The International Legal Technology Association’s Knowledge Management Peer Group (ILTA), formerly known as LawNet, the (Wang) VS Legal Users Group (VSLUG) and the PSS Users Group,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
0 USD / 4Free
Knowledge Management education and training opportunities free of charge
International Society for Knowledge Organization: UK Chapter (ISKO UK)
The International Society for Knowledge Organization: UK Chapter (ISKO UK) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Wissenschaftszentrum Wien (WZW)*
The Wissenschaftszentrum Wien (WZW; English: Science Center Vienna) of the City of Vienna, branded as Kompetenzzentrum für Kommunales Wissensmanagement (2003-2006) or Zentrum für Urbanes Wissen (2007), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM)*
The Plattform Wissensmanagement (PWM), hosted by the Know-Center of the Technical University Graz and formerly by the Wissenschaftszentrum Wien,1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Canadian Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice (KTECOP)
The Canadian Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice (KTECOP), formerly the Ontario Knowledge Transfer and Exchange Community of Practice,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training