IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC)*

IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC)*

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The IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) is the General Conference and Assembly (until 2008 Council) of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). It is the international flagship professional and trade event for the library and information services sector.

Since 2003 (?, not in 2004) with pre-congress satellite meetings organized by IFLA sections.

Knowledge Management Section events:

    Pre-conference Satellite Meeting (since 2007), Open/Joint Conference Sessions (since 2001), Knowledge Cafe (since 2011), and Standing Committee (business) Meeting (since 2004)

Conference themes of special interest:

  • 2014: Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge
  • 2010: Open access to knowledge – promoting sustainable progress
  • 2006: Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society
  • 2001: Libraries and Librarians: Making a Difference in the Knowledge Age
  • 1990: Libraries: Information for Knowledge

Since 2024, IFLA WLIC is supplemented by the IFLA Information Futures Summit (IIFS) which is focused on bringing the energy, expertise and rich diversity of the library and information sciences field together to find solutions to the information challenges facing us today. It will be a mix of inspiring keynote speakers from inside and outside the field with open discussions, unconference sessions and ideas exchanges in order to allow participants a maximum opportunity to share their own experiences and insights. The Summit will also be a key chance to engage in discussions about how IFLA itself can support reflection, collaboration and action, with the formal presentation of its new Strategy and more.

Conference History:

89th IFLA WLIC 2025, 18-22 August 2025, Astana, Kazakhstan

Conference Theme: Uniting Knowledge, Building the Future
(Co-organizer: Association of University Libraries of the Republic of Kazakhstan)

    Note: The 89th IFLA WLIC was originally scheduled for 19-23 August 2024 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. After critique to organize the congress in Dubai, an Advisory Referendum, and the withdraw of the invitation to hold the congress in Dubai it was cancelled for 2024.

    Conference Program TBD

1st IIFS 2024, 30 September – 3 October 2024, Brisbane, Australia

Conference Theme: Stronger Together
(Co-organizer: TBD)

    Conference Program TBD

    Ignite Talks: Shaping Tomorrow’s Libraries
    IFLA Trend Report 2024 Presentation & Open panel

    Pre-conference Events:
    Paving the way to Brisbane: IFLA Information Futures Summit in preview, Mar 13

    Associated Events:
    Australian Library and Information Association Library Applied Research Kollektive Symposium (ALIA LARK Symposium), Oct 3
    Theme: Research for a knowledge profession

88th IFLA WLIC 2023, 21-25 August 2023, Rotterdam, The Netherlands / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Let’s work together, let’s library
(Co-organizer: Rotterdam Public Library)

    Conference Program TBD

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:

    Perspectives on Global Knowledge Management Training and Education, 19 August 2023, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
    (Knowledge Management Section, Education and Training Section; Host: Erasmus University, Erasmus Library)

    The design of Knowledge Management courses in South Asia
    Knowledge Management Training in the Middle East
    The state of KM education in Brazil
    GOBI Library Solutions Talk (Sponsor)

    Panel discussion

    Knowledge Café Discussions:
    Curriculum and competencies
    Degree programs vs. training
    How do we raise awareness of KM as a discipline?

    Congress Sessions:

    Coming Together: Sharing Community Knowledge (Knowledge Management Section)

    Table topics:
    The role of librarians in OpenAI/ChatGPT
    Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) in libraries
    Optimizing collaboration between libraries, organizations, social agencies and different sectors
    Improving performance through mentoring and coaching
    Developing library leaders of the future
    Shift to digital libraries and delivery
    Changing landscape for librarian education
    Finding the motivation for your own professional development and well being
    Creative uses of social media in libraries
    Post pandemic remote work in libraries
    Internal library communication

    Foundational Knowledge Areas: Unpacking LIS Competencies (Education and Training Section)

    Knowing What and Knowing How: Declarative and Procedural Knowledge in LIS
    iLead: Preparing Tomorrow’s Library Leaders
    Librarians Speak: LIS Declarative and Procedural Knowledge

    Other Sessions’ Presentations

    Generative AI Versus Intellectual Capacity and Knowledge Development: A Trending Crisis
    Digital Transformation and Knowledge Management in the Public Health Sector: the perspective for the Americas
    Inclusivity and access to digital knowledge through digital preservation (Serials and Other Continuing Resources Section)
    IFLA and UNESCO: How to Help Build Knowledge Societies Together
    A toolkit for effective library copyright advocacy: the Knowledge Rights 21 Programme
    Knowledge cloud, creating a better future with citizen participation
    The Iraqi Knowledge Portal
    SeTA@OP – semi-automatic indexing of EU publications; Combining the power of Machine Learning, Knowledge Graphs, and Human Intelligence

    Business Meetings:
    Standing Committee Meeting (Knowledge Management Section)

87th IFLA WLIC 2022, 26-29 July 2022, Dublin, Ireland

Conference Theme: Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect
(Co-organizer: Library Association of Ireland)

    Note: The congress was originally scheduled for 13-19 August 2022 in Auckland, New Zealand, but is replaced by the cancelled 2020 congress.

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:

    Knowledge management (KM) principles and human behavior: How do we inspire, enable, engage, and connect people in KM?, 23 July 2022, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    (Knowledge Management Section with Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group; Host: University of Dublin, Trinity College, Centre for Digital Humanities)

    Keynotes: (2)
    To be or not to be – a library or an IT-house – or both?

    Panel Presentations & Conversation:
    Using the Organizational Information Theory to Inspire Knowledge Management practices in Academic Libraries
    How Bord Bia/ The Irish Food Board successfully built a culture of insight sharing
    Inspiring, Enabling, Engaging, and Connecting Students using a CANVAS Dashboard
    Knowledge Management (KM) practices in University libraries in Nigeria: Connecting, engaging and inspiring librarians for professional development

    Sponsored Presentations: (2)

    Open Sessions:

    The evolving roles of libraries and knowledge management services in government: the blurring of the distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge and opportunities for new synergies (Government Libraries Section)

    Information specialists supporting the information value chain
    Librarians in the management of tacit knowledge
    Greek Government Libraries: Networking and Collaboration
    The evolving roles of libraries and knowledge management services in government: applying explicit and tacit knowledge – a UK experience

    Semantic shift and knowledge organization systems (KOS) (Subject Analysis and Access Section)

    Diachronic semantics: changes of meaning over time and its reflections in the classification systems
    Semantic shift in the Dewey Decimal Classification
    Semantic shift in Health KOS: the needs, challenges, and approaches, using WHO’s ICD as the case

    Knowledge Rights 21: Opportunities for the European Library Field to Build Copyright Advocacy Capacity (Policy Committee of the Knowledge Rights 21 Programme)


    Other Sessions’ Presentations:
    Indigenous Knowledge Preservation as a Sign of Respect for Culture; Indigenous Knowledge and Wisdom Shaping our Collective Future

    Knowledge Café:
    Facing the Future Together: Connecting, Learning, Sharing (Knowledge Management Section,. Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)

    Keeping communication open
    Managing employee (and your) morale
    Remote services
    Dealing with the ‘info-demic’
    Community engagement throughout the pandemic
    Remote workers
    Facing fiscal challenges
    Training and professional development
    Developing library leaders of the future
    Coaching and Mentoring


86th IFLA WLIC 2021, 17-19 August 2021, Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Let’s work together for the future!
(Co-organizer: IFLA Dutch National Committee)

    Note: The congress was scheduled for 19-26 August 2021 in Rotterdam, The Netherlands

    Conference Sessions:
    Outsourcing, cloud and new technology in libraries, during and after the pandemic. Afraid of the risks or seduced by the opportunities? (Knowledge Management Section; Information Technology Section)

(CANCELLED) 86th IFLA WLIC 2020, 15–21 August 2020, Dublin, Ireland
Conference Theme: Inspire, Engage, Enable, Connect
(Co-organizer: Library Association of Ireland)

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Human-Centered Knowledge Management: Connecting, Inspiring & Engaging, 14 August 2020, University of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
    (Knowledge Management Section with Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group; Host: University of Dublin, Trinity College, Centre for Digital Humanities)

    Program TBD

    Conference Sessions:
    Subject Access and Artificial Intelligence: Enhancing competencies and safeguarding ethics (Knowledge Management Section, Subject Analysis and Access Section); The future of the library and library systems: outsourcing, cloud, and new tech impact of user communities (Knowledge Management Section, Information Technology Section); Opportunities and Challenges of Enhancing the Well-Being of Women in Africa through Access to Information and Knowledge (Access to Information Network – Africa (ATINA) Special Interest Group)

    Knowledge Café:
    Continuous learning in a global, dynamic and ever-changing world (Knowledge Management Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)


85th IFLA WLIC 2019, 24-30 August 2019, Athens, Greece

Conference Theme: Libraries: dialogue for change

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Artificial Intelligence and its Impact on Libraries, August 22, 2019, Ionian University, Corfu, Greece
    (Knowledge Management Section with Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group; Host: Ionian University, Department of Archives, Library Science and Museum Studies)

    Artificial Intelligence: How Knowledge is Created, Transferred, and Used
    Describing Knowledge Resources with Knowledge Graphs
    Between Two Worlds: Harmonizing Automated and Manual Term Labeling
    How Do Library Staff View Librarian Robotics?
    Automation & Self Service Encounters
    Semantic Enrichment on Large Corpora: a Case Study for

    Q&A Panel Discussion w. Speakers

    Conference Sessions:
    Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining to transform knowledge management and information services in libraries and information organizations (Knowledge Management Section, Information Technology Section, Big Data Special Interest Group)

    Knowledge Café:
    Learning, growing, developing and succeeding in the face of change (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)

    Lightning Talks:
    Let’s dance: a global Knowledge Management (KM) practice (Knowledge Management Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

84th IFLA WLIC 2018, 24-30 August 2018, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Conference Theme: Transform Libraries, Transform Societies

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Is knowledge management the new library science?, August 23, 2018, Xiamen University Malaysia, Salak Tinggi, Selangor, Malaysia (Knowledge Management Section; Host: Xiamen University Malaysia, ?)

    Embracing knowledge management as a new perspective for librarianship

    SESSION: The Trends of Knowledge Management in LIS and Academic Libraries
    Changing trends in knowledge management research from library and information science perspective
    Examining the gap between skills needed for knowledge management and provision of its education in library and information science sources in India
    Knowledge management service framework in academic libraries
    A study on emerging knowledge management librarians: The evolving competencies in knowledge capture and dissemination in a public university

    SESSION: Successes and failures of KM in libraries and information organizations: Case Studies
    Rationale for knowledge creation and sharing by university libraries in Malawi
    Investigating the relationship between the success of knowledge management process and psychological empowerment of librarians in libraries of Iran University Medical Sciences
    Finding rabbits on Ruapehu: The merging of roles of librarian and knowledge manager
    Research on semantic publishing model based on knowledge management ecosystem

    Group Discussion

    Conference Sessions:
    Digital scholarship and knowledge management: building confidence in the digital world (Knowledge Management Section, Academic and Research Libraries Section and Rare Books and Special Collections Section); Lightning Talks on “The Transforming Digital Scholarship Model – From Service Provider to Interdisciplinary Partner (Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship Special Interest Group, sponsored by the Knowledge Management Section)

    Knowledge Café:
    The Knowledge Economy: How continuous learning can prepare Information Professionals for the future (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

83rd IFLA WLIC 2017, 19–25 August 2017, Wrocław, Poland

Conference Theme: Libraries. Solidarity. Society.

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    New Directions in Knowledge Management, August 18, 2017, Wrocław University of Economics, Wrocław, Poland
    (Knowledge Management Section; Host: Wrocław University of Economics, Library)

    The future of knowledge management

    SESSION: The theoretical approach of of directions in knowledge management
    Design of financial assessment scenarios of small and medium enterprises
    Recycling of technical design research of virtual and reality knowledge spaces
    Open knowledge management model in open innovation environment
    Knowledge management practices in higher education institutions: A systematic literature review

    SESSION: Case studies on directions in knowledge management
    Collaborative working and knowledge sharing in the enterprise wiki: How teams develop common concepts using sprints
    How are they faring? Knowledge management practices in support of senior librarians in Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member libraries
    One voice as a beacon: Analyzing a crowd-sourced qualitative data set using a feminist approach to knowledge management
    The role of State Bank Library in achieving SBP Vision 2020 Goals through knowledge management
    The role of librarians in knowledge management: A survey of public colleges in Swaziland

    Panel discussions:
    Collaboration, communications, and partnerships for effective organizational transformation

    Conference Sessions:
    How does knowledge management inform change agency? (Knowledge Management Section); Knowledge Systems for Sustainable Development Goals (Access to Information Network – Africa (ATINA) Special Interest Group)

    Knowledge Cafe:
    New librarians for new times: Continuous Learning to become change agents in a changing world (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section); Exploratory Meeting to Establish a New Special Interest Group (Knowledge Management in Global and Disaster Health Special Interest Group)

82nd IFLA WLIC 2016, 13–19 August 2016, Columbus, Ohio, United States of America

Conference Theme: Connections. Collaboration. Community.

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Sharing practices & actions for making best use of organizational knowledge in libraries, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
    (Knowledge Management Section; Host: University of Cincinnati, Langsam Library)

    Confessions of a Pragmatic Technologist Valerie Forrestal, Assistant Professor, City University of New York-Staten Island
    Successes and Failures of Knowledge Management

    Beyond Knowledge Silos: Preserving and Sharing Institutional Knowledge in Academic Libraries
    Documenting and Sharing Managerial Wisdom
    From Local to Global: A Comparison of Hong Kong Library Association Mentoring Programme and International Librarians Network
    Experts Explain: Connecting Our Global Experts in Uncertain Times

    Readiness of National Library and Archive of Iran to become a Learning Organization
    Beyond Wikis: A Knowledge-Sharing Journey

    Panel session w. presenters and keynoters

    Conference Sessions:
    Using social media at work: How to share knowledge, improve collaboration and create a mutual savoir-faire? (Knowledge Management Section); Brave New World ‐ the Future of Collections in Digital Times: Services without Content OR Content in Context? (Knowledge Management Section, Academic and Research Libraries Section); Skills and Knowledge for Citizens in an Open Data and Technology Environments (Information Technology Section); Reclaiming subject access to indigenous knowledge (Classification
    and Indexing Section); Sustaining the circle of knowledge: with your contribution and my contribution, indigenous communities thrive! (Indigenous Matters Section); African Libraries: Enhancing Community Access to Information and Knowledge for Development (Access to Information Network – Africa (ATINA) Special Interest Group)

    Knowledge Cafe:
    Continuous Learning in Libraries and their Communities (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

81st IFLA WLIC 2015, 15-21 August 2015, Cape Town, South Africa

Conference Theme: Dynamic Libraries: Access, Development and Transformation

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Knowledge Management and Innovation in 21st Century Library and Information Services in Africa, August 14, 2015. Goethe-Centre, Cape Town, South Africa
    (Knowledge Management Section; Host: Goethe-Centre)

    Knowledge Management, Innovation and transformation
    Your users are a priority: implementing customer knowledge management in your library to enhance innovation

    Knowledge management and innovation: a marriage made in heaven
    Librarians? Or knowledge services professionals? Changing trends in the profession
    Knowledge managers as the modern information professional: integrating the 12 tasks in an embedded position
    Knowledge capture and reuse in a corporate organization: initiatives and challenges for Bank of Uganda
    Cultivating ideas to drive innovation in libraries
    Barriers of sustainable institutional repositories in developing country contexts: exposition on knowledge management proficiency

    Conference Sessions:
    Change and sustainability – Breaking paths for a world of balance (Knowledge Management Section); Mind the Gap! Bridging Access to Information and Knowledge Gaps in Development and Transformation Strategies (Access to Information Network –
    Africa (ATINA) Special Interest Group)< Knowledge Cafe: Continuous Innovation and Transformation of Libraries and their Communities (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

80th IFLA WLIC 2014, 16-22 August 2014, Lyon, France

Conference Theme: Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Knowledge Management as a vital tool for change management, August, 15, 2014, Lyon Gallo-Roman Museum, Lyon, France
    (Knowledge Management Section; Host: Lyon Gallo-Roman Museum)

    Toward a library Renaissance

    Merging, Moving, Upscaling: Tools and Knowledge Management Processes for an Overhaul (BULAC, France, 2000 – …)
    Managing Change in Turbulent Times and Building the Way for Future Success
    Selection, Implementation, and Behavioral Considerations for Knowledge Management Tool Adoption: A Case Study of a Financial Services Company’s Decision-Making Process
    Applying Dialogical Approach to Development Discussions: Management of Learning as a Catalyst for Change
    Changing the Workplace Culture at Flinders University Library: From Pragmatism to Professional Reflection
    Managing Research Data as a Transformational Role for Librarians: A Case Study of the Association for College and Research Libraries and Drexel University Libraries “Turning Outward” to Tackle Organizational Changes

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge in the Digital Age – Libraries and librarians are managing the digital transformation (Knowledge Management Section); Knowledge Management initiatives and development in Asia and Oceania (Knowledge Management Section, Asia & Oceania Section); It’s public knowledge: understanding health literacy from an information science perspective (Health and Biosciences Libraries Section, Information Literacy Section); Knowledge, information and citizens: the social value of libraries (Latin America and the Caribbean Section); Google is not enough: Reference and Information Services for the transfer of knowledge – reframing the discussion (Reference and Information Services Section); All we need is news – knowledge production and dissemination through news media (Newspapers Section); Government libraries as knowledge platforms for citizen engagement (Government Libraries Section, Government Information and Official Publications Section); Confluence for Knowledge – Advocacy – Strong Libraries (School Libraries on the Agenda: Advocacy Initiatives from Around the World) (School Libraries Section)

    Knowledge Cafe:
    Learning Challenges for Librarians and Library Managers (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

79th IFLA WLIC 2013, 17-23 August 2013, Singapore

Conference Theme: Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Knowledge management – the Asian way?, August 16, 2013, Goethe Institute, Singapore (CANCELLED; Knowledge Management Section)
    How do we fit in the global knowledge environment? Researching the Library’s Role, August 14-14, 2013, University of Illinois, Advanced Digital Science Center, Singapore (CANCELLED; Library Theory and Research Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Open Access (OA) in the context of full lifecycle of Knowledge Management (Knowledge Management Section); Building a learning and knowledge sharing organization (Knowledge Management Section, Information Technology Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section); Agile management: strategies for achieving success in rapidly changing times (Knowledge Management Section, Academic and Research Libraries Section); Indigenous knowledge and multiculturalism in LIS education and library training: Infinite possibilities (Education and Training Section, Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section, Indigenous Matters Special Interest Group)

    Knowledge Café:
    Taxonomies & metadata rule (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

78th IFLA WLIC 2012, 11-17 August 2012, Helsinki, Finland

Conference Theme: Libraries Now! – Inspiring, Surprising, Empowering

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Knowledge Management Theory in Action: how to plan, apply, and assess knowledge management in libraries, August 10, 2012, Goethe-Institut Helsinki, Finland
    (Knowledge Management Section; Host: Goethe-Institut Helsinki)

    Keynotes: (2)

    A multilevel analysis for knowledge activities of academic librarians in Taiwan
    Why special libraries are the right places to host a knowledge management center
    The cultural integration of knowledge management into interactive design
    How to strengthen the social capital of your library – Case study of Kallio Library
    Knowledge management at the NATO Defense College: restructuring the Library for an enlarged mission

    The Homeless and the Libraries – the Right to Information and Knowledge For All, Tallinn Central Library, August 10, 2012, Tallinn Central Library, Tallinn, Estonia (Library Services to People with Special Needs Section; Host: Tallinn Central Library)
    The Road to Information Literacy: Librarians as facilitators of learning, Aug 8-10, 2012, Tampere, Finland (Continuing Professional Development Section, Workplace Learning Section and the Information Literacy Section; Host: Tampere University)

    Conference Sessions:
    Potential of Knowledge Management in Public Libraries (Knowledge Management Section); Strong libraries = strong societies: democratizing access to knowledge through libraries (President-Elect’s Planning Session)

    Knowledge Cafe:
    Driving access & services (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

77th IFLA WLIC 2011, 13-18 August 2011, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Conference Theme: Libraries beyond libraries: Integration, Innovation and Information for all

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Social Science Libraries: A Bridge to Knowledge for Sustainable Development, August 8-10, 2011, National Library of Cuba José Martí, Havana, Cuba (Social Science Libraries Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Applied knowledge management: a panorama of success stories & case studies in libraries and lessons learned (Knowledge Management Section); Promoting global access to law: developing and open access index for official, authenticated legal information (Knowledge Management Section, Law Libraries Section, Government Libraries, Government Information and Official Publications Section); e-Legal deposit: from legislation to implementation; from ingest to access (Bibliography Section with IFLA-CDNL Alliance for Digital Strategies Programme (ICADS), Information Technology Section, National Libraries Section, Knowledge Management Section); Information systems for indigenous knowledge in agriculture (Agricultural Libraries Special Interest Group); Libraries Driving Access to Knowledge (A2K) (IFLA President’s Theme Session)

    Knowledge Cafés in action:
    Learning through doing (Knowledge Management Section, Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

76th IFLA WLIC 2010, 10-15 August 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden

Conference Theme: Open access to knowledge – promoting sustainable progress

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:

    Conference Sessions:
    Voice of Global Knowledge Management (Knowledge Management Section); Librarians in action: Information policy and human rights (Government Libraries Section, GIOPS, Knowledge Management Section, Preservation and Conservation Section, Law Libraries Section); Global learning systems: how they foster learning and sharing of information (Knowledge Management Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section, Information Technology Section); Libraries and the Semantic Web (Knowledge Management Section, Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Section, Information Technology Section); To have access to Information and Knowledge – a Question of Dignity and Empowerment (Information Society Working Group); Open access to knowledge and cultural heritage through libraries in Latin America and the Caribbean (Latin America and the Caribbean Section); National libraries promoting open access to knowledge (National Libraries Section, CLM Section); Libraries providing access to knowledge that supports democracy (Library and Research Services for Parliaments Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

75th IFLA WLIC 2009, 23-27 August 2009, Milan, Italy

Conference Theme: Libraries create futures: Building on cultural heritage

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Removing Barriers to Knowledge Sharing: How can social tools be used to facilitate knowledge management in order to improve user services?, August 21, 2009, Goethe Institute, Milan, Italy
    (Knowledge Management Section)

    Program n.a.

    Emerging trends in technology: libraries between Web 2.0, semantic web and search technology, August 19-20, 2009, Florence, Italy (Information Technology Section, Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Advocacy (Knowledge Management Section); Social Computing Tools for Learning & Knowledge Sharing (Knowledge Management Section, Library & Research Services for Parliaments Section, Information Technology Section); From the classical community of knowledge to A2K : the commonwealth of information in Africa (Access to Information Network – Africa (ATINA) Special Interest Group)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

74th IFLA WLIC 2008, 10-14 August 2008, Quebec, Canada

Conference Theme: Libraries without borders: Navigating towards global understanding

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Knowledge Management – Best Practices and Lessons Learned in Web 2.0 Environment, August 8, 2008, Université Laval, Quebec
    (Knowledge Management Section)

    Program n.a.

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management: Towards Understanding in the Multi-Cultural World (Knowledge Management Section); Indigenous knowledge: language, culture and information technology (Regional Activities Division)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

73rd IFLA WLIC 2007, 19-23 August 2007, Durban, South Africa

Conference Theme: Libraries for the future: Progress, Development and Partnerships

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Best practices / Lessons Learned, August 17, 2007, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa
    (Knowledge Management Section; Host: University of KwaZulu-Natal, Howard College Campus, EG Malherbe Library)

    Conference Sessions:
    Using knowledge management to facilitate information transfers in our multicultural world (Knowledge Management Section); Traditional knowledge, cultural expressions and folklore (Copyright and other Legal Matters Section)

    Program n.a.

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

72nd IFLA WLIC 2006, 20-24 August 2006, Seoul, Korea

Conference Theme: Libraries: Dynamic Engines for the Knowledge and Information Society

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:

    Conference Sessions:
    Evidence-based knowledge management (Knowledge ManagementSection, Statistics and Evaluation Section); Institutional Repositories: policies, implementation issues, an overview of the technologies (Information Technology Section, National Libraries with Academic and Research Libraries Section, Knowledge Management Section); Libraries and indigenous knowledge in Africa (Africa Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

71st IFLA WLIC 2005, August 14-18 2005, Oslo, Norway

Conference Theme: Libraries – A voyage of discovery

    Pre-conference Sattelite Meetings:
    Knowledge and Information for Parliaments – a premise for Democracy, August 10-12, 2005, Stortinget, Oslo, Norway (Library and Research Services for Parliament Section)

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management – the broader issues and opportunities (Knowledge Management Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

70th IFLA WLIC 2004, August 22th – 27th 2004, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Conference Theme: Libraries: Tools for Education and Development

    Special Workshops:
    Reaching further: telecentres and libraries working together to create the shared knowledge society

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management Practices (Knowledge Management Section); Information Literacy for a knowledge society in Asia and Oceania (Asia and Oceania Section)

    Standing Committee meeting I+II (Knowledge Management Section)

69th IFLA WLIC 2003, 1-9 August 2003, Berlin, Germany

Conference Theme: Access Point Library: Media – Information – Culture

    Conference Sessions:
    Presentation of a recent survey from Sweden & Plenary session on “Change of Paradigm in Knowledge Management – Framework for the Collaborative Knowledge Production” (Knowledge Management Discussion Group); Blurring the Boundaries – Changing the Way in which We Create, Distribute and Utilise Knowledge in LIS Journals (Library and Information Science Journals Section)

68th IFLA WLIC 2002, 18-24 August 2002, Glasgow, Scotland

Conference Theme: Libraries for Life: Democracy, Diversity, Delivery

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management Presentations with open discussion (Knowledge Management Discussion Group); From Information to Knowledge (School Libraries Section)

    Knowledge Cafe for Metadata (Metadata Discussion Group)

67th IFLA WLIC 2001, 16-25 August 2001, Boston, USA

Conference Theme: Libraries and Librarians: Making a Difference in the Knowledge Age

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Management for Not-For-Profit Organizations (Social Science Libraries Section, Government Libraries Section, Management and Marketing Section); How LIS Journals create knowledge (Library and Information Science Journals Section); Parameters of Knowledge Management within Library/Information Science Education (Education and Training Section); Education and Knowledge Organization (Classification and Indexing Section); What is Knowledge Management and why is it Important? (Guest Lecture by Laurence Prusak)

    Discussion Group Start-up Meeting (Knowledge Management Discussion Group, sponsored by the Social Science Libraries Section)

66th IFLA WLIC 2000, 13-18 August 2000, Jerusalem, Israel

Conference Theme: Information for Co-operation: Creating the Global Library of the Future

    Conference Presentations:
    Navigating Knowledge in the New Information Reality (Industry Updates “Theme TBD”)
    Knowledge management in libraries in the 21st century (Management and Marketing joint with Information Technology and Social Sciences Libraries SI Session “Building Change Management and Marketing Skills for the Information Age”)
    Research results on knowledge management and end-user work environments 2010 (Poster Session)
    Global knowledge: a challenge for librarians; Asian library partnerships: applying the knowledge model for library networks (Asia and Oceania Session “Networking Partnerships in Asia and Oceania”)
    … (Libraries for the Blind joint with Public Libraries Session “Building Smart Communities: Knowledge as the Key to Growth and Development”)

65th IFLA WLIC 1999, 20-28 August 1999, Bangkok, Thailand

Conference Theme: On the Threshold of the 21st Century : Libraries as Gateways to an Enlightened World

    Conference Presentations:
    Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence as a Tool for Special Librarians (Corporate and for Profit Libraries Discussion Group)
    Knowledge management research and end user work environments 2010 (Library Theory and Research Workshop “Core Research Areas of LIS: Research Questions and Methodology”)
    The roles of knowledge professionals for Knowledge Management (Education and Training Session “Information Rich and Information Poor in LIS Education”)
    Preparing new generations: a shift for library and information science education based on the management of information and knowledge rather than of institutions and documents (Education and Training Workshop “Standards for LIS Education: Proposed Conceptual Changes”)

64th IFLA WLIC 1998, 16-21 August 1998, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Conference Theme: On Crossroads of Information and Culture

    Conference Presentations:
    Knowledge organization in digital/electronic libraries (Public Librarie Workshop “Professional Work with Internet for Public Libraries”)
    To be or not to be: public libraries and the global knowledge revolution (Contributed Paper Session)
    Knowledge management: the discipline for information and library science professionals (Education and Training Session “Library and Information Science Education and the Electronic Environment”)

63rd IFLA WLIC 1997, 31 August – 5 September 1997, Copenhagen, Denmark

Conference Theme: Libraries and Information for Human Development

    Conference Presentations:

62nd IFLA WLIC 1996, 25-31 August 1996, Beijing, China

Conference Theme: The Challenge of Change: Libraries and Economic Development

    Conference Presentations:

61st IFLA WLIC 1995, 20-25 August 1995, Istanbul, Turkey

Conference Theme: Libraries of the Future

    Conference Presentations:

60th IFLA WLIC 1994, 21-27 August 1994, Havana, Cuba

Conference Theme: Libraries and Social Development

    Conference Presentations:
    The virtual IFLA: Moving knowledge through time and space (Opening – Presidential Address)
    The search for knowledge and the development of information strategies in women’s movements (Women’s Issues SI – Theme: “Women in the World of Information”)

59th IFLA WLIC 1993, 22-28 August 1993, Barcelona, Spain

Conference Theme: The Universal Library: Libraries as Centres for the Global Availability of Information

    Conference Presentations:
    Knowledge/wisdom paradigm in continuing education: a business case for the Third World countries (Continuing Professional Education)

58th IFLA WLIC 1992, 30 August – 5 September 1992, New Delhi, India

Conference Theme: Library and Information Policy Perspectives

    Program n.a.

57th IFLA WLIC 1991, 18-24 August 1991, Moscow, Russia

Conference Theme: Libraries and Culture: Their Relationship

    Program n.a.

56th IFLA WLIC 1990, 18-24 August 1990, Stockholm, Sweden

Conference Theme: Libraries: Information for Knowledge

    Program n.a.

1st IFLA WLIC 1928, Rome, Italy

    Program n.a.
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2 Replies to “ IFLA World Library and Information Congress (WLIC)*”

  1. Please what is the theme for the 2020 edition of the conference

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 21, 2019 – Boris)

    1. IFLA 2020 was cancelled and brought forward to 2022 in Dublin.

      The IFLA 2021 will be in Rotterdam

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