GCC Government Young Leaders Knowledge and Innovation Conference
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The GCC Future and Young Leaders Knowledge Management Conference aims to breed advanced concepts and provide organizations with the most recent and hybrid approaches in order to build up knowledge integration that will contribute to its sustainability despite economic vulnerability. It will highlight value driven and best practices in aligning a concrete framework for knowledge management and leadership to increase the organizations opportunities in the global market.
Conference History:
GCC Government Young Leaders Knowledge and Innovation Conference, March 14-15, 2018, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Conference Theme: Innovation Based Organizations and Executives Economic knowledge Development
- Keynotes:
Leaders Required Knowledge and Innovations Capabilities in the Era of Globalization and Changes
Transforming and Preparing the Young Leaders for the knowledge Which Don’t Yet Exist
Young Leaders Towards the Knowledge and Innovative Based Future
Knowledge that Required for Future Business and Economic Development
Building the GCC Talent Management Global Competitiveness Strategies
Knowledge and Innovation Based Organizations – What Sort of Knowledge Management Organizations Need
Innovations in Organizations through Knowledge Management
Organizations Employee Knowledge‐Sharing Strategies
Knowledge Transfer Strategy to the Next Generation
TBA (3x)
(CANCELLED?) GCC Future and Young Leaders Knowledge Management Conference, September 16-17, 2017, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- Conference Agenda TBA soon