European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)*
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The European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Conference of the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)**
Conference History:18th ECLO Int’l Conference 2011, TBD
Conference CANCELLED
17th ECLO Int’l Conference 2010, May 12-14, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Theme: Learning Excellence, a Survival Guide in Troublesome Times
(Partners: EU Leonardo Projects Ti-SAETO and Trans-SAETO (Successful Quality Development by/using by Self-Assessment For Educational and Training Organisations))-
Knowledge Speaker CafeConference Presentations:
Building Sustainable Communities Of Performance
Optimism, Pessimism And Realism – Has Learning Lost Its Way?
Demystifying Virtual Communities of Practice : A Case Study of IBM
Excellence in Public Administration – EFQM Aside of Turnover and Profit
Operational Excellence and Learning – How On-the job Learning Can Make a Real Difference
The Learning Challenges Of Implementing A Sustainable Development Strategy
The Leader’s Role In The Creation Of A Learning Organisation And The Innovation Process – The Example of Estonian Enterprises
Self-Assessment for Education & Training Education
In Troublesome Times, A “Keeping On” Paradigm Ultimately Leading To Career Legacies
From Custard Factory to Cable Factory – Reflections on Experience Exchanges Between Creative Cities
Development Of Business Schools Into Learning Organisations
Learning Challenges in a Multi-Generation Context
Learning Excellence – A Benchmarking Approach
Organisational Learning and Organisational Excellence: Two Sides of the Same Coin
The Awakening of Organisations: Excellence as a Challenge for Higher Education Institutions
Learning and Growth in Creative Industries
Self Assessment For Educational and Training Organisations
Learning Organisations : The Next Generation
Best Practices in Customizing In-house Training Courses
Balancing Organisational Learning
From Dusk 2 Dawn Magazine
Innovative Learning – How the Sony Playstation Can Add Value in Learning Job Competences in VET16th ECLO Int’l Conference 2009, June 18-19, 2009, Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Vitality in Organisations – Fit Until the Finish
(Host: KPC Groep)-
Conference program n.a.
Keynotes: (2)
The Quacks of Consultancy
Eldership and Rejuvenation
The Art of Living in Organisations: Organising as a Dance
Art – Disturbingly Potent Fertiliser for Organisations
…n.a.Results of EU-funded projects:
Using Wireless Technologies for Context Sensitive Education & Training
VISIBLE – Competencies for Project Managers in Regional Development Agencies around Europe15th ECLO Int’l Conference 2008, May 15-16, 2008, Budapest, Hungary
Conference Theme: Never Stop Asking – The Age of LifeLong Learning
(Host: Society for Organizational Learning (Hungary))-
Conference program n.a.
Key Themes:
Fostering Sustainable Learning
Emerging Tools and Approaches that will shape the future of LifeLong Learning
The Role of Mobile Technologies in LifeLong Learning
LifeLong Learning and it’s Impact on Society
Standards and Qualifications in the Context of LifeLong Learning
National Perspectives on LifeLong Learning from France, USA and HungarySpecial Stream:
The Role of Mobile Technologies in European LearningPresentations:
The learning organisation and the facilitation of lifelong learning: a social software approach
Mobile learning in 2008
Lifelong learning and mobility in Europe: the role of qualifications frameworks
Enhancing the flexibility of distance education through mobile learning
From learning to earning
Intergrating m-learning within life long learning experiences
Planning and developing major contributions to a city’s regeneration programme – the Health Academy story
The role of entrepreneurship education
M-learning @ Corvinus University of Budapest
Public sector investment and the impact on economic development and sustainable communities
A mission possible? Ethical and successful business for a sustainable world!
The challenges of lifelong learning for the second part of a manager’s professional life: reflections about the present case in France
Learning from lifelong learning: a historical perspective in the USA
Nations as learning organisations – the case of Hungary
The learning practice
Triplex e-learning – towards an e-learning framework for the learning organization
New competencies for radical changes to foster sustainable learning
The magical world of Dr Klutz
Management lessons from the battle of Waterloo14th ECLO Int’l Conference 2007, May 30 – June 1, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland
Conference Theme: Learning Organisations in the 21st Century: Reflecting, Refining and Reshaping an Essential Strategy
(Host: Glasgow Caledonian University Business School)-
Conference program n.a.
13th ECLO Int’l Conference 2006, May 22-23, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Theme: Creating the Capacity for Change
(Host: European Corporate Universities and Academies Network (ECUANET) and Odyssey)-
Conference program n.a.
Managing Learning and Knowledge Translation in Cross Border Supplier Relationships: Work-in-Progress-Paper
The Estonian School Between Organizational Learning and Unlearning
Transition Towards Becoming a Learning Organisation – the Current Situation in Estonian Companies
…n.a.12th ECLO Int’l Conference 2005, May 23-24, 2005, Birmingham, UK
Conference Theme: Transformation, the Ultimate Learning Process
(Host: Millennium Point Birmingham and the University of Central England)-
Birmingham, transformation country
Transformation : the ultimate process?
Transformation, the missing linkDeveloping Managers to Become Transformational Agents:
Who are the high transformation potential executives to develop a true learning oriented company?
Corporate governance in practiceTransforming the Individual to Transform the Organisation:
Transforming emotion to develop organisational strategy
The power of ideograms and symbolism in enabling transformation
Opening minds to the value of knowledge management.Knowledge Management as a Transformational Tool:
Multimedia interaction for learning and knowing in organisation and communities
Integrated Item Intelligence
Learn to find the Entrepreneur in You: How creative communication transforms confidenceTransforming the Organisation:
Using instructional design to facilitate learning to innovate in business
The impact of bottom up implementation of an intellectual capital account on individual and organisational learning processes
The transformational role of KnowledgeBoard – exploring the opportunities, togetherTools and Measurement:
Creating a new organisational paradigm
Towards an Appropriate Organisational Style / Thinking Beyond the FactsThe Knowledge Worx Swap Shop: what we have learned during this conference and how it can transform us…
11th ECLO Int’l Conference 2004, May 24-25, 2004, Dublin, Ireland
Conference Theme: Leadership for Learning – Collaborative Learning
(Host: Brewing Skillnet and Skillnets)-
Leading through Collaboration. Lessons Learned in the Skillnets ProjectPLENARY: Leading through Collaboration revisited or…
– The Deidesheimer Kreis”® peer learning concept for leaders
– ECLO’s communities of practice and how they relate to you
– learning = sharing
Putting Inspiration into Practice: a VisualisationLeading Strategic Learning:
Enabling Strategic Learning Comparative analysis
The development and influence of the People Development Coach (PDC) Role
The Learning Organisation SCAN
Creating conditions for effective e-learning in SME’s
Learning by Collaboration
The Knowledge Entrepreneur
The strategic evolution of the LO
CAPF- Synergy of Lifelong Learning
Accreditation, Authenticity and the Vertical Sandwich
Implementing LO development process within a company, a key to operational successLearning Process Innovation:
Exchange Methodology
The strategic imperative of accelerated learning
Broadband for Business, Broadband for learning: innovative ways to learn at work
Mentoring at Janssen Pharmaceutical
Informal learning as a dimension of learning at work
Doing by Learning – an integrated approach to middle management training
Virtual Design for Manufacturability WorkshopConcepts:
Semiotic Learning – a social semiotics perspective to organisational learning innovation
Antecedents and Components of Organizational LearningLearning in Learning to Learn:
Read Write Now
REAL – a Rich Environment for Active Learning10th ECLO Int’l Conference 2003, May 22-24, 2003, Dortmund, Germany
Conference Theme: Learning from Crisis, Learning for Crisis – How Can an Organisation Prepare itself and its Members
(Host: German Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition (DASA); sfs Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund (Social Research Centre))-
Getting the picture – how organisations learn for crisis:
Conference Opening: Crises are great!
German Railway – Deutsche Bahn AG
Destination Customer. How to implement profound changes in Dutch Railway
Panel Discussion – Q & ALiving the reality:
Crisis as a balance between learning and unlearning /Who profits from learning
About the mechanisms of crisis and ways to handle them
Case based Crisis Game that will fully exploit the conference venue, i.e. the ‘German Occupational Safety Exhibition’Understanding the building blocks:
Learning networks? Organisations learning in networks
Scenarios: making sense of crises
Being prepared: business excellence and the learning organisation
Learning about lessons learningRecent Developments in Learning Organisations:
Mass customisation and vocational education and training
Facing up to the learning organisation challenge
Global Change EU activities
The role of the board of directors in company transformationManagement and Leadership:
Leadership for Learning
The Stumbling Stone Project Revisited – New roles for middle managers
Building the framework: revisiting lessons learnt9th ECLO Int’l Conference 2002, May 16-18, 2002, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference Theme: Delivering Learning in the Workplace – When the Learning Organisation Becomes a Knowledge Factory
(Host: n.a.)-
Conference program n.a.
8th ECLO Int’l Conference 2001, May 16-18, 2001, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: The Discovery of the Learning Organisation: The New Management Frontier
(Host: Global Change Consultores Internacionais Associados)-
Keynotes: (2)
The Living Company in the New Economy
Thoughts, Tools, TestimonialsPresentations:
Portfolios as Developmental Assessment Tools
IntraLearn TM (online learning platform)
The KITS Project, Creating a knowledge management learning simulation
E-learning as a Tool for Knowledge Management in Organisations
MAGIC Project: Measuring and Accounting Intellectual Capital in Organisations
Are Universities Learning Organisations?Tools:
HAROLD and The Learning Path
Links between organisations and universities in support of individual and organisational learning
Creating More Effective Print Companies
Learning Support for Small Businesses (LSSB)
Implemantation of E-Learning systems: lessons learnt
ENLOS, a polycentric network promoting LO discovery
Integrated Local Development through Learning Partnerships
Creating an SME Learning Network for Hampshire and The Isle of WightTestimonials:
How to Configure Your Corporate University for Success
SMEs discovery of Learning Organisation
A Jungian View on the Learning Organisations
MAGIC Project: Measuring and Accounting Intellectual Capital in Organisations
What kind of leadership to succeed in building a L.O.?
Developing Local Learning Networks
A Journey Across The Sea Of Possibilities To Discover Entirely New Learning
E-Learning, Knowledge Management and Innovation in Entrepreneurship TrainingTraclk 4:
Beyond Contracting: Strategic Relationship Management-in-Action
GOA-Trigonum: An easily implementable SME support for Business Excellence (EFQM)
The Unlearning OrganisationExecutive panel (Roundtable)
Open Space
Pre-conference Workshops:
Enhancing the Learning (May 15)7th ECLO Int’l Conference 2000, May 17-19, 2000, Munich, Germany
Conference Theme: The Future for Learning Organisations
(Host: the Munich Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Allianz, Kenniscentrum CIBIT, Deutsche Telekom AG)-
Plenary Sessions:
Cooperation between universities and business necessary
Creating a Knowledge Market
The Future for Learning Organisations (was: How to build organizations worthy of people’s commitment?)
Deutsche Telekom as a learning organisation: How HRD promotes the change process
Transformation of IBM into a learning organisationThe Future of Technology in support of the Learning Organisation:
Inter-logics, an approach and methods for achieving fast, collaborative cross boundary working and joint process deployment
Knowledge management solutions for creative environments
The Career Fitness Center
Towards a methodology for effective web-based learning
A practical tool for identifying ‘quality’ ICT learning materials to enhance lifelong and organisational learningThe Future of Learning:
Pedagogical innovations in thinking and learning organisations
Views on organisational learning from a Jungian perspective
Patterns Perceptions and Mental Models
Perceptions of improving competitiveness through utilising the Learning Organisation concept
Brain Smart Tools for LearningThe Future of Tools to support Learning Organisation implementation:
Using Fables as a Learning Tools
The 5 Mode (role) Conflict’ model
Conquering the Corporate University Paradigm
Beyond Document Management towards Community Support
How organisations learn. A quality route to the learning organisations. EFQM at BWH
TANGO – Monitoring Intellectual AssetsThe Future of Learning Communities – issues and lessons from practice:
Influencing Factors on Lifelong Learning in Learning Oriented Organisations: The European Experience
Towards a new learning-oriented leadership
Birmingham Organisational Learning Network
Developments and dilemnas in promoting learning in UK National Health Service
Delivery of Learning in a Large Organisation
How can Language, as the manifestation of culture, influence a L.O.?
DE-CONDITIONING How to learn to forget?
Creating a space for sharing knowledge and learning- the CEDRA project
The value of humane dialogues at workplaces
Trust as a key issue in inter-organisational learning
Researching learning in a partnership context: the methodological challenges
Work in progress: developmental studies towards learning organisations
The Birmingham Learning City SurveyWorkshops:
DE-CONDITIONING How to learn to forget?
TANGO – Monitoring Intellectual AssetsSite Visits:
The future of Manufacturing (BMW Manufacturing Plant)
Living with an uncertain future (Allianz Technology Center)
The future of the media (Bayerischer Rundfunk)6th ECLO Int’l Conference 1999, May 18-20, 1999, Glasgow, Scotland
Conference Theme: Building Learning Organisations: Tools and Techniques
(Host: Glasgow Development Agency; Glasgow Learning Alliance)-
Building Learning Organisations
Lessons learntLearning Organisations and SMEs:
Entrepreneurial Learning & the Role of Mentoring: The Renfrewshire Experience
Why not treat knowledge as a can of beans?
Learning Works
ICT and SMEs: Coaching to address mental models
Can SMEs and Research Institutes co-operate?
WorkshopTools & Techniques:
Changing Management Attitudes
Implementing Performance Assessment Instruments in Organisations
Intrinsic Motivation: the key to learning within an organisation
Valuation of Human Performance
Intranet as a vehicle for in-company training : a European perspective” .Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning:
Enhancing Operational Knowledge Management: Diagnostics, Tools & Techniques
The EU’s IT & Learning in Industry Programme – a knowledge and learning infrastructureLearning Organisations and Quality:
Learning Transfer to Outside Organisations
Evaluating TQMOrganisational Learning:
Replacing Barriers with Access
Changing Organisations using Metaphors
The Role of Informal Learning in the Learning Organisation
Coaching for Human Resources
The Glasgow Excellence Network
Teams are the real change leaders
Practices and Tools of Organizational Learning: From Theory to Practice
Strategic Profile of Intellectual Capital Efficiency (SPICE)
SOLN – where we’ve got to and where we’re going
The Role of HRD within organisations in creating opportunities for lifelong learning
TBDLearning Organisations in Practice:
The Design Process: Professional behaviour and developing LO principles in a University
The City as a Learning Organisation ?
A Passion for Learning
Open Folio
Engendering Corporate Scholarship – A Learning Organisation Process
Building a Learning Organisation – ScottishPower’s Experience
The Glasgow Learning Inquiry – making lifelong learning a reality in Glasgow
Turn your corporate training centre into an efficient LO development tool: the experience of the French ACCOR Academy
Glasgow City Council’s Learning Map
Intranet Based Learning – Providing access for Health Service employees
Group Learning Processes at Initiative Media
Competency Management
IBM Global Campus
The European Patent Office: An example of a lifelong learning system
Using an interactive learning platform – taking an extensive qualification programme within personnel management as an ex.Learning Communities:
Learning Communities
ParlEuNet: a Pan-European Experimental Learning CommunityDiagnostic Tools:
Understanding as an igniter of learning power
Benchmark your Company: How close is it to the Learning Organization?
The Learning Audit
…n.a.5th ECLO Int’l Conference 1998, May 18-20, 1998, Turin, Italy
Conference Theme: Learning Organisations In A Learning Society
(Host: United Nations Staff College; International Training Centre, International Labour Organization)-
Organisational Capabilities:
Creating The CEO’s Vision To Launch A Learning Organisation Process Within His Company
The Value Of Pragmatic, Rather Than Routine Ways Of Organising
Conflict As A Valuable Resource In Organisational Learning
Partnership And The Learning OrganisationS.M.E.:
SME Learning Organisations
Developing The Role Of The ‘Boundary-Spanner’ In Entrepreneurial Learning Organisations
Developing Learning Networks For Small BusinessesLifelong Learning/Values:
Are We A Brain Compatible L.O. Or Simply A Brain Antagonistic L.O.
Lifelong Learning – A Vision For The Future
Learning Organisation In A Learning Society
Towards Lifelong Learning: Challenges For The Present Vet-SystemIndividual Learning:
Learning Organisations And Human Resource Development
The Learning Network
The Individual As A Learning Organisation
TA KE TI NATechnology:
Creating A Technology Supported Learning Environment: Results From The EduCase Project
Will organisations survive learning in networks?
A Network Of Relationships
The Potential Of Broadcast Telecommunications As An Aid To Organisational Learning
Experience With Checkpoint – A Competence Assessment SystemLearning Communities / Networks:
Creating Learning Communities In A School
Learning and Remembering In Partnerships
Emergent Learning Fora
The Heart Of Learning Organisation Project (H.O.L.O.)
The Reformation Of Education, Work And Livelihood: The Co-Creation Of The Learning Society
Learning For Change
Rethinking Organisations Through Shared Representations
Design An Experimentation With New Management Tools For Adapting The Adult Population To Employment Changes
The Learning Manifesto
Supporting learning communities to develop intellective skills: a prerequisite for LOs and a learning societyWorkshops: (?)
The International Training Centre as a Learning Organisation4th ECLO Int’l Conference 1997, May 18-20, 1997, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference Theme: Leading Learning Organisations Into The 21st Century
(Host: n.a.)-
The Stumbling Stone Project
Learning to keep Ahead of Change
A Methodology for Generating Feedback in the Construction Industry
Organisational learning and inter-firm `partnering’ in the UK construction industry
Intelligent Organisation and Organisational Learning: Complexity, emergence and development possibilities
Emergence Methodology: learning from complexity
Paradox – the inherent nature of organisational learning
The Learning Organisation as a vibrant network
Collaborative Technologies and Organizational Learning
Strategy Driven and Intentionally Managed Learning Organisation
Lonesome cowboys and other professionals: tools and ideas for developing a learning organisation of professionals
Learning with Telematics
Annies’ Tale: using NVQ standards to create learning in practice in a small business
Entrepreneurial Learning and the Growth process in Small and Medium Enterprises
Developing The Learning Manager: The Challenge for the Learning Organisation in the 21st century
Organizational Learning in the public sector – two roads diverged
The learning organisation as a means of organisational innovation
Learning and learning to forget: how SMEs across Europe describe the ways in which they learn
The benefits of a knowledge culture
Using Networked IT for organisational learning
Using an evaluation model to measure organisation’s ability for self-renewal – a case study of a small and medium sized Finnish company
Manufacturing SMEs as learning organisations: Insights for practitioners on effective intervention strategies
Knowledge Management in Practice
Mutuality – the role of social dialogue in human resource development
Cross-disciplinary, cross-cultural and cross-boundary initiatives and networks in the field of organisational learning and the learning organisation
The role of the emotional climate in learning organisations
Information support for small to medium-sized enterprises’ export planning: from data provision to learning
Networks of SMEs as learning organisations: concepts and analytical tools
Barriers to Professional Learning
The Ecology of Learning: Creating the Learning Organization at Anglian Water
Measuring an organizations’ intellectual capital
Why is it that many people do not trust new ideas even when they have experienced them for themselves?
Growing organisational learning in Glaxo Wellcome, Germany
Overcoming resistance and implementing change to become a true `learning organisation’
Small Organisations in Learning Societies – an examination of smaller enterprises as learning organisations
Developing the Smaller sized learning organisation – a role for universities
Learning in Malaysia
Practical tools for Empowered Team Learning
Dynamic Capability Building, organisational learning and regenerative routines: conceptual issues and some practical examples
Leverage Points for Learning Investment
Change processes into a lifelong learning company
Assessment of Organizational Learning Using Learning Histories
Introducing a learning approach into the French management education system: a double challenge for the business schools and universities
Conceptual Frameworks beyond the learning organisation
The System Knows – participative project management in teams
The learning organisation: work process knowledge and the education of professionals in vocational education and training
Dialectics of the learning organisation
A learning organisation approach to partnerships
A Strategy for Focusing Learning on Customer Service: an industry example
Training and formation for organizational and/or individual learning: which feasible compromise?
The Knowledge Game: Joseph Kessels3rd ECLO Int’l Conference and Exhibition 1996, May 18-20, 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Growth through Learning
(Host: Dansk Industri)-
From individual learning to group learning
Introducing Organisational Learning in a medium-size firm
Learning as a Corporate Marketing Strategy
Organisational learning to Learning organisations: transforming rhetoric to reality
A model of knowledge transfer and evaluation
Aqua Universitas. the unique transnational university of water
The Learning Organisation in practice
Knowledge, learning and learning organisations
The empowered individual: an approach to implementing L.O.
Organisation as an open, self-renewing system
The Learning Organisation Meme: emergence of a management replicator
Self-managing learning groups
Best practices in Learning Organisations
Wake-up call for a sleepy Swiss Giant
The role of the emotional climate in L.O.
Do L.O. characteristics lead to organisational learning outcome? An analysis of 70 companies
Benchmarking in L.O.: the Danish experience
Learning from mistakes: how indidviduals and organisations need to learn from intelligent errorsTopic Tables:
n.a.Working groups meet to plan 1996-1998 actions
2nd ECLO Int’l Conference 1995, May 17-19, 1995, Warwick, UK
Conference Theme: Best Practices in Learning Organisations: Measuring the reality
(Host: Rover)-
Conference program n.a.
1st ECLO Int’l Conference 1994, May 16-18, 1994, La Hulpe, Belgium
Conference Theme: Learning Organisations: Innovations – Initiatives
(Host: IBM)-
Conference program n.a.
- …
- Sep 2007: In Search of Creative Leadership (with Leicester Business School)
- …
- Dec 1997: Building the Learning Organisation (with Scottish Campaign for Learning)
- Nov 1997: The school as a learning organisation (with Welsh Joint Education Committee Cardiff)
- Nov 1994: On the Job Learning for more Effective Performance
- Nov 1993: Learning Organisations Practices
- Sep 1993: Change Agents, Excellence and Competencies
- Mar 2009: Challenges and Opportunities When Facing an Ageing Workforce – A Learning Perspective (with the VOV Flemish Learning Network)
- Feb 2007: People – A Source of Unlimited Knowledge Content (with Henley Knowledge Management Forum)
- Nov 2006: People – a Source of Unlimited Knowledge Content (in conjunction with Knowledge & Content Europe (KC Europe) conference)
- Sep 2006: Creating the Capacity for Change – Public Sector Seminar (LifeTree and Glasgow Caledonian University Business School)
- Nov 2004: E.C.L.O. Sessions @ KM Europe, 10 November 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(in conjunction with the KM Europe 2004 Exhibition & Communities Programme) - Nov 2003: E.C.L.O. Sessions @ KM Europe, 11 November 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(in conjunction with the KM Europe 2003 Exhibition & Association Programme)-
Sessions: Knowledge Management: Problem or Solution? (presentations); Knowledge Management and Learning: tools, cases and experiences (presentations); Towards a European Community on Corporate Learning (panel discussion)
E.C.L.O. Communities of Practices (CoP)1)
- The Production of Knowledge : A Process Oriented Approach
- e-Learning implementation. Design of e-Learning content
- Technology in support of the HRD process
- Design and Management of Corporate & Enterprise Academies
- Knowledge Management Mapping
- E-Learning Project Management
- Animating and Managing Communities
- Implementation of Complex Management Initiated Change Projects
- Knowledge Management & Communities of Practice
Projects with E.C.L.O. involvement
- SME Learning Networks
- Knowledge and Learning Infrastructure (KALIF)
- Business Gaming Methods for Developing Competence in Knowledge Management (KITS)
ECLO Conference Awards
- ECLO Academic Award
- 2010:
Winner – Hans-Werner Franz (Dortmund University of Technology, Germany)
Worthy of mention – Alaa Garad (Middlesex University, Dubai) - 2009:
Winner – Rene Brohm (University of Amsterdam)
Worthy of Mention – Gabor Kismihok (University of Corvinno, Budapest) - …
- 2006:
Winner – Ton Bruining (KPC Group)
Merit Distinction – Malcolm Higgs (Henley Management College), Richard Dealtry (IPC)
- 2010:
- ECLO Practitioner Award
- 2010:
Winner – Diane Doyon + Jacques Limoges (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada)
Worthy of mention – Mireille Boonstra-Kints (KPC Groep, Netherlands) - 2009:
Winner – Judy Nix (Ericsson)
Worthy of Mention – Ton Bruining (KPC Groep) - …
- 2006:
Winner – Barrie Oxtoby
Merit Distinction – Veda Suraj & Bharathi Rao (Infosys), Sandeep Dua & Sambit Mohapatra (NIIT Ltd)
- 2010:
- ECLO Impact Award
- 2010:
Winner – Dan Lamoon and Jon Prest (From Dusk To Dawn, UK)
Worthy of mention – Józefa Fawcett (OFQT Ltd, UK) - 2009:
Winner – Anita Pickerden (Bournville College)
Worthy of Mention – Jill van de Kerkhof & Marene van den Enk (Oasen) - …
- 2006:
Winner – Tim Andrews (StretchCoaching)
Merit Distinction – Bianka Lichtenberger (Malik Management Centre), Sandeep Dua & Sambit Mohapatra (NIIT Ltd)
- 2010: