Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev)
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Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev), formerly the Discussion Forum on Knowledge Management for International Development Organisations,1) is a community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches.
Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Local groups: Africa, Downunder, Austria, Bangladesh, Brazil, Brussles, Burkina Faso, SA-GE Burkina, Dakar, Ethiopia (Addis Ababa), India, Indonesia, Italia Nord, Nairobi, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Rome*, Russia*, South Africa, The Hague, Togo, United States, Zimbabwe (Harare), SIWA* (Comunidad Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Saberes Compartidos)
- Special Interest Groups: Youth Leadership Forum on Knowledge Management (start 2021); Decolonization of Knowledge working group; Ardans Unser Gruop, KM4Dev Knowledge Cafe Working Group; Online Peer Assist Experiments; An unusual suspect: the private sector in knowledge brokering in international development; Agenda Knowledge for Development; Experience Capitalization; KM4Dev Scholars; Collaborative Research; Disability Inclusive Development; Process Documentation method; KM4 Sustainable development; Technology for KM4DeV; Social media for Development; Knowledge Management in the United Nations System; SA-GE – KM4Dev Francophone; The Human Factor in KM4Dev; Mobile Technologies for KM4DeV; Cultural Intelligence; Human Rights Practice Knowledge; KM4Dev Research Sub-community
- Special Project/Event Groups: KS Toolkit working group; Knowledge Cafè Working Group; KM4Dev Ning Platform; KM4Dev Core Group; KM4Dev 2016 Vienna Event, IKM Emergent; KM4D Journal; KM Impact Challenge; Cross-Cutting Huddle; Gender Huddle; WASH IWRM huddle; Ag Huddle;…
- Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) Gathering/ Workshop*
- Knowledge Management for Development Online Open Space (KM4Dev OOS)*
- African KM4Dev Community Week, 25-29 March 2013, online
- Knowledge Management Impact Challenge unConference (KM Impact unConference), May 5-6, 2011, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Discovering measures that matter for knowledge management
(Hosted by the Knowledge-Driven Microenterprise Development (KDMD) project under the USAID Microenterprise Development (MD) office; Partners: Impact Alliance, Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev))
- Apr 2023: Shifting knowledge power: pathways towards more equity in learning processes (w. Asia-Pacific Evaluation Association and The Constellation)
(Déplacer le pouvoir de la connaissance: Quels chemins vers une plus grande équité dans les processus d’apprentissage?/Transferir el poder del conocimiento: ¿Qué pasos hacia una mayor equidad en los procesos de aprendizaje?)
- Would you like to have a KM MENTOR? Peer Mentoring Programme for KM practitioners (start: 2023; w. SIKM Leaders Community)
- Feb 2024: KM Peer Mentoring Pilot Debrief
- KM4Dev Young Leaders Forum Mentoring Program (start: 2023/24; 6 months)
KM4Dev Knowledge Cafés (monthly)
- Feb 2025: #40 KM4DEV-SIKM Mentoring Programme Debrief – Revision of the 2024-2025 KM4DEV-SIKM Mentoring Programme & launch of the 2025-2026 programme
- Dec 2024: #39 KM4DEV 25 in 25
- Aug 2024: #38 Leveraging Generative AI and Knowledge for Skills Development: Lessons from a World Bank Community Manager and Graduate Student Experiences in Africa (KM4Dev Young Leadership Forum)
- Jun 2024: #37 Person to Person: Regional and Country-Level KM Approaches from the Global Health Sphere (w. Global Health Knowledge Collaborative)
- Jun 2024: #36 Cultivating Communities of Practice: Breaking Knowledge Silos to Catalyze Culture Change and Unlock Innovation
- May 2024: #35 Write-shop to write your personal statement for the Agenda Knowledge for Development
- Apr 2024: #34 Mapping Local Knowledge for Sustainable Development
- Feb 2024: #33 Knowledge Driven for Development and Sustainable Growth (w. Tacitous)
- Nov 2023: #32 Equity in Knowledge Management: Definitions, Examples, and Tools (w. Global Health Knowledge Collaborative)
- Oct 2023: #31 KMGN HacKMthon 2023: Global Challenges, in collaboration with KM4Dev and RealKM
- Aug 2023: #30 The Value with Communities of Practice: Experiences from KM4Dev and Denmark CoPs (incl. Fishbowl conversation) (was planned to take place in Jul 2023)
- Jun 2023: #29 KM Practitioners: where do we stand vis-à-vis AI and ML? (incl. Fishbowl exercise)
- Mar 2023: #28 Useful applications of ChatGPT in knowledge work
- Dec 2022: #27 Multi-Donor Learning Partnership (MDLP): The Return on Knowledge & The Sharing of Experiences from Sister Knowledge Management Communities of Practice (Nethope, IFAD, Jhpiego) (End-of-year Celebrations)
- Oct 2022: #26 Knowledge Management for Development Challenges in Agriculture, Water and beyond
- Sep 2022: Multi-Donor Learning Partnership (MDLP): The Return on Knowledge (TBC)
- Jul 2022: #25 From knowledge injustice to knowledge justice: the role of KM4Dev (incl. a next day shorter summary session)
- Jun 2022: #24 Different Thinking in Knowledge Management
- Apr 2022: Writing (research) articles on Knowledge Management (KM) and KM4Dev: tips and tricks. Part 1
- Mar 2022: What is Conversational Leadership and how will you apply it?
- Feb 2022: What is Conversational Leadership and how will you apply it? (POSTPONED to March)
- Jan 2022: Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Knowledge Management (KM) (CANCELLED)
- Dec 2021: End of year celebrations
- Nov 2021: #14 (#21) 1st KM Masterclass (roundtable): Tools and techniques for revealing multiple knowledges (part of the KM4Dev ‘decolonization of knowledge’ toolkit)
- Oct 2021: #13 (#20) (Launch of the KM4DEV) Youth Leadership Forum on Knowledge Management
- Sep 2021: #12 (#19) Collaboration and facilitation republic: joining the silent revolution of Liberating Structures
- Aug 2021: #11 (#18) Opportunities and challenges in research and knowledge management for young people (precursor to the “Young Leadership Forum” Café #20)
- Jun 2021: #10 (#17) Discover the World Bank Group (WBG) Community of Practice Toolkit (CoP) Toolkit, a practical toolkit to help you build impactful Communities of Practice
- May 2021: #09 (#16) Decolonization of knowledge: an action plan for KM4Dev! (Asia, Australia, and Middle East focus)
- Apr 2021: #08 (#15) Decolonization of Knowledge: an action plan
- Mar 2021: #07 (#14) Knowledge retention as systems thinking
- Feb 2021: #06 (#13) Bringing peer assists online: let’s do it!
- Jan 2021: #05 (#12) Value creation in communities and networks
- Dec 2020: #04 (#11) Knowledge Management Changes in 2020 – KM4DEV in the Mirror
- Nov 2020: #03 Uncomfortable truths in development
- Oct 2020: #02 Knowledge, the gateway to space: The European Space Agency (ESA) Knowledge Management Initiative
- Sep 2020: #01 Capitalizing on online dialogue: building on the lessons learned from the Dgroups e-conference “Online collaborations, dialogue and interaction”
KM4Dev20years Pre-conference Knowledge Cafés
- Jun 2020: Decolonization of Knowledge (#7); Promoting Knowledge Management for Organizational Learning (#6); Knowledge Management Strategies in Organizations (#5); Organizational Learning and its linkages to Knowledge Management (was: Decolonization of Knowledge – postponed) (#4)
- May 2020: Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships: Connecting across disciplines and communities to remedy siloed thinking (#3); On-line Collaboration (#2); Re-visiting the recent KM4Dev discussion on “What is the role of Knowledge Management in a time of crisis – with specific reference to the current coronavirus/Covid-19 pandemic?” (#1)
CONVERSA Cafés del Conocimiento (en castellano)
- Jun 2022: Retos para llevar a cabo una estrategia de la gestión del conocimiento
- Mar 2022: #07 Desafíos recurrentes en el ámbito del trabajo de la gestión del conocimiento en programas sociales y ambientales (asistencia entre pares)
- Dic 2021: #06 Cómo retener conocimientos?
- Oct 2021: #06 CANCELLED
- Ago 2021: #05 Cómo asegurar que las reuniones en línea fomenten la participación y sean experiencias significativas para todos/as
- Jun 2021: #04 Experiencias y liderando conversaciones acerca de distintos aspectos de la Gestión del Conocimiento (GC)
- Abr 2021: #04 CANCELLED
- Feb 2021: #03 Ideas sobre las temáticas de los Cafés del Conocimiento
- Dec 2020: #02 Formas creativas para fomentar el intercambio de experiencias
- Oct 2020: #01 ¿Qué hemos aprendido de la colaboración virtual en los últimos 2 años desde la reunión de CONVERSA en Medellín, septiembre 2018?
Informal Discussions
- Feb 2025: Co-Designing Our Community KM4DEV Website
- Feb 2024: Discussion of KM4Dev-RealKM-K4DP contribution to UN Pact of the Future consultation
- Jan 2021: Knowledge Sharing (KS) Toolkit
- Mar 2021: Tech platform / structure recommendations for African Community of Practice
KM4Dev Informal Get-together
(monthly new members support, in conjunction with the KM4Dev core group meeting)
- Aug 2021 (Start) – … (shortly after start in 2021)
Networking Events
- Feb 2024: Campaigning for Knowledge: A Path to SDG Achievementt (w. Social Marketing Assocation of North America; Sustainable Communications) | Washington DC / Online
- Jan 2024: KM4Dev face-to-face micro-meeting | Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN), Cape Town, South Africa
- May 2023: Decolonization of knowledge: launching a new generation of knowledge management for sustainable development (w. Social Marketing Assocation of North America; was: Launch of the Special issue ‘Uncomfortable truths in international development’) | Washington DC / Online
Youth Leadership Forum (YLF; aka Youth Leaders Forum) Meetings
- May-Dec 2024: TBD
Apr 2024: TBD
Mar 2024: TBD
Feb 2024: Knowledge Management processes and Lessons Learned in the Oil Gas Industry
Jan 2024: TBD
Dec 2023: The first 90 days in the KM Journey
Nov 2023: Community Organizing and how to create impactful Communities of Practice
Oct 2023: meeting title n.a.
Aug 2022: Youth in dialogues (online; w. Dgroups Foundation)
Mar 2022: First KM4Dev YLF Meeting (online)
Oct 2021: Launch of the KM4DEV Youth Leadership Forum on Knowledge Management (online KM4Dev Knowledge Cafe)
Local Goup Meetings
- Dec 2017 (Austria): Implementation of Knowledge Management, Sharing and Learning in NGDOs: Good-Practice-Examples and exemplary IT-Tools (8th meeting)
Jan 2017 (Austria):…
Jan 2017 (Brussles): KM4dev gathering
Feb 2016 (Austria): Learning from Experience: HORIZONT3000 (3rd meeting)
Oct 2015 (Austria): Measurement and presentation of the effect of Knowledge Management: HORIZONT3000 (2nd meeting)
Jul 2015 (Austria): Inaugural meeting
Jun 2015 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 13th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Apr 2015 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 13th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Jul 2014 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 11th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
May 2014 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 10th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Jan 2014 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 9th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Oct 2013 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 8th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Jun 2013 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 7th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Apr 2013 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 6th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Dez 2012 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 5th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Oct 2012 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): Meet up with KM/comms folks from CGIAR and beyond + mesheta night!
Sep 2012 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 4th get-together (various topics on Knowledge Management for Development)
Jun 2012 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 3rd get-together (Topics: Social Media hands-on session; Knowledge Management Projects in Ethiopia follow-up; Knowledge Management/social media at IFPRI)
Apr 2012 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 2nd get-together (Topics: Social Media hands-on session; Knowledge Management Projects in Ethiopia; Knowledge Management in Development)
Mar 2012: AUGM 2012 (Ardans User Group Meeting), Paris
Jan 2012 (Addis Ababa & Ethiopia): 1st get-together
Oct 2011 (The Hague): Informal chat
Oct 2011 (Dakar): Monthly KM4Dev meet up
Oct 2011 (Nairobi): KM4Dev Meet-Up
Nov 2010 (Rome): KM4DEV Rome meets-up with the CGIAR ICT-KM team
Sep 2010 (Rome): Meeting with Edgar Tan: Lessons learned during his sabbatical that will be useful in his regular work
Jun 2010 (Rome): Social Media in the WSIS 2010
Feb 2010 (Rome): Social Media in for-profit organizations
Feb 2010 (The Hague): KM4Dev meet the Livelihoods experts
Oct 2009 (Rome): Knowledge Sharing: Getting Together to Do it Better
Sep 2009 (Rome): Experience and challenges with mainstreaming Knowledge Management strategy in multilateral/development agencies
Jun 2009 (Rome): ONE KNOWLEDGE, or knowledge sharing and learning within and across the UN; Brainstorming on a special event about online collaboration for international organizations
Apr 2009 (Rome): FAO knowledge networks review process
Mar 2009 (Rome): A discussion about how choosing and getting prepared to work with a Content Management System?
Feb 2009 (Rome): What about creating a regional KM practitioners group in Rome?
Monthly KM4Dev Core Group Meetings
- …
SIG Meetings
- KM4Dev Research Sub-community
Aug 2021 (1st meeting)