Canadian School of Management (CSM)*
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The Canadian School of Management (CSM) has offered the following questionable Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Executive Diploma in Knowledge Management (1-year action learning program) 1)
1998 Tutorial Clinics:
The framework of knowledge capital
Learning as your organization’s knowledge engine
Knowledge management and value creation
Auditing knowledge management capabilities
Measuring your organization’s knowledge capital
Knowledge management via system dynamics - CSM/IFAL Canada action learning program 2)
- Executive Diploma in Action Learning (EDipAL) (12-24 months)
- Master of Philosophy (MPhil) in Action Learning (18-36 months)
- Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) in Action Learning (36-60 months)
Web Channels
i studied for one year at csm, lahore. i passed the test but without getting the transcript. i shifted to LUMS university. now i want to apply for doctorate in america and i need to show them that i completed FBA at csm. please help me
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 22, 2022 – Boris)
Dear Headmaster,
I was a student of your school in Hong Kong center in 1991. Owing to I didn’t complete whole GBA program; and just got the Statement of Marks which was issued by Oxford Institute of Education in Hong Kong.
In order to apply for the status of C.I.M. of the Canadian Institute of Management, Canada; I need your official Statement of results with your school heading and chop to apply for the C.I.M.
Would your school please help me to attain my goal?
Thank you so much immensely for your particular attention.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours faithfully,
Wilson, Tak Wing Wong
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 7, 2022 – Boris)