Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organizations Community (KM in NGO)*

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Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organizations Community (KM in NGO)*Custom logo

The Knowledge Management in Non-Governmental Organizations Community (KM in NGO),1) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


(every two month at Hong Kong PolyU)

    Feb 2010: Sharing on Enterprise Knowledge Portal and Communities

    Jul 2009: Purpose and Procedure of Knowledge Audit
    Mar 2009: Web 2.0 & Selective Applications

    Dec 2008: Introduction to Enterprise Portals: Portal Applications & Case Studies – Web 2.0 Tools for Enhanced Portal Collaborations
    Oct 2008: Strategy Planning Through a Knowledge Cafe: Knowledge Management Programs and Future Plan of Knowledge Management
    Jul 2008: Sharing on Web 2.0 Applications
    May 2008: Knowledge Community Workshop
    Mar 2008: White Paper
    Jan 2008: 1st Meeting


  • Knowledge Management Forum for Non-Governmental Organizations (KM Forum for NGOs)**
    This KM Forum for NGOs will cover different perspectives of knowledge management. Speakers from Education and NGO sectors will share with participants their thoughts and insight of knowledge management implementation. The Forum is co-organized by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Knowledge Management Research Centre of Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

    • KM Forum for NGOs, 4 November 2011, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong
      Conference Theme: Are You Ready for the Knowledge Management Era?

        Application of Knowledge management bin Primary School
        Knowledge management in Hong Kong young Woman’s Christian Association
        Leveraging Web 2.0 and Social Media Tools for Non-Profit Organisations
        Knowledge management Development in NGO

    • KM Forum for NGOs, 20 November 2007, Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Hong Kong
      Conference Theme: Building a Knowledge Sharing Community in the Social Welfare Sector: Application of Knowledge Management in NGOs today

        Insights for NGOs:
        Knowledge Management Journey in Child Assessment Service, Department of Health
        Knowledge Sharing & Learning Culture in CLP Power
        Building a Knowledge Sharing Culture: Barriers, Methods and Practice

        Insights from NGOs:
        Knowledge Management in the Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong
        Knowledge Management in Family Planning Association of Hong Kong

        Open Forum: Knowledge Cafe
        What are the Challenges of Knowledge Sharing within NGOs?

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