Aarhus University (AU; Danish: Aarhus Universitet), formerly the University Studies in Jutland (Danish: Universitetsundervisningen i Jylland), has offered the following Knowledge Management and Education opportunities: Faculty of Arts > Danish School of Education1) Graduate Degrees/Programs European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management (MA
Public KMedu
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities open to public
Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM)*
Der im Jahr 2002 offiziell gegründete Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM) geht aus einem 1996 initiierten Kolloquium von Diplomarbeitsbetreuern der Berufsakademie Karlsruhe rund um Prof. Riess hervor. Der Verein bietet Veranstaltungen und Vernetzungsmöglichkeiten im Großraum Karlsruhe und darüber hinaus (bis Stuttgart, Baden-Baden, Weinheim). 2017 wurde der Verein aufgelöst. Der Arbeitskreis Wissensmanagement Karlsruhe (AKWM)
University of Primorska (UP)*
The University of Primorska (UP; Slovenian: Univerza na Primorskem, Italian: Università del Litorale), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
University of Westminster*
The University of Westminster, formerly the Polytechnic of Central London, Polytechnic-Regent Street, Polytechnic Young Men’s Christian Institute, and the Royal Polytechnic Institution, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule (WBH)*
The Wilhelm Büchner Hochschule (WBH)1), formerly the die Private FernFachhochschule Darmstadt (PFFH), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training