International Conference of the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS)*
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The biennial International Conference of the Department of Library and Information Studies (DLIS) at the University of Botswana aims at discussing the whole spectrum of records, information and knowledge management that will help individuals and organizations to be at a competitive edge in the global knowledge economy and be able to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
This conference will be a platform and opportunity for researchers, industrial practitioners, academia, information scientists, librarians, archivists and innovators to share their experiences in diverse aspects of records, information and knowledge management including innovation knowledge solutions. The conference will further provide an excellent interdisciplinary forum to discuss the most recent approaches, concerns and practical challenges at all stages of the knowledge lifecycle.
Conference History:
2025 DLIS 5th Biennial Conference, April 9-11, 2025, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
Conference Theme: Strengthening Information and Knowledge Management Paradigms in the Era of Advanced Technologies
Conference program TBD
Access to information in the Digital Era
Archival programming
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Copyright issues in the digital era
Data mining,
Data protection and Privacy issues
Digital Curation
Electronic Records management
Ethical issues in information management
Freedom of information
Information governance Frameworks
Information management and Organizational culture
Information security
Knowledge sharing
Knowledge transfer and retention
Organizing knowledge in the digital era
Indigenous Knowledge systems
Training and Education
Emerging technologies
Other related topics on the theme
2022 DLIS 4th Biennial Conference, April 25-27, 2022, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge Management in the 4th Industrial Revolution and COVID-19 Era
Day Themes:
Information and Knowledge Management; Information Systems; Archive and Records Management
Knowledge Management as Catalyst of Innovation in the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Lessons and Implications for African Universities
Fourth Industrial Revolution Technologies and information systems for the 21st Century
Design Justice in Records Systems: The Covid Pandemic and Fourth Industrial Revolution
Conference Program TBD
2019 DLIS 3rd Biennial Conference, April 15-17, 2019, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge Management: Towards the Attainment of Sustainable Development Goals and Knowledge Based Economy
Conference Program n.a.
2017 DLIS 2nd Biennial Conference, March 15-17, 2017, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge for Competitiveness
Conference Program n.a.
2009 DLIS 1st Biennial Conference, October 14-16, 2009, University of Botswana, Gaborone, Botswana
Conference Theme: Managing Information in the Digital Era
Conference Program n.a.
Conference Papers: (Proceedings)
Continued Communication – Maximising the Potential of Organisational Communications: the Research and Outputs of a Co-operative Inquiry
Library and Social Networking: A new Tool in Information Management
E-commerce Adoption in the Botswana Defence Force:A Grounded Theory Investigation
An Assessment of Compliance with a Policy on Free and Open Source Software by the South African Government
Managing Audiovisual Archives in Botswana
Webloging: Unveiling the functionality and advantages of blog technology for the benefit of individuals and organizations
Book Publishing and its Impact on the Reading Culture of Nigerian Citizens in the 21st Century
Legal deposit in the electronic age: Opportunities and challenges for information centres in Botswana
African Information Society Initiative, Technology Transfer and the Evolution of Digital Information and Knowledge Management Systems in Mrica
Electronic Resources Management in Nigerian Federal University Libraries: ChalIenges and Opportunities
An Analysis of the Extent of IT Acceptance and Use for Knowledge Management in Botswana Law Organizations
Computer Assessment for Secondary School Tests
Information Needs, Seeking Behaviour and Use of Information Resources by MBA Students at a Nigerian University
Competitive IntelIigence in the context of Knowledge Management
Markets and Outreach Practices at the Botswana National Archives and Records Services: State of the Art, Challenges and the Way Forward
National Information Technology Policy in Nigeria: Developmental Plans versus National Policy Objectives
Digitization of Resources in University of Nigeria: A Step Forward in Creating Digital Library of the Future
Institutional Repositories as Gateways to Local Content: A Case Study of the Unizulu Institutional Repository Project
National Network for Enhancing Research, Teaching, and Learning Delivery among Library and Information Science (LIS) Schools in Nigeria: A Conceptual Model
Information Literacy: Issues and Models
Benchmark and Critical Mass for Library Provision of Programme Accreditation in Nigerian Universities
Bridging the Digital Chasm from the Perspective of Cognitive Restructuring: The African Case
E-Commerce Adoption: A Survey of University Botswana Students
Indigenisation of Applied Research in African Universities
Good day Sir/Ma
Following the submission for abstract for presentation and the subsequent long awaiting for acceptance letter to enable me process the sponsorship of the conference. I hereby write to kindly remind you about the acceptance letter as akey requirement to facilitate sponsorship for the conference please.
Dr. Kabiru Ubale
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Dec 27, 2024 – Boris)
Please I need the theme and the sub-themes of the Conference
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 26, 2024 – Boris)