Abstract: By balancing the needs for autonomy and control, leaders of organisational communities of practice (OCoPs) play a central role in their effectiveness. This study aims to identify different OCoP leader profiles and analyse possible contingencies with various OCoP types. Using a qualitative methodology on a sample of 16 OCoPs from nine international organisations,
Journal Articles
Journal, magazine, and newsletter articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Knowledge Management (South Africa) Competency Framework
Abstract: Although South African organisations are beginning to implement KM more aggressively, there are still a variety of incoherent sectoral knowledge strategies. Therefore, their efforts have little impact on social outcomes. It is a common cause throughout the world that knowledge is an essential prerequisite for sustainable competitive advantage and development, and particularly as
Do Knowledge Managers need education AND/OR skills and experience?
Full text from publisher » Bruce Boyes: What’s
Shaping the Knowledge Management Profession
Abstract: Good companies have been managing knowledge for years, even if they didn’t use that term to describe their activities. The people who were helping to implement the process were de facto knowledge managers even if they didn’t have “knowledge” in their job titles. Vague boundaries surrounding the function did not prevent organizations and
Plattform Wissensmanagement – Stern im Wissensmanagement-Orbit
Zusammenfassung: Die Plattform Wissensmanagement – ein Stern im Wissensmanagement-Orbit Im Zeitalter des Wissensarbeiters spielt das Wissensmanagement (WM) eine zentrale Rolle im täglichen Umgang mit dem persönlichen sowie fremden Wissen. Den Weg und das Ziel nicht aus den Augen zu verlieren, zählen zu den größten Herausforderungen im täglichen Umgang mit Wissen. Zur Unterstützung von WM