The Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU; English: Technical University of Denmark), formerly the Danmarks Tekniske Højskole (English: Danish Technical College) and Den Polytekniske Læreanstalt (English: The Polytechnic Educational Institution aka the College of Advanced Technology), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Denmark (DK)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Denmark
Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF)
The Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF), formerly Open Knowledge, Open Knowledge International (OKI), and Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Aarhus University (AU)*
Aarhus University (AU; Danish: Aarhus Universitet), formerly the University Studies in Jutland (Danish: Universitetsundervisningen i Jylland), has offered the following Knowledge Management and Education opportunities: Faculty of Arts > Danish School of Education1) Graduate Degrees/Programs European Masters in Lifelong Learning: Policy and Management (MA
VidenDanmark (English: KnowledgeDenmark), formerly Netværket (KMnet),1) was a professional network and discussion forum that puts knowledge on the agenda in societies, institutions, companies and for all of us. Knowledge as a prerequisite for creating results. Knowledge as part of innovation and learning. VidenDanmark has offered the following Knowledge Management education
University of Copenhagen (UCPH)*
The University of Copenhagen (UCPH; Danish: Københavns Universitet, KU) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training