CJ Young Consulting offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Online KMedu
Online Knowledge Management education and training opportunities
Knowledge Graphs Conference (KGC)
Knowledge Graphs Conference,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
WBI Wissensmanagement
WBI Wissensmanagement (Consulting) and WBI (Software), part of the Meusburger Holding, formerly WBI Wissensmanagement, part of Meusburger Guntram and a business unit of Meusburger Georg, and WBI Meusburger with its German branch WBI Deutschland, also known as WBI Software & Consulting Österreich and WBI Software & Consulting Deutschland,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and
Society of Knowledge Base Publishers*
The Society of Knowledge Base Publishers, sponsored by the Montague Institute, is a membership organization for information professionals engaged in managing intellectual assets in a business context. Members of this multidisciplinary community of practice include people from librarianship, knowledge management, organization development, corporate learning, information technology, and business management. The Society of
Co-Lab du Savoir Open Space (COLLAB)**
Le Co-Lab du Savoir (COLLAB) – Open Space sur la gestion du savoir et des connaissances – est un espace de co-construction et de collaboration pour faire émerger le savoir et l’intelligence du groupe pour l’action. Il a lieu chaque année en mois de juin et se déroule via un espace de travail collaboratif virtuel