In this Information Age, industries that manage and provide services, information and knowledge – especially those that cannot be outsourced – will continue increasing in size and demand. To manage the 21st century enterprise, leaders need to be savvy in utilizing relevant technologies, engaging modern communications, effectively managing distant and diverse staff, and leveraging global
KMedu Orientation Sessions
Orientation sessions for Knowledge Management education and training opportunities
Schnuppertag im Master-Studium Wissensmanagement der Donau-Universität Krems
(©) Alle Interessierten am Master-Programm „Wissensmanagement MSc“ haben am 18. Juni 2008 die Möglichkeit, in einen laufenden Lehrgang „hineinzuschnuppern“ und sich so eine konkrete Vorstellung über das pädagogische Konzept, die Abläufe und Inhalte zu machen. Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, an einer Lehrveranstaltung zum Thema „Wissensgemeinschaften (Communities of Practice)“ teilzunehmen. –
Kent State Online Open House 7/2008: Online Options for Graduates in Information Architecture and Knowledge Management
(©) Students have a few online options in learning Knowledge Management at Kent State University: individual classes, a 6-class certificate program, or a 14-class master’s program. – Online Open House – Online KM Masters Degree and Certificate Program – Wednesday, July 9, 2008 (No login or