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Videos, audios and photos relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Knowledge Manager Career Guide & Interviews
Abstract: A knowledge manager ensures everyone in the organization has the information they need. A knowledge manager helps to create the processes and structures through which knowledge is recorded and shared. Knowledge managers work with key stakeholders, inside and outside the organization, to optimize the management and use of organizational knowledge.
Knowledge Broker Power in the AEC Industry
Abstract: Public Design Studio, dba Public Architecture, is a key founder in the contemporary social impact design movement. We offer a venue where architects and designers can work for the public good. Public Architecture provides the network and knowledge necessary to use the design of the built environment as a tool
Building careers in knowledge translation practice
Abstract: Are you interested in building a career in knowledge translation? Are you interested in learning more about the various roles for KT practitioners? Are you curious about tools and resources available to support your KT journey? Want to learn more about the competencies required for a KT career? We are here to help!