Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)*
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The Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU; English: Technical University of Denmark), formerly the Danmarks Tekniske Højskole (English: Danish Technical College) and Den Polytekniske Læreanstalt (English: The Polytechnic Educational Institution aka the College of Advanced Technology), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Department for Engineering Management*1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- MSc in Engineering Management (Study line: Production and Knowledge Management)**2)
General Compentence/Mandatory Courses 2013-2015:
42575 Technology and Innovation Management
42377 Life cycle management in industry
42401 Introduction to planning
42413 Simulation in production and services
42490 Technology, Economics, Management and OrganizationGeneral Compentence/Mandatory Courses 2011-2013:
42075 Knowledge and innovation in networks (does no longer apply)
42401 Introduction to Planning
42435 Knowledge-based entrepreneurship
42467 Introduction to Strategic Management
42490 Technology, economics, management and organization
42543 Management of Change (only applies to students accepted before 2011)General Compentence/Mandatory Courses 2010-2011:
42075 Knowledge and innovation in networks
42401 Introduction to Planning
42435 Knowledge-based entrepreneurship
42467 Introduction to Strategic Management
42543 Management of ChangeGeneral Compentence/Mandatory Courses 2009-2010:
42075 Knowledge and innovation in networks
42xxx Introduction to Planning
42435 Knowledge-based entrepreneurship
42466 Industrial Strategic Management
42543 Management of ChangeGeneral Compentence/Mandatory Courses 2008-2009: Production Management
42435 Knowledge based Entrepreneurship
42457 Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning
42466 Industrial Strategic Management
42532 Strategy and Planning Methods
42543 Management of Change - MSc in Manufacturing Engineering and Management**2)
General Compentence/Mandatory Courses 2006-2007:
42075 Knowledge and innovation in networks
42210 Industrial forming of metals
42221 Metallurgy, Design and Manufacturing of Cast Components
42435 Knowledge based Entrepreneurship
42457 Supply Chain Management and Advanced Planning
42465 Industrial Strategic Management
42532 Strategy and Planning Methods
42543 Management of Change
42720 Micro Mechanical Systems Design and Manufacture
Center for Tele-Information (CTI)
- 6th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW 1999), 12-16 September 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark