Knowledge for Development Partnership Conference (K4DP Conference)*
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The Knowledge for Development Partnership Conference (K4DP Conference), initially the Global Knowledge for Development Summit, quasi-successor of the Austrian Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Politics (Agenda Knowledge), aims to review the advancement of knowledge management practices in the field of sustainable development and presents a new agenda to strengthen knowledge societies and economies for development. The conference will provide insights in current practices and explore future developments in the use of knowledge management in the area of development on a regional and global level.
The Österreichische Konferenz für Wissensmanagement und Wissenspolitik (Agenda Wissen) (English: Austrian Conference on Knowledge Management and Knowledge Politics (Agenda Knowledge)), formerly the Österreichische Konferenz für Wissenspolitik (Agenda Wissen; English: Austrian Conference on Knowledge Politics (Agenda Knowledge)), is the annual highlight of the year-round cooperation of the ‘Wissenspartnerschaft Österreich’ (English: Austrian Knowledge Partnership), a platform for a liveable, efficient and sustainable knowledge policy. The knowledge agenda helps to understand knowledge as a democratic and community-building force – both within the country and within the international community. As an integrative political field of action, ideas, dialogue and commitment from many people are required in order to shape a lively knowledge society.
Conference History:
Pan-African K4DP Conference 2021, South Africa
(in cooperation with KMSA – Knowledge Management South Africa)
2nd African K4DP Conference, October 2020, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Virtual Venue
(in cooperation with ILRI – International Livestock Research Institute; linked with the 20-years birthday celebrations of the KM4Dev-Community)
1st African K4DP Conference, Sepember 25-26, 2019, Nairobi, Kenya
Focus topic: Knowledge Agenda for Africa
(in conjunction with the Nairobi Knowledge Week; Partners: Knowledge City, Knowledge for Development Partnership, Kenya Diaspora Alliance, Co-operative University of Kenya, Health Knowledge Management Network, Association for the Development of Education in Africa, Kenyan Academy of Sciences, Informaticians Society of Kenya, Integrated Doctoral Association of Kenya, Knowledge for Development Initiative (Nigeria); Funding from Austrian Development Cooperation)
Knowledge is a the heart of Africa´s Development
The Knowledge for Development Partnership and its Agenda
Panel discussion: Knowledge Strategies for Africa
Knowledge Agenda for Kenya to support Vision 2030 + the big 4 Agenda; Knowledge Agenda for Uganda; Togo´s path towards a knowledge society; Knowledge Management ecosystem – experiences from Zimbabwe;African knowledge in diaspora; Key challenges for Nigeria to perform as a knowledge economy; Knowledge Management in Kenya and Africa: Current status and outlook
Session: Knowledge Management in the development context
KM at UN HABITAT and knowledge for cities and regions; Knowledge Management towards affordable housing;Knowledge Management in manufacturing; Health Knowledge Management;African Readiness for Knowledge Driven Economy; Doing research in the ‘open’: ILRI’s Knowledge Management approach; Mind the gap: African languages, translation and indigenous knowledge management in development
Session: Knowledge Management in sectors and cross-dimensional issues
KM in public administration – The case Kenya Revenue Authority; Knowledge brokering with the private sector in multi-stakeholder partnership: lessons and ways forward; KM in the Renewable Energy Sector; Knowledge Management for Quality Education in Africa; Knowledge Management in the Agricultural Sector; Knowledge Management in the traffic and transportation sector
World Café: Advancing a knowledge agenda in Africa
Open space: Knowledge for Development
Knowledge marketplace (parallel to the open space)
Presentation of the African Knowledge Tree
Launching the African Knowledge 4 Development Partnership
KM4D Award Introduction
KMA Knowledge Management Award 2019 Ceremony
Global K4DP Conference, April 2018, Nairobi, Kenya
(in conjunction with the Nairobi Knowledge Week an the K4DP General Assembly)
Global K4DP Conference, April 3-4, 2017, Geneva, Switzerland
(co-organized by the Joint Inspection Unit of the United Nations and Knowledge Management Austria; Partners: KM4Dev, The New Club of Paris, Knowledge for Development without Borders, Swiss Knowledge Management Forum)
Opening Ceremony: Welcome & Statements (5)
Keynotes (6): A multistakeholder perspective
Closing Presentation: K4D Vision 2030 at the nexus of theory, policy, practice and politics
Session: Introduction of flagship documents
Launching of the JIU Report on ‘Knowledge Management in the United Nations system’ (JIU/REP/2016/10); Presentation of the Agenda Knowledge for Development
Session: Good practices in knowledge management in the United Nations system
Session: Measuring the impact of knowledge management (open discussion)
Evaluation and knowledge management; Knowledge management: a business case; Intellectual Capital reporting and auditing procedures; Management of the Intellectual Capital
Session: Presentation of good practices in cross-sectoral knowledge management
Arab Knowledge Project; Integrated KM Approach at the Ministry of Interior of the UAE; …
Knowledge Market (expo) (Apr 2-4)
Dialogue on the way forward: How to get the Agenda Knowledge for Development into practice? (World Café)
Integration: Summarizing the learnings of the Conference & Co-creation of an Action Plan and next steps (Fish Bowl Discussion)
Inauguration Ceremony of the K4D Partnership
KMA Knowledge Management Award 2017 Ceremony
Co-located events:
KM4Dev Open Space: Knowledge Management for Development, towards a Knowledge Sharing Society (Apr 2)
Associated conferences:
KM4Dev Forum, Apr 6-7, 2017, Seattle, WA, USA
Global Knowledge for Development Summit, October 14, 2016, Vienna, Austria
(in conjunction with the Vienna Knowledge Week; Organizer: City of Vienna / Knowledge Management Austria)
Keynotes & Panel Discussions:
Knowledge Development Goals (KDG)
Knowledge Development Goals (KDG)
Knowledge Café: Dialogue on the Knowledge Development Goals (KDG)
KMA Knowledge Management Award Ceremony 2016
Co-located events:
KM4Dev2016 Day: The Future of Knowledge Management for Development (Oct 15)
5. Agenda Wissen 2014, Wien, Österreich
4. Agenda Wissen 2012, 31. Mai – 1. Juni 2012, Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Wien, Österreich
Moderne Sklaven oder die Symmetrie von Macht und Wissen – Ein Mythos?; Knowledge Management in the UNDP
Knowledge.Management.Space: Best Practice Brancen-Roundtables
Knowledge Management in Consulting & IT; Medical Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in der Energiewirtschaft; Knowledge Management in der produzierenden Industrie; Knowledge Management in der öffentlichen Verwaltung; Wissen und Medien
Wissensarbeiter im Gespräch
Potenziale der Symbiose von Kunst und Wissensarbeit; Bedürfnissen, Chancen und Herausforderungen für wissensbasierte Dienstleistungen
Let’s discover together and let bloom the energizing power of dynamic co-creativity!”
Knowledge.Art.Space (Kunstausstellung: Kunstwerke zum Thema Wissen)
Knowledge.Market (Expo)
Knowledge.Lab (Doktoranten-Konferenz)
Verleihung der Knowledge Management Awards 2012
Co-located Events:
Vienna Knowledge Space 2012
3. Agenda Wissen 2011, 22. Juni 2011, Technische Universität Wien, Wien, Österreich
Wissen bringt uns vorwärts; Die Wissensidentität Österreichs; Vom Umgang mit Wissen in der öffentlichen Verwaltung; Die Führung von Wissensarbeitern – (k)eine Kunst: Denkfehler und Wege zur Besserung; Wissenskommunikation in Österreich; Die Wissensmesse als Instrument des Wissensmanagements
Wissensmarkt mit den Wissensständen: (Expo)
Wissensmanagement in der öffentlichen Verwaltung; Wirtschaftsstandort und Innovation; Wissen, Kreativität und Innovation; Wissensarbeit und Innovation; Wissen schafft Vorsprung; Wissen und Migration; Wissen und Sicherheit; Wissenskultur
Verleihung der Knowledge Management Awards 2011
Co-located Events:
Vienna Knowledge Space 2011, 21. Mai – 23. Juni
2. Agenda Wissen/Knowledge 2010, June 24-25, 2010, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
The Knowledge Strategy of Israel; The meanders to regional knowledge strategies – observations from the Frankfurt-Rhein-Main Region; The Austrian Knowledge Report of the New Club of Paris; First results on the road to an Austrian Knowledge Strategy; The wisdom of the soul
Session 1: Knowledge Politics
Knowledge Cities; Knowledge Management in the Austrian National Library; Knowledge Management in the Austrian Armed Force
Session 2: International Knowledge Management
The Knowledge Management approach of UNIDO; Nuclear Knowledge Management; National Knowledge Reports of the World Bank
Session 3: Knowledge Art and Culture
The knowledge of art; Insight from outside: a dialogue between art and economy; How to bridge art and science: practical experiences
Session 4: Knowledge Management Best Practices
How to create a knowledge-sharing culture; Invent – capture – reuse: the Knowledge Management story of Hewlett-Packard; Knowledge on the move at Raiffeisen Informatik
Session 5: Knowledge Industry
One-Person-Companies changing the economic order; Knowledge work and its (missing) lobby
Session 6: Knowledge Work
From humor to knowledge; How personal information management changes our worklife
World Cafés:
Public and International Knowledge Management; Knowledge Culture and Knowledge Management Best Practices
Knowledge Art Space (Vernissage)
Knowledge and its structures (Exhibition)
Knowledge Management Award 2010 Ceremony
1. Agenda Wissen/Knowledge 2009, June 19, 2009, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria
Conference Theme: The integration challenge
(In cooperatioin with: New Club of Paris; City of Vienna (MA 27 – Europäische Angelegenheiten), Center for International Knowledge Management; Vienna Knowledge Space; United Nations Industrial Development Organization)
Hinweis: Gründungstreffen der Wissenspartnerschaft Österreich
The integration challenge:
Envision the knowledge society
Balance the values and objectives of knowledge
Cooperate for global knowledge prosperity
Vienna – City of Knowledge; The Knowledge Agenda of the United Nations System; The Need for a Global Knowledge Partnership; IC of Nations – from the perspective of the World Bank; The Knowledge Strategy of Hong Kong; Austria from the Outside: Results of the Roundtable of thee New Club of Paris with the Austrian Parliament; The Austrian Agenda Knowledge; From a Research and Innovation Strategy to an Integrative Knowledge-Strategy in Vienna; Enabling Spaces als Räume des Wissens. Wo Kreativität und Innovation gedeihen (part of the Vienna Knowledge Space program)
World Cafés:
Co-creating a global knowledge partnership; Austria – Land of Knowledge
Presentation of the Center for International Knowledge Management (IKM)
Presentation and Initiation of the Knowledge Partnership
Presentation of the First Austrian Knowledge Management Award
Co-located Events:
Vienna Knowledge Space 2009, 5. Juni – 31. Oktober
Agenda Knowledge 2006, 2-4 Oktober 2006, Vienna, Austria
Conference Theme: The integration challenge
(Partner: Institut für Höhere Studien, Forschungsgruppe Employment – Qualification – Innovation (equi); Universität Graz, Institut für Internationales Management)
Hinweis: Konferenz im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes “Wissensbilanz Österreich (wb:ö)” (2005-2006), gefördert durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Kultur im Rahmen des TRAFO Programms (Transdisziplinäres Forschen)
The integration challenge:
Envision the knowledge society
Balance economic and ecological values
Bridge scientific and tacit knowledge
Cooperate for global knowledge prosperity