Open Knowledge, since 2015 part of the Bip Group, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Offers from Conference Providers
Educational and training opportunities in Knowledge Management offered by conference providers
Israel Knowledge Management Forum (Israel KM Forum)
The Israel(i) Knowledge Management Forum (Israel(i) KM Forum or IKMF; Hebrew: פורום ניהול הידע בישראל; Literally: Knowledge Management Forum in Israel), formerly the Forum of Knowledge Managers in Israeli Organizations (Israeli Knowledge Managers Forum; Hebrew: פורום מנהלי הידע בארגונים בישראל; Literally: Forum of Knowledge Managers in Organizations in Israel),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education
Terrapinn Holdings*
Terrapinn Holdings, formerly Terrapinn and AiC Worldwide, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement
Knowledge Management Austria – Institut für Wissensmanagement (English: Institute of Knowledge Management; short: KM Austria), formerly ‘Verein für Forschung, Entwicklung und Bildung im Wissensmanagement’,1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training