European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)*
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European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Conference of the European Consortium for the Learning Organisation (ECLO)**
Conference History:
18th ECLO Int’l Conference 2011, TBD
Conference Program TBD
17th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 12-14, 2010, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Theme: Learning Excellence, a Survival Guide in Troublesome Times
(in partnership with the EU Leonardo Projects Ti-SAETO and Trans-SAETO (Successful Quality Development by/using by Self-Assessment For Educational and Training Organisations)-
Knowledge Speaker Cafe16th June 18-19, 2009, Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Vitality in Organisations – Fit Until the Finish
(Host: KPC Groep)-
15th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 15-16, 2008, Budapest, Hungary
Conference Theme: Never Stop Asking – The Age of LifeLong Learning
(Host: Society for Organizational Learning (Hungary))-
Stream: The Role of Mobile Technologies in European Learning
14th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 30 – June 1, 2007, Glasgow, Scotland
Conference Theme: Learning Organisations in the 21st Century: Reflecting, Refining and Reshaping an Essential Strategy
(Host: Glasgow Caledonian University Business School)-
13th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 22-23, 2006, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Theme: Creating the Capacity for Change
(Host: European Corporate Universities and Academies Network (ECUANET) and Odyssey)-
12th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 23-24, 2005, Birmingham, UK
Conference Theme: Transformation, the Ultimate Learning Process
(Host: Millennium Point Birmingham and the University of Central England)-
Birmingham, transformation country
Transformation : the ultimate process ?Themes:
Developing Managers to Become Transformational Agents; Transforming the Individual to Transform the Organisation; Knowledge Management as a Transformational Tool; Transforming the Organisation; Tools and Measurement;Engagements:
Transformation, the missing link11th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 24-25, 2004, Dublin, Ireland
Conference Theme: Leadership for Learning – Collaborative Learning
(Host: Brewing Skillnet and Skillnets)-
Putting Inspiration into Practice: a Visualisation
Leading through Collaboration. Lessons Learned in the Skillnets ProjectLeading through Collaboration revisited or…
– The Deidesheimer Kreis”® peer learning concept for leaders
– ECLO’s communities of practice and how they relate to you
– learning = sharingThemes:
Leading Strategic Learning; Learning Process Innovation; Concepts; Learning in Learning to Learn; Learning Process Innovation10th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 22-24, 2003, Dortmund, Germany
Conference Theme: Learning from Crisis, Learning for Crisis – How Can an Organisation Prepare itself and its Members
(Host: German Occupational Safety and Health Exhibition (DASA); sfs Sozialforschungsstelle Dortmund (Social Research Centre))-
Getting the picture – how organisations learn for crisis; Living the reality; Understanding the building blocks; Recent Developments in Learning Organisations; Management and Leadership9th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 16-18, 2002, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference Theme: Delivering Learning in the Workplace – When the Learning Organisation Becomes a Knowledge Factory
(Host: ?)-
8th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 16-18, 2001, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: The Discovery of the Learning Organisation: The New Management Frontier
(Host: Global Change Consultores Internacionais Associados)-
The Living Company in the New EconomyThemes:
Thoughts; Tools; TestimonialsExecutive panel (Roundtable)
Open Space
Pre-conference Workshops: Enhancing the Learning (May 15)
7th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 17-19, 2000, Munich, Germany
Conference Theme: The Future for Learning Organisations
(Host: the Munich Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Allianz, Kenniscentrum CIBIT, Deutsche Telekom AG)-
Cooperation between universities and business necessary
The Future for Learning Organisations (was: How to build organizations worthy of people’s commitment?)
Transformation of IBM into a learning organisation
Deutsche Telekom as a learning organisation: How HRD promotes the change processPlenary Session:
Creating a Knowledge MarketThemes:
The Future of Technology in support of the Learning Organisation; The Future of Learning; The Future of Tools to support Learning Organisation implementation; The Future of Learning Communities – issues and lessons from practice; The Future of Learning Communities – issues and lessons from practiceWorkshops:
DE-CONDITIONING How to learn to forget?
TANGO – Monitoring Intellectual AssetsSite Visits:
The future of Manufacturing (BMW); Living with an uncertain future (Allianz); The future of the media (Bayerischer Rundfunk)6th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 18-20, 1999, Glasgow, Scotland
Conference Theme: Building Learning Organisations: Tools and Techniques
(Host: Glasgow Development Agency and Glasgow Learning Alliance)-
5th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 18-20, 1998, Turin, Italy
Conference Theme: Learning Organisations In A Learning Society
(Host: International Labor Organization (ILO))-
4th ECLO Int’l Conference, May 18-20, 1997, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference Theme: Leading Learning Organisations Into The 21st Century
3rd ECLO Int’l Conference, May 18-20, 1996, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Growth through Learning
(Host: Dansk Industri)-
2nd ECLO Int’l Conference, May 17-19, 1995, Warwick, UK
Conference Theme: Best Practices in Learning Organisations: Measuring the reality
(Host: Rover)-
1st ECLO Int’l Conference, May 16-18, 1994, La Hulpe, Belgium
Conference Theme: Learning Organisations: Innovations – Initiatives
(Host: IBM)-
- …
- Sep 2007: In Search of Creative Leadership (with Leicester Business School)
- …
- Dec 1997: Building the Learning Organisation (with Scottish Campaign for Learning)
- Nov 1997: The school as a learning organisation (with Welsh Joint Education Committee Cardiff)
- Nov 1994: On the Job Learning for more Effective Performance
- Nov 1993: Learning Organisations Practices
- Sep 1993: Change Agents, Excellence and Competencies
- Mar 2009: Challenges and Opportunities When Facing an Ageing Workforce – A Learning Perspective (with the VOV Flemish Learning Network)
- Feb 2007: People – A Source of Unlimited Knowledge Content (with Henley Knowledge Management Forum)
- Nov 2006: People – a Source of Unlimited Knowledge Content (in conjunction with Knowledge & Content Europe (KC Europe) conference)
- Sep 2006: Creating the Capacity for Change – Public Sector Seminar (LifeTree and Glasgow Caledonian University Business School)
- Nov 2004: E.C.L.O. Sessions @ KM Europe, 10 November 2004, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(in conjunction with the KM Europe 2004 Exhibition & Communities Programme) - Nov 2003: E.C.L.O. Sessions @ KM Europe, 11 November 2003, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(in conjunction with the KM Europe 2003 Exhibition & Association Programme)-
Sessions: Knowledge Management: Problem or Solution? (presentations); Knowledge Management and Learning: tools, cases and experiences (presentations); Towards a European Community on Corporate Learning (panel discussion)
E.C.L.O. Communities of Practices (CoP)1)
- The Production of Knowledge : A Process Oriented Approach
- e-Learning implementation. Design of e-Learning content
- Technology in support of the HRD process
- Design and Management of Corporate & Enterprise Academies
- Knowledge Management Mapping
- E-Learning Project Management
- Animating and Managing Communities
- Implementation of Complex Management Initiated Change Projects
- Knowledge Management & Communities of Practice
Projects with E.C.L.O. involvement
- SME Learning Networks
- Knowledge and Learning Infrastructure (KALIF)
- Business Gaming Methods for Developing Competence in Knowledge Management (KITS)
- ECLO Academic Award
2010: Winner – Hans-Werner Franz (Dortmund University of Technology, Germany); Worthy of mention – Alaa Garad (Middlesex University, Dubai) - ECLO Practitioner Award
2010: Winner – Diane Doyon + Jacques Limoges (Université de Sherbrooke, Canada); Worthy of mention – Mireille Boonstra-Kints (KPC Groep, Netherlands) - ECLO Impact Award
2010: Winner – Dan Lamoon and Jon Prest (From Dusk To Dawn, UK); Worthy of mention – Józefa Fawcett (OFQT Ltd, UK)