The Melbourne Knowledge Management Leadership Forum (Melbourne KMLF), formerly the Knowledge Management Leadership Forum (founded in Sydney, aka the Victorian KM Forum), is a face-to-face education and networking forum, run by Knowledge Management practitioners for Knowledge Management practitioners. The aim is to set the foundation for a casual network of interested practitioners and scholars to
1-11 hours
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities that take 1 to 11 hours
Asian Productivity Organization (APO)
Asian Productivity Organization (APO) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Upland RightAnswers
Upland RightAnswers, formerly RightAnswers and, a product of ServiceWare, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
International Society for Knowledge Organization: Singapore Chapter (ISKO SG)*
The International Society for Knowledge Organization: Singapore Chapter (ISKO SG or ISKO Singapore) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
wvib Schwarzwald*
The wvib Schwarzwald, formerly the Wirtschaftsverband Industrieller Unternehmen Baden (wvib or Wirtschaftsverband in Baden), the Wirtschaftsverband Eisen- und Metallindustrie Baden and the Fachvereinigung der Metallindustrie, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training