Charles Darwin University (CDU)

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Charles Darwin University (CDU)Custom logo

Charles Darwin University (CDU), rooted in the Darwin Institute of Technology, formerly the Darwin Community College, and the University College of the Northern Territory (UCNT), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:

Faculty of Science and Technology

Graduate Degrees/Programs

College of Engineering, IT & Environment (CEITE)2)

  • PhD / Master of Engineering by Research (research area: Knowledge Management)

Faculty of Arts and Society3)

Graduate Degrees/Programs

School of Creative Arts and Humanities*4)

  • Graduate Diploma in Information And Knowledge Management (GDIKM)**5)

School of Indigenous Knowledges and Public Policy (SIKPP)*4)6)

  • Graduate Diploma in Indigenous Knowledges** (was: Graduate Diploma in Australian Indigenous Knowledges)
  • Master of Indigenous Knowledges (Mawul Rom)**

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