Knowledge for Health Knowledge Management Share Fair*
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The Knowledge for Health Knowledge Management Share Fair, organized by the Knowledge for Health Project (K4Health) funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is a symposium for global health and development knowledge management practitioners to advance the science and practice of Knowledge Management. Experts in Knowledge Management will be facilitating workshops and hands-on sessions so you can learn about innovative tools and techniques while sharing your own successes and lessons learned.
Conference History:
Regional Knowledge Management Share Fair, April 13-14, 2016, Arusha, Tanzania
(Co-organizer: East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community; East African Community/Lake Victoria Basin Commission)
Program n.a.
Post-conference events: (Apr 15)
Peer Assist session
Global Health Knowledge Management Share Fair, April 16, 2013, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Global Health Knowledge Management: Challenges and Opportunities
(Co-organizer: Global Health Knowledge Collaborative)
So What? How are Knowledge Management interventions making a difference in global health and development programs?
Measuring more than “Likes” and “Follows”: Maximizing the potential of social media for knowledge management
Plenary Presentations
Knowledge management Tools and Approaches to Facilitate In-Country Learning (Five-Minute Presentations)
Net-mapping for Knowledge Exchange
Mixology: Blending eLearning with other learning approaches (The K4Health Blended Learning Guide)
Interactive Sessions:
Knowledge Management Beyond Health: Come learn from your neighbors!
Help is on the Way: Peer assist for communities of practice
The Intersection of Knowledge management and Health System Strengthening (presentations & small discussion groups)
Health Information Needs: Tools to assess knowledge gaps (interactive workshop)
Knowledge Share Fair Marketplace