European Conference on Social Media (ECSM)*

European Conference on Social Media (ECSM)*

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The European Conference on Social Media (ECSM) attracts academic scholars, public sector workers, practitioners and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of the social media industry. A number of journals are selecting papers from the conference for further development and publication.

2017, 2019-2020 with the Social Media in Practice Excellence Competition & Awards.

Conference History:

12th ECSM 2025, 22 – 23 May 2025, Porto, Portugal

(Host: ISCAP – Porto Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration, Polytechnic Institute of Porto)

    Conference program TBD

    Key Topics:
    Social Media and Society
    Social Media in Business
    Educational Uses of Social Media
    Social Media Analytics and Data Mining
    Policy and Ethical Issues
    Emerging Technologies

    Behind the Scroll: insights of the Social Media Era
    From Digital Violence to Disinformation on Social Media: A New Paradigm with Generative AI


    Mini Tracks:
    Social Media Data Storytelling Through Data Visualisation & Visual Analytics
    Enhancing Higher Education through Generative AI and Social Media Integration

11th ECSM 2024, 30 – 31 May 2024, University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom

(Host: Centre for Digital Cultures and Innovation, University of Brighton)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (1) (online; May 29)

    Establishing trust in an AI-driven economy
    Return to Virality: Contagion Theory in the Age of Social Media

    Families and Health
    Influencers and Education
    Climate Change, Politics and Comments/Discussions
    The Diversity of Social Media Research
    PhD and Masters Colloquium

    Mini Tracks:
    Social Media Challenges and Security
    e-Commerce and Digital Marketing in Social Media

10th ECSM 2023, 18 – 19 May 2023, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland / Virtual venue

(Host: Department of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Institute of Law and Economics, Pedagogical University of Krakow)

    Pre-conference workshops: (online; May 17)
    Social Media Data Analysis Using Leximancer & Synthesio: Exemplars from academic research

    Disinformation is Everywhere. Why Should we Change our Perspective on this Phenomenon?
    “I have a Smartphone, Therefore am I?” The Fear of Disconnection and the Link Between FOMO and Mobile Phone Overuse (CANCELLED)
    Brain Unconsciously Driven by Social Media. Is it bad or good and what can we do about it?

    Young People, Women and Non-Profit Organisations
    Influence and Motivation
    Wide Use of Social Media
    Accounting and Marketing
    PhD and Masters Colloquium
    Poster Session (physical, virtual, invited)

    Mini Tracks:
    Higher Education for a Generation of Digital Natives (CANCELLED)
    e-Commerce and Digital Marketing in Social Media
    Games as Social Media (CANCELLED)

9th ECSM 2022, 12 – 13 May 2022, Pedagogical University of Krakow, Krakow, Poland / Virtual venue

(Host: Department of Innovation and Social Entrepreneurship, Institute of Law and Economics, Pedagogical University of Krakow)

    Does an Organisation’s Presence on Social Media Platforms still Strengthen Brand Image?
    Social Media Today: Platforming Visibility, Recognition and Independence

    Education and Young People
    Marketing, Identity and Community (was: Identity and Community)
    PhD and Masters Colloquium
    Social Media Issues
    Social Media Networking and Government
    Posters (WIP Posters; Posters only)
    Social Media in Business
    Fake News and Security (CANCELLED)

    Mini Tracks:
    Change in Social Media Usage Patterns with Covid-19
    The influencer in social media. Who is that?
    Social Media Networking and Government (becomes STREAM)
    eWOM Communications: Trends and Determinants (CANCELLED)

8th ECSM 2021, 1-2 July 2021, University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus, Lancarna, Cyprus Virtual venue

(Host: Center of Interdisciplinary Science Promotion and Innovative Research Exploration (InSPIRE), University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus)

    Our Brains on Social: Neuro Research Insights on Social Media Usage
    Keynote 2 TBD

    Education; Innovitive uses of Social Media; Darker Side of Social Media; Children and Young People; Not for Profit and Privacy; Social Media for Businesses; University Context; Poster Session (Work in Progress Posters; Posters only); PhD Research Track

    Mini Tracks:
    Social Media Networking and Government
    Change in Social Media Usage Patterns with Covid-19

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 30)
    Collaborative Learning Objective Design for Blended Environments

    Social Media Quiz, Knowledge Cafe

7th ECSM 2020, 2-3 July 2020, University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus, Lancarna, Cyprus Virtual venue

(Host: Center of Interdisciplinary Science Promotion and Innovative Research Exploration (InSPIRE), University of Central Lancashire – Cyprus)

    How to engage and how to sell through social media; How Consumers are becoming influencers of a Brand

    Facebook; Social Media Networking in Government and Education; Health and Marketing; Postitves and Negatives of Social Networking; PhD and Masters Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:

    3rd Social Media in Practice Competition & Excellence Awards 2020 (CANCELLED)

    Social Media Quiz, Knowledge Cafe

6th ECSM 2019, 13 – 14 June 2019, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK

(Host: Brighton Business School, University of Brighton)

    When social media doesn’t work; Finding voices: The Role of Users in Generating Content that Works

    Politics; Education; Facebook; Social Media Marketing; Brands; Whatsapp; Teenagers and Parents; Corporate use of Social Media; Refugees; PhD Colloquium / PhD and Masters Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:
    Social Media Usage Patterns and Generations; Social Media Innovation; Re-Imagining a more Trustworthy Social Media Future; Social Media, e-Participation and the Global Citizen

    2nd Social Media in Practice Competition & Excellence Awards 2019

5th ECSM 2018, 21-22 June 2018, Limerick Institute of Technology, Limerick, Ireland

(Host: Information Technology Department, Limerick Institute of Technology)

    Listen to Learn: 7 Steps to learning about your audience using social listening; Your Social Media Controls Your Future

    Education; Evaluation; Business; Privacy and Security; News and Fake News; Online Harassment; Social Media For Health Issues; Music and Art; Retail; Developments in Social Media; Going Viral; Addiction; PhD Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:
    Brand Management and Social Media; Social Media and Online Teaching; Big Social Data Analytics

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 20)
    Big Social Network Analysis

4th ECSM 2017, 3-4 July 2017, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania

(Host: Institute of Communication, Mykolas Romeris University)

    Society in the cloud – what is the future of digitalization?; tba

    Social Media in Business; Communications; Ethical use of social media data; Social Media Innovation; Identity; NGOs and Crisis Management; Social Media and Government; PhD Colloquium / PhD and Masters Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:
    Big Social Data Analytics; Social Media in Education; Ethical use of social media data; Enterprise Social Media

    1st Social Media in Practice Competition & Excellence Awards 2017

3rd ECSM 2016, 12-13 July 2016, Ecole de Management de Normandie, Caen, France

(Host: Ecole de Management de Normandie)

    Researchers in Social Media, Businesses Need You!!!; Unlearning Learning with Social Media

    Social Media in Business; Education; Analysing Social Media; Monitoring and Privacy on Social media; Online Learning and Discussion; Industries using Social Media; The use of Twitter; Teaching and Supporting Students; Social Media and Emotions and Engagement; Social Media and Marketing; Web Communities; Phd Colloquium / Masters Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:
    Empowering Women Through Social Media; Drivers & Barriers of Social Media for Improved Organisational Performance; Role of Social Media in Blended Learning; Social Media and Innovation; Using Facebook

2nd ECSM 2015, 9-10 July 2015, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

(Host: School of Accounting and Administration, Polytechnic Institute of Porto)

    Where is the Wisdom we lost in knowledge: security issues and human relationships in social media; Vicarious Identity in the Networked Mind; Social Media in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges; Social Media: To be or not to be In the entrepreneurial XXI century

    Social Media during Crisis; Reputation and the Digital Footprint; Social Media Marketing; Adoption and Influence of Social Media; Engagement; e-Learning; Personal Infomation Online; Evaluation and Analysis; Social Tools; Evaluation and Analysis; Social Tools; PhD Colloquium / Masters Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:
    Business Use of Social Media; Social Media Technologies for Learning and Teaching; Monitoring Social Media; Social media in teacher education; Social Media and Public Safety; The Rise of the Networked Citizen; Social media and innovation; Social Media and Consumer Empowerment

1st ECSM 2014, 10-11 July 2014, University of Brighton, Brighton, UK

(Host: Brighton Business School, University of Brighton)

    The evolution of research on social media; Towards Smarter Socially Mediated Conversations; Taking Education into Cyberspace – Chaos, Crisis and Community

    Opportunities and Challenges; Cultural Dimensions and Virtual Learning Commons; Social Media in Marketing; Twitter; Entertainment; Social media applications; Online learning; In the classroom; Higher Education; Social Informatics; Facebook; Monitoring and verification; Knowledge sharing/management; Digital games and the Digital Age; PhD Colloquium; Poster Session

    Mini Tracks:
    Social media and innovation; eParticipation and Democracy; Social Network Analysis

    Pre-conference events: (Jul 9)
    Student Social Media Showcase; Seminar on Mixed Methods Research

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