Abstract: This paper focuses on the role of the departments of Library and / or Information Science (L/IS) in South African universities in the training of Knowledge Management (KM) competencies. A questionnaire was e-mailed to thirteen L/IS departments, of which 9 (69%) responded. All respondents showed great interest in KM as an L/IS competency. They
Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
Professionalization of Knowledge Management
Abstract: Although knowledge management is becoming increasingly recognized as a critical component in the operations of both public-sector and private-sector organizations, it has yet to attain the true status of a recognized profession for information and knowledge professionals. In order to determine the emerging boundaries of this potential profession, the authors analyze the roles
Knowledge Management Education in Digital Library Learning
Abstract: Knowledge management (KM) is one of the most engaging subjects in the modern knowledge-based economy, and many academic and professional disciplines have adopted KM education into their course programmes. Library and Information Science (LIS) is another academic discipline that has a lot to gain by incorporating the principles of KM. This paper aims
Specialization in IKMS for the Undergraduate CS Curriculum
Abstract: We describe our progress extending the undergraduate Computer Science (CS) curriculum to include a deep understanding of techniques for information and knowledge management systems (IKMS). In a novel five-course sequence, students build and work with techniques for data mining, information retrieval, and text analysis, and develop a large-scale IKMS project. We teach in
Development of the International Council on Knowledge Management
Abstract: The objective of this entry is to explore the fundamental nature of knowledge management by examining relevant definitions, concepts, instruments, and strategies. It also reports on the development of the International Council on Knowledge Management (ICKM). ICKM is a nonprofit informal grouping of academics and practitioners that started in 2004 in Singapore with