ComuNET offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Spain (E)
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities in Spain
Colegio Oficial de Graduados e ingenieros Técnicos de Minas y Energía del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS)*
Colegio Oficial de Graduados e ingenieros Técnicos de Minas y Energía del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS), formerly Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Técnicos de Minas del Principado de Asturias (COLMINAS), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD)*
Centro Latinoamericano de Administración para el Desarrollo (CLAD) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación (CEEIs)*
The Centro Europeo de Empresas e Innovación (CEEIs; English: European Business and Innovation Centre (BIC)) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA)*
Founded in 1999 by the European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management & Business Administration (EDAMBA) which is managed by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), the European Doctoral School on Knowledge and Management (EUDOKMA) was an European Consortium of Universities1) to promote research programmes and doctoral training on Knowledge and Management. The