International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC)*

International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC)*

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The International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care (KR4HC) focuses on representing and reasoning with medical knowledge in computers as a means to support knowledge management and clinical decision-making as well as the challenging combination of machine learning technology and knowledge representation systems.

Workshop History:

13th KR4HC 2023, June 15, 2023, Portoroz, Slovenia

(In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jun 12-15)

    Note: The 13th KR4HC was originally scheduled for June 2022 in Halifax, Canada, in conjunction with AIME

    Workshop Sessions:
    CAncer PAtients Better Life Experience (CAPABLE) project session
    Knowledge representation and AI

    Is there a place for Medical Knowledge Representation in the Age of Deep Learning?

    AIME Sessions:
    Data Analysis; Machine and Deep Learning; Knowledge Representation and Decision Support; Transfer Learning; Natural Language Processing

    AIME Tutorials:
    Mining and multimodal learning from complex medical data

    AIME Workshops:
    7th International Workshop on Semantics-Powered Health Data Analytics (SEPDA 2023)

    AIME Keynotes:
    Learning representations for relational learning and literature-based discovery

12th KR4HC 2021, June 16, 2021, Porto, Portugal Virtual venue

(In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jun 15-18)

    The Role of FAIR guiding principles for an effective Learning Health System

    Workshop Sessions:
    Representation of procedural knowledge; Learning models; Learning with knowledge

    AIME Sessions:
    Temporal Data Analysis; Unsupervided Learning; Planning and Decision Support; Deep Learning; Natural Language Procession; Knowledge Representation and Rule Mining

    AIME Tutorials:
    Using Machine Learning on mHealth-based Data Sources
    Machine learning for complex medical temporal sequences
    Data Science for Starters: How to Train and be Trained

    AIME Invited Lectures:
    Transforming healthcare using deep learning – lessons from ophthalmology

11th KR4HC 2019, June 29, 2019, Poznan, Poland

(KR4HC-ProHealth Joint workshop with the 12th ProHealth – International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare; In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jun 26-29)

    Multi-morbid and Poorly Motivated Patient: How to Arrive at a Right Therapy and Help with Adhering to It

    Workshop Sessions:
    Knowledge sharing and integration; Knowledge representation for decision-support; Abstraction and knowledge extraction for clinical processes

    AIME Sessions:
    Deep Learning; Knowledge Representation; Clustering, Natural Language Processing, and Decision Support; General Machine Learning; Unsupervised Learning

10th KR4HC 2018, July 13-14, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden

(Part of the Joint Workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Health (CARE, KR4HC/ProHealth and AI4HC workshops); In Conjunction with IJCAI-ECAI – International Joint Conference and European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jul 13-19 – part of the Federated AI Meeting)

    Workshop Tracks:
    Agents in Healthcare; Data Science and Decision Systems in Medicine; Knowledge Management in Healthcare

    Workshop Sessions:
    Data Science; Agents in Healthcare, Data Science and Decision Systems in Medicine, Knowledge Management in Healthcare; Agents in Healthcare

9th KR4HC 2017, June 24, 2017, Vienna, Austria

(KR4HC-ProHealth Joint workshop with the 10th ProHealth – International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare; In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jun 21-24)

    How Linked (Open?) Data can benefit Healthcare systems

    Workshop Sessions:
    Temporal Analysis and Representation. Simulation.; Modeling and Decision Support. Data Analysis.; Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning

    Ontologies and Knowledge Representation; Natural Language Processing; Machine Learning

8th KR4HC 2016, September 2, 2016, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich, Germany

(KR4HC-ProHealth Joint workshop with the 9th ProHealth – International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare; In conjunction with HCE – Health – Exploring Complexity, Aug 28 – Sep 2)

    Can existing biomedical ontologies be more useful for EHR and DSS?

    Workshop Sessions:
    Clinical Quality, Evaluation, and Simulation; Computer Guideline Engineering and Usage; Computer Guideline Engineering and Usage; Comorbidity and Clinical Process Management

    HCE Sessions:

7th KR4HC 2015, June 20, 2015, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy

(KR4HC-ProHealth Joint workshop with the 8th ProHealth – International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare; In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jun 17-20)

    Evolution and Revolution in Knowledge-Driven Health IT: A 50-Year Perspective and a Look Ahead

    Workshop Sessions:
    Knowledge-Driven Health IT; Clinical Guideline and Clinical Pathway Support; Mobile Process and Decision Support; Health Information Systems and Clinical Data

    AIME Sessions:
    Data Mining and Machine Learning; Temporal Data Mining; Text Mining; Knowledge Representation and Guidelines

6th KR4HC 2014, July 21, 2014, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria

(In conjunction with KR – International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Jul 20-24, part of the Vienna Summer of Logic (VSL), Jul 9-24)

    Knowledge-Intensive Medical Process Similarity

    Workshop Sessions:
    Modeling Clinical Guidelines; Exploring and Assessing Clinical Guidelines; Training and Learning; Linking Electronic Patient Records

5th KR4HC 2013, June 1, 2013, Universidad de Murcia, Múrcia,Spain

(KR4HC-ProHealth Joint workshop with the 6th ProHealth – International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare; In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, May 29 – Jun 1)

    How Ontologies can Improve Semantic Interoperability in Health Care

    Workshop Sessions:
    Semantic Interoperability in Health Care; Modeling Clinical Guidelines; Knowledge-based Techniques for Handling Clinical Data; Context-aware Services and Guidance

    AIME Sessions:
    Decision Support, Guidelines and Protocols; Semantic Technology; Machine Learning; Probabilistic Modelling and Reasoning; Temporal Data Visualization and Analysis; Natural Language Processing

4th KR4HC 2012, September 3, 2012, Tallinn, Estonia

(KR4HC-ProHealth Joint workshop with the 5th ProHealth – International Workshop on Process-oriented Information Systems in Healthcare; In conjunction with the International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM), Sep 3-6)

    The Elicitation, Representation, Application, and Automated Discovery of Time-Oriented Declarative Clinical Knowledge: The Hidden Aspect of Supporting the Automated Application of Procedural Medical Knowledge

    Workshop Sessions:
    Guidelines and Summarization; Archetypes and Semantic Integration; Process Mining and Time

    BPM Sessions:

3rd KR4HC 2011, July 6, 2011, Bled, Slovenia

(In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, July 2-6)

    The Human Cli-Knome Project: Building a Universal, Formal, Procedural and Declarative Clinical Knowledge Base for the Automation of Therapy and Research

    Workshop Sessions:
    Health Processes; Patient Records, Medical Costs, and Clinical Trials; Clinical Guidelines; Poster Session

    AIME Sessions:
    Knowledge-Based Systems; Data Mining; Probabilistic Modeling and Reasoning; Terminologies and Ontologies; Temporal Reasoning and Temporal Data Mining; Natural Language Processing

2nd KR4HC 2010, August 17, 2010, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal

(In conjunction with ECAI – European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 16-20)


    Workshop Sessions:
    Ontologies; Medical Process; Patient data, records & guidelines; Guidelines; Poster Session

1st KR4HC 2009, July 19, 2009, University of Verona, Verona, Italy

Workshop Theme: Knowledge Representation for Health-Care: Data, Processes and Guidelines
(In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jul 18-22)

    The Changing Nature of Biomedical Research: Semantic e-Science

    Workshop Sessions:
    From Patient Data to Medical Ontologies; Temporal Reasoning; Argumentation; Modelling Guidelines: (1) Tools, (2) Knowledge Engineering; Live System Demostrations

    AIME Sessions:
    Temporal Reasoning and Temporal Data Mining; Case-Based Reasoning; Knowledge-Based and Decision-Support Systems; Ontologies, Terminologies and Natural Language; Data Mining, Machine Learning, Classification and Prediction; Probabilistic Modeling and Reasoning;

Workshop Predecessors:

Knowledge Management for Health Care Procedures (K4HelP), July 21, 2008, Patras, Greece

(In conjunction with ECAI – European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 21-25)

    Building Internet Digital Libraries for Patients and Professionals – Do They Have an Impact?

    Workshop Sessions:
    Technologies for Managing Procedural Knowledge in Medicine; Methodologies for Managing Procedural Knowledge in Medicine; Systems for Managing Procedural Knowledge in Medicine

From Knowledge to Global Health Care (K4CARE), July 7, 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

(In conjunction with AIME – Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, Jul 7-11)


    Workshop Sessions:
    Data and Knowledge representation and combination; Computer-based knowledge generation in health care; Knowledge-based health care systems; Discussion

    AIME Sessions:
    Temporal Data Mining; Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery; Text Mining, Natural Language Processing and Generation; Ontologies; Decision Support Systems

Machine Learning and Management of Health-Care Procedural Knowledge, June 20-22, 2007, Maribor, Slovenia

(Special Track in conjunction with CBMS – IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems)

    The SDA Model: A Set Theory Approach. 563-568
    Increasing Acceptability of Decision Trees with Domain Attributes Partial Orders. 569-574
    Automatic Generation of Formal Intervention Plans Based on the SDA Representation Model. 575-580
    Temporal Constraints Approximation from Data about Medical Procedures.

    CBMS2007 Tracks:
    GS3: Knowledge Based Systems
    ST4: Data Mining
    ST6: Healthcare Knowlege Management
    ST8: Ontologies for Biomedical Systems

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  1. How can i register for this webinar?

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jun 16, 2021 – Boris)

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