshops:
Knowledge Café: Supporting the development of people and learning organizations
I Double Dare YouThe Conflict Competent Organization…Beyond Bravado, Barriers and Boundaries
Engaging in Learning Conversations – A Partnership in Learning
Aligning Learning with Your HR Strategy: The Resource Management Training Curriculum
Moving Forward with E-learning in the Public Service
Challenging the Status Quo in Learning Relationships
Action Learning at Environment Canada: The POPs Project
Archetypes of the Network Age: Articulating the New Public Service Reality - Learning Summit 2002, November 12-13, 2002, Gatineau-Ottawa, Québec, Canada
Summit Theme: Knowledge in Motion – Learning to Hi-Performance-
Keynotes / Invited Speakers:
Organizing for Learning
The Public Continious Learning Policy – from Commitment to Action
Knowledge in Motion: Developing Ourselves, Our People and Our Team
The Givernment-wide e-Learning Initiative
Appreciative Inquiry: An interactive learning process to elevate large scale change
Knowledge and Learning: Two Sides of One Coin
Learning from FreedomWorkshops:
TRACK 1: Leveraging the Power of the Knowledge Worker
A Learning Tool Kit for Managers and Employees
Telling Ain’t Training”
Demystifying Modern Comptrollership
Developing Team Potential: Practical ToolsTRACK 2: Sharing Knowledge and Learning
Communities of Practice
Learning & Innovation Seed Fund Pilot Results
Action Learning at Statistics CanadaTRACK 3: Harnessing our Knowledge Equity
(see Panel Discussions)Panel Discussions:
Learning from Experience (Plenary)
Leveraging the Power of Technology for Personal Development (Track 1)
High Octane Action-Research: Power for Your Office (Track 1)
Measuring Learning to Learn About Learning (Track 3)
Creating Synergies to Leverage Knowledge (Track 3)
Retaining Corporate Knowledge in Times of Transition (Track 3)
Knowledge Management Diagnostic and Action (Track 3)
Making E-Learning Happen (Track 3) - Learning Summit 2001, November 27-28, 2001, Gatineau-Ottawa, Québec, Canada
Summit Theme: Intellectual Capital: Our people, the strength of the Public Service of Canada-
Keynotes / Invited Speakers:
Intellectual Capital: THE HIDDEN GOLD
Keynote n.a.
How Organizations Thrive by Sharing What They Know
I See the Future of Public Service
Beyond the Learning OrganizationWorkshops: (27)
Navigating your way toward great ideas!
Action Learning Groups: The Power of Inquiry
Creating an Innovation Culture: Leveraging the Useful Visionaries, Dissenters and other Troublemakers in your Organization
Creating Sustainable Leadership Capacity
Citizens in Action: Working Together Towards Safer Communities
Communities of Practice as Gardens of Knowledge
Coaching as a Strategy for Culture Change
Learning plans: the key to intellectual capital growth
Stories for Our Survival
Unlocking the power of E-Learning: 3 keys to successful implementation of e-learning solutions
Recruiting and Developing for Values and Talent – the CSC Experience
Implementing a Learning Agenda – Sharing the CCRA Experience
Embedding Learning in Public Sector Organizations
Using Accelerated Learning: A Leadership Approach
Developing and Facilitating Self-Directed Computer Literacy Through Technology
Knowledge Management (KM): It Starts with You – It Ends with Results
Building a Learning Platform: An integrated approach to learning at AAFC
Developing Managers Through Action Learning
Enhancing our Relationships with Citizens:
Converting your Insights into Actions
Developing and Facilitating Self-Directed Computer Literacy Through Technology
Strategies For Team Learning – From Discussion to Dialogue
Developing Behavior-based Knowledge
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to Knowledge and Know-how Management in the Public Sector: Practical Approaches
Nine Kinds of Smart: Using Multiple Intelligences to Enhance Service to Citizens
Sharing Your Commitment to Service
2x n.a.Panel Discussions:
Tying Learning to Business Results
- Learning Summit 2003, October 29-30, 2003, Gatineau-Ottawa, Québec, Canada