JURIX International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX Conference)*
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The JURIX International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems (JURIX Conference) is the annual international conference for research on the intersection of Law, Artificial Intelligence and Information Systems, organised by the Foundation for Legal Knowledge Based Systems (JURIX). The JURIX Conference attracts a wide variety of participants, coming from government, academia and business. It is accompanied by workshops on topics ranging from eGovernment, legal ontologies, legal XML, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), argumentation, deontic logics, etc.
Conference History:
37th JURIX Conference 2024, 11-13 December 2024, Brno, Czech Republic
(Host: Institute of Law and Technology (Masaryk University, Faculty of Law))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 11):
CLAIRvoyant: ConventicLE on Artificial Intelligence Regulation
AI4Legs-III: 3rd Workshop on AI for Legislation
AI4A2J: AI for Access to Justice
Doctoral Consortium
Case-Based Reasoning in the Legal Domain
Large Language Models in Legal Services
Legal Document Analysis
Legal Argumentation
Legal Information Retrieval
Knowledge Representation and Semantic Technologies
Rule-Based Reasoning in the Legal Domain
Legal Applications
Poster Exhibition
What Information Does an Algorithmic Legal Judgement Prediction Give?
Should we expect translation to solve legal cases?
36th JURIX Conference 2023, December 18-20, 2023, Maastricht University, Maastricht, The Netherlands
(Host: Maastricht Law and Tech Lab (Maastricht University, Faculty of Law))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 18):
ALP 2023: Workshop on AI, Law and Philosophy
AI & Access to Justice
AI4Legs-II: 2nd Workshop on AI for Legislation
Workshop on Annotation of Legal Data
JURIX 2023 Doctoral Consortium
Formal approaches
Natural Language Processing
Formal approaches & Hybrid approaches
Natural Language Processing & Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
Emerging topics
Mixed Session(s)
Explainable Legal AI
ChatGPT: what it is, what it can do, cannot do and should not do
There is no AGI on the horizon, and AI cannot replace people’s (legal) thinking and judging
35th JURIX Conference 2022, December 14-16, 2022, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany
(Host: Institute of Legal Informatics (Saarland University, Faculty of Law))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 14):
AICOL XIII@JURIX 2022 – AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems
WAICOM – Workshop on AI Compliance Mechanism
LN2FR – Methodologies for Translating Legal Norms into Formal Representations
LDA 2022 – CEILI Workshop on Legal Data Analysis
SORO – Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Governance for Social Robots
AMPM 2022 — 2nd Workshop in Agent-based Modeling & Policy-Making
AI and Machine Learning – their benefits and drawbacks for use in ODR (Online Dispute Resolution)
Argumentation and Legal Reasoning
Legal Knowledge Extraction
Legal Knowledge Classification
Legal Information Management
Legal Knowledge Modeling and Machine Learning
Deontic logic, defeasible reasoning
Semantic annotation and legal reasoning
Invited Talks:
Adapting to the age of Legal Tech: The use of artificial intelligence by the German judiciary
Is there a future for AI in the Judiciary and under what conditions?
A Typology of Legal Techs: A method to map/compare/assess
34th JURIX Conference 2021, December 8–10, 2021, Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania / Virtual venue
(Host: Law School (Mykolas Romeris University))
Note: The conference format might change to fully online.
Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 8):
AICOL 2021: AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems
1st Workshop in Agent-based Modeling & Policy-Making (AMPM 2021)
The First International Workshop on Intelligent Regulatory Systems
EXplainable & Responsible AI in Law (XAILA@JURIX2021)
Use of information technology in judicial processes
Doctoral Consortium
Knowledge Representation & Data Analysis; Explainable AI; Legal Logic; Text Mining; Legal Text Corpora and Meta Data; Ethics and AI; Data Analytics; Information Filtering and Document Summarization
Invited Talks:
Legal Visualization & Legal Logic; Legal Informatics, AI & Law and the Future of IT in and for Legal Systems
33rd JURIX Conference 2020, December 9-11, 2020, Brno/Prague, Czech Republic Virtual venue
(Host: Institue of Law and Technology (Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno); Knowledge-based Software Systems Group (Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 9):
AI & Patent Data Workshop
AICOL2020: AI Approaches to the Complexity of Legal Systems
ASAIL 2020: 4th Workshop on Automated Semantic Analysis of Information in Legal Texts
Frontiers of Digital Enforceable Contracts (FDEC)
JuL.IA: 1st International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in JUrisdictional Logistics
XAILA: The EXplainable & Responsible AI in Law Workshop
Doctoral Consortium
Pre-conference Tutorials (Dec 9):
Defeasible Logic for Legal Reasoning
Demo Session; Legal Reasoning and Argumentation; Legal Knowledge Extraction; Legal Reasoning and Models; Machine Learning for the Legal Domain; Applications of AI & Law Technology
Invited talks:
Explainability for AI and Law in the Wild
Can AI Systems be Trustworthy?
32nd JURIX Conference 2019, December 11-13, 2019, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, Spain
(Host: Ontology Engineering Group (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Artificial Intelligence Department))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 11):
MIREL 4th International Workshop on MIning and REasoning with Legal texts
TERECOM 3rd International Workshop on Technologies for Regulatory Compliance
XAILA The EXplainable AI in Law Workshop
CEILI 5th Workshop on Legal Data Analysis
GDPR Compliance – Theories, Techniques, Tools
Doctoral Consortium
Pre-conference Tutorials (Dec 11):
Defeasible Logic for Normative Reasoning
Pre-conference Special Sessions (Dec 11):
IberLegal session – NLP for Legal Domain in Languages of the Iberian Peninsula
Industry Session
Invited Talks:
Interactive Explanations via Argumentation
31st JURIX Conference 2018, December 12–14, 2018, Groningen, The Netherlands
(Host: Department of Artificial Intelligence and Department of Transboundary Legal Studies (University of Groningen))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 12):
Workshops; Doctoral Consortium; Legal Data Analytics Hackathon (CANCELLED)
Machine Learning for the Legal Domain; Legal Knowledge Extraction; Legal Knowledge Retrieval; Legal Reasoning and Argumentation: Theoretical and Practice Experiences; Legal Knowledge Modelling and Visualization; Legal Blockchain
Invited Talks:
Deep Learning for Text Analytics and Generation in Law
30th JURIX Conference 2017, December 13–15, 2017, University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg
(Host: Department of Computer Science (University of Luxembourg))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 13):
Workshops; Doctoral Consortium
Invited Talks:
Semantic web ecosystem for modelling Legal Knowledge
29th JURIX Conference 2016, December 14-16,2016, Inria Sophia Antipolis Mediterranée, Sophia Antipolis, France
(Host: Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia Antipolis (I3S) (Laboratoire d’Informatique, Université Côte d’Azur)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 14):
Workshops; Doctoral Consortium
Bayesian Reasoning; Legal Search; Reasoning with norms; Legal Knowledge Representation; Doctoral Consortium Pitches; Poster Session
Invited Talks: F
ormal semantics for backwards looking responsibility: who downed MH17?
28th JURIX Conference 2015, December 9-11, 2015. Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal
(Host: Law School (University of Minho))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 9):
Workshops & Tutorials; Doctoral Consortium
Linked Data; Data Retrieval and Analysis; Poster Session
Invited Talks:
27th JURIX Conference 2014, December 10-12, 2014, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland
(Host: Department of Legal Theory (Jagiellonian University))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 10):
Workshops; Doctoral Consortium
Legal Data; Retrieval and Analysis; Poster Session
Invited Talks:
Facticity and meaningful information
26th JURIX Conference 2013, December 11-13, 2013, University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
(Host: Centre for Research in the History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Law and in Computer Science and Law (University of Bologna))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 11):
Workshops; Doctoral Consortium
Case Narrative, Annotation, and Representation; Legal Information Extraction; Poster Session (for the first time)
Invited Talks:
25th JURIX Conference 2012, December 17-19, 2012, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Host: Leibniz Center for Law (University of Amsterdam))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 11):
Workshops & Tutorial
Extracting legal knowledge; Let me tell you a story
Invited Talks:
24th JURIX Conference 2011, December 14-16, 2011, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Centre for Legal Informatics (University of Vienna))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 13-14):
Workshops & Tutorial
Text analysis and classification
Invited Talks:
PL-OPEN – Governmental Data
Co-located Conferences:
FTRI – Fachtagung Rechtsinformatik, Dec 13-14
23rd JURIX Conference 2010, December 16-17, 2011, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom
(Host: School of Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Computer Science (University of Liverpool))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 15):
Capturing Semantics; Formal Models of Legal Reasoning
Invited Talks:
Reasoning About Normative Systems
22nd JURIX Conference 2009, December 16-18, 2009, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
(Host: Legal Economics Section (Faculty of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 16):
Workshop & Tutorials
Legal Knowledge Based Systems; Modeling Legal Knowledge
Invited Talks:
Adding Structure to Semi-structured Documents
21st JURIX Conference 2008, December 10-13, 2008, Florence, Italy
(Host: Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (National Research Council); European University Institute)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 10):
Case-based Reasoning; Information Retrieval; Knowledge-based Systems; Argumentation and Reasoning; Semantics and Documents
Invited Talks:
Case-based Reasoning in the Legal Domain; Legal Ontologies
Co-located Workshops (Dec 9):
Approaches to Legal Ontologies
20th JURIX Conference 2007, December 12-15, 2007, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
(Host: Meijers Institute for Legal Research (Law Faculty, Leiden University))
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops (Dec 12/15):
Workshops & Tutorial
Invited Talks:
19th JURIX Conference 2006, December 7-9, 2006, Université de Paris 2, Paris, France
(Host: Center for Digital Legal and Economic Studies (Université de Paris 2))
- Post-conference Workshops (Dec 9):
Legal Ontologies; Legal Knowledge Representation; Argumentation & Reasoning; Short papers
Invited Talks:
18th JURIX Conference 2005, December 8-10, 2005, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussles, Belgium
Conference Theme: At the cross-roads of artificial intelligence and e-government
(Host: Semantics Technology and Applications Research Laboratory (Vrije Universiteit Brussel))
- Post-conference Workshops (Dec 10):
Invited Talks:
17th JURIX Conference 2004, December 8-10, 2004, Max Planck Society, Berlin, Germany
(Host: Fachgruppe Juristische Informationssysteme (Gesellschaft für Informatik))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 8):
Invited Talks:
Argumentation Schemes for Legal Reasoning Systems
16th JURIX Conference 2003, December 11-12, 2003, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
(Host: Faculty of Law & Institute of Information and Computing Sciences (Utrecht University))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 11):
Legal knowledge based systems and e-government; Legal reasoning and expert systems; Legal ontology and the semantic web
Invited Talks:
15th JURIX Conference 2002, December 16-17, 2002, King’s College London, London, UK
(Host: Institute of Advanced Legal Studies (Faculty of Law, King’s College London))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 16):
Legal information representation and retrieval on the WWW; Legal information retrieval and Knowledge management; Legal education and Legal Knowledge-based systems development
Invited Talks:
Clicks and Mortals: The Future of Legal Knowledge-Based Systems
14th JURIX Conference 2001, December 13-14, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Host: University of Amsterdam (Department of Computer Science & Law))
- Pre-conference Workshops (Dec 13):
Knowledge systems; Case-based reasoning
Invited Talks: