forestXchange Conference Consortium*
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The forestXchange Conference consortium 1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- forestXchange International Conference 2006, 25-27 October 2006, Freiburg, Germany
Conference Theme: New approaches in knowledge management
(Host: Forstliche Versuchs- und Forschungsanstalt Baden-Württemberg; Ortganizer: forestXchange Conference Consortium)-
The forestXchange international conference – new approaches in knowledge management seeks to be a platform upon which new approaches for the valuation of and the exposure to knowledge in the field of forestry will be discussed, implications for the practical management of knowledge assets will be presented, and established ways of knowledge management will be critically examined. The conference aims to take advantage of new theoretical approaches, conclusions, and experiences from the fields of communication theory and technology, sociology and knowledge management in forestry. Experts in forestry, experts from knowledge management, and social sciences concerned with expert-layperson communication, community-building, and knowledge brokering exchange their experiences in practical and theoretical contributions. The conference covers theoretical, applied, sociological and technological aspects of knowledge management.
Plenary Session:
Practical experiences and concepts of knowledge management in the Forest Industry (Keynote); “Blogs, Wikis & P2P” – digital commons of knowledge (Keynote); Knowledge: concepts, communication & production (Keynote); Presentation of open space resultsParallel Sessions:
Extension in Europe from North to South; Networking Science; The Knowledge Vision; Public Communications; Interactive Extension; Planning Research; Knowledge Services in Management; Science and Politics; Understanding & Participation; Delivering Science; Organisational CultureWorkshops:
Open SpaceInfo-Market (Posters & other Presentations)
Excursions (day 3):
Knowledge sharing in the Vosges mountains; Knowledge management at SyngentaCo-located Events:
1st Meeting of the IUFRO Task Force “Communicating Forest Science”, Oct 24-26