Abstract: The objective of this research project is to create a virtual environment to host a community of practice (CoP) through which students, alumni and KM practitioners can interact and share knowledge for continuous learning. The GSLIS KM CoP will provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and material covered in the
Miscellany Articles
Miscellany articles relevant to Knowledge Management education and the Knowledge Management career profile
ICICKM 2012: Mini Track on Teaching Knowledge Management
Mini Track on Teaching IC and KM Chair – Mustafa Sagsan 9th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning – ICICKM 2012, 18-19 October, Bogotá, Colombia Challenges and Opportunities: Designing and Delivering a 21st Century Knowledge Management Education Program | Bedford
Organizational knowledge integrators
Abstract: One of the challenges interorganisational collaborations face is the managing of knowledge transfer from one technological stage to another. This paper stresses that an organizational knowledge integrators can be an important partner in knowledge transfer in large R&D projects. The paper defines the knowledge integrators as partners in a project who utilize the
Roles, tasks, units, and activities for Knowledge Management
Abstract: In the last years,Knowledge Management(KM)studies have focused on the foundations of this “new managerial discipline”. Today, there is an increasing need to transform the theoretical speculations into managerial tools, and to find solutions to practical questions concerning daily KM activity. A key issue that still requires investigation regards the management of human resources
Knowledge Management Competencies for Nigerian Academic Librarians
Abstract: This paper aims to identify the competencies perceived to be essential for successful knowledge management applications in Nigerian academic libraries. The paper was guided by five specific objectives. A cross sectional survey approach was used for the study. Questionnaire was the main instrument to collect data from one hundred academic librarians who participated