Information and Knowledge Management Conference (IKM Conference)**

Information and Knowledge Management Conference (IKM Conference)**

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The annual Information and Knowledge Management Conference (IKM or UJ IKM Conference), formerly the Conference on Knowledge Management, and the Intellectual Capital Conference, is organized by the Information and Knowledge Management Department of the University of Johannesburg, successor of the Department of Information Studies at the Rand Afrikaans University (RAU).
The conference provides a platform for the presentation, discussion and debate of diverse and professional approaches and research on recent developments in information and knowledge management. The conference will also provide an opportunity for academics, practitioners and doctoral students to have their work validated and benchmarked within the benevolent academic and professional community.

Conference History:

IKM Annual Conference 2016, 15 June 2016, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Note: The conference is officially known as “Department of Information and Knowledge Management Annual Conference”.

    Conference program n.a.

    Keynotes: (2)
    Titles n.a.

    Intellectual capital measurements in mass media
    Developing a knowledge management capability in a non-profit company
    Millennials and social media
    Enabling corporate success through management of knowledge resources in a corporate environment
    Information on a cloudy day

IKM Annual Conference 2015 ?

    Conference program TBD

12th IKM Annual Conference 2014, 27 November 2014, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: A Case Study Approach

    Conference program n.a.

    Keynotes & Presentations:
    IKM Career: Still or Sparkling?
    Innovation: Take Action
    Blogging Lessons Learned
    Life & Learnng to Code
    App Usage
    Knowledge Sharing Effectiveness
    Action! Social Media
    Seeing Things Differently
    Working Smarter and Faster with Automated Business Processes
    Harnessing information tools
    African Market Research
    Health Apps
    Web Services
    Competitive Engineering Framework
    Knowledge Sharing Mobility

    Posters Exhibition

11th IKM Annual Conference 2013, 2 December 2013, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Note: The conference is officially known as “Information and Knowledge Management Case Study Conference”

    Conference program n.a.

    Paper Presentations:
    The use of Online Social Network sites for gathering customer insight and knowledge
    Investigating the use of knowledge management amongst the city of Johannesburg museums
    Internet and Web: The impact on the small church environment

    Poster Presentations:
    Making enterprise apps effective: What do consumers really think of apps?

Note: ICKM 2012 might be the substitute for the IKM Annual Conference 2012.

8th International Conference on Knowledge Management (ICKM 2012), 4-6 September 2012, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa
Conference Theme: Rethinking Knowledge Management: foresight in the 21st century
(Organizer: International Council for Knowledge Management)

10th IKM Conference 2011, 22-23 June 2011, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Managing information and knowledge in the new decade: An interdisciplinary approach

    Conference program n.a.

    Information storage and retrieval
    Content management and content organization
    E-learning and open access initiatives
    The use of semantic webs
    Emerging Web technologies and Web 2.0 tools
    Innovative use of Web and intranet technologies
    Operating in the knowledge economy
    Ranking knowledge economies
    Development and application of linking/collaborative ICT in the knowledge society
    Adaptation of knowledge management in organizations
    Networking and knowledge sharing
    Technologies and tools for knowledge management
    Evaluation of knowledge management
    Knowledge discovery and data warehousing
    Competitive intelligence

    Implementing business intelligence leading practices – the journey
    n.a. (1)

    The linkage between knowledge management and organisational learning in higher education institutions: evidence from Uganda
    Engineers‟ task related information behavior
    Taxonomy in Knowledge Management
    Post-graduate research in information and knowledge management in LIS schools in South Africa
    eThekwini Municipality’s intranet for augmenting knowledge–sharing in the organisation
    WELL-BeING: A University of Johannesburg e-counseling program
    Websites: A platform for researchers and academic institutions to e-collaborate
    World data centre hurdles in improving access to scientific data
    Welcome to Café CRM where conversation is served

9th IKM Conference 2009, 10 July 2009, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Conference program n.a.

    The Power of Information and Digital Networks: New Paradigms and Expectations for Socioeconomic Development

    Paper Presentations:
    Knowledge Migration – the Human Capital Risk

8th Information and Knowledge Management Conference 2008, 14 November 2008, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge Management Shaping the Future

    Conference program n.a.

    Paper Presentations:
    The Future of the Knowledge Economy
    The Future of Web 2.0 and Knowledge Sharing
    Social Capital and Knowledge for Development
    The Future of Virtual Businesses
    The Future of Social Networking
    The Future of Knowledge Management
    Just-in-time Knowledge Management: A reality or just an aspiration?
    Knowledge Management and the Food Service Industry
    …? n.a.

7th Conference on Knowledge Management 2007, 14-15 June 2007, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Conference program n.a.

6th Conference on Knowledge Management, 4 September 2006, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Bridging the Economic Divide through Indigenous Knowledge

    Conference program n.a.

5th Conference on Knowledge Management 2005, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Conference program n.a.

4th Knowledge Management Conference 2004, 25-26 May 2004, IBM South Africa, Johannesburg, South Africa

(Host: IBM South Africa)
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management in a World of Diversity

    Competitiveness of South African companies in the Knowledge Economy

    Paper Presentations:
    Video Conferencing: Complexity theory and Knowledge Management
    Knowledge diffusion and sense-making as key knowledge processes
    World-class knowledge management: a proposed framework
    Towards a pluralistic framework for knowledge management: a critical perspective
    Information audit at Kumba Resources: a case study
    Space for knowledge flows: creating and managing environments that support knowledge work
    Knowledge management activities: lessons learned
    Towards a strategy for knowledge and information management in the South African government
    A process approach to growing intellectual capital
    Communities of practice as a national skills development strategy
    From 2nd generation knowledge theory to practically growing human capital in a S&T organization
    Applicability of knowledge processes as an instrument for measuring the return on investment of strategic training: a SA case study
    Relationship between knowledge management and organizational memory in the field of criminal profiling
    An investigation into the impact of knowledge management
    Challenges of constitutionalism and freedom of expression in South Africa – present implications on knowledge and information

Knowledge Management Conference 2003, 29-30 April 2003, Johannesburg, South Africa

Conference Theme: Managing Corporate Knowledge & Intelligence in the Global Economy

    Conference program n.a.

Intellectual Capital Conference 2002, 26-27 July 2002, Johannesburg, South Africa

(in cooperation with Ernst & Young)
Conference Theme: Tactics for Becoming a Successful Knowledge Business: Exploiting your company’s Intellectual Capital for Competitive Advantage

    Conference program n.a.

Conference 2001, Johannesburg, South Africa

    Conference program n.a.
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