Knowledge Management Society of Japan Conference (KMSJ Annual)*

Knowledge Management Society of Japan Conference (KMSJ Annual)*

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The Knowledge Management Society of Japan Conference (KMSJ Annual) is the annual conference and general meeting of the Knowledge Management Society of Japan (KMSJ).

Conference History:

27th KMSJ Annual 2024, December 1, 2024, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: New Aspects of Knowledge Management and AI: Towards Specific Use

    Knowledge management with agent AI

    Generative AI and on-site knowledge management
    How to deal with AI and human society
    Microsoft case studies and examples of how generative AI can change the world of learning

    Panel Discussions:
    New aspects of knowledge management and AI: Towards concrete applications

    Research Presentations: (free topics)
    Rethinking the SECI Model: Small-scale knowledge creation spiral
    Supporting middle managers as knowledge producers: Consideration of the case of MIMIGURI “Knowledge Creation Room”
    Introduction to C-Hub promotion activities at Ajinomoto Healthy Supply Co., Ltd.
    Proposal of a video utilization model to realize cross-departmental technology transfer – Case study in a pharmaceutical company
    A circular business model of regional sharing mediated by trust
    Facilitating knowledge sharing through understanding others via transactive memory systems
    Bias in the fields of discussion in each phase of SF prototyping web applications
    From Generative AI Creation to Emergence for Innovation: Initiatives of the Keio University Science Fiction Research, Development and Implementation Center
    The relationship between employee knowledge sharing behavior and wellness management practices
    Knowledge transfer through product sales: A case study of a hair care beauty product company

26th KMSJ Annual 2023, December 3, 2023, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: AI and human knowledge – futuristic knowledge management co-created by AI and humans

    How AI has developed – From generative AI to future AI – AI that co-evolves with humans for Society 5.0: From text generation to real-world phenomenon generation

    Panel Presentations:
    Intellectual Property Strategy in the AI ​​Era
    Dialogue and co-creation with generative AI
    Evolution of knowledge management through AI ~ Transformation of legal and intellectual property business as seen in Nikkei articles
    How to manage knowledge using databases

    Panel discussions:
    “AI and human knowledge” - How can we humans co-exist and co-create with AI knowledge?

    Research Presentations:
    Key person research on transformation in regional knowledge creation – Forest therapy – Learning from cases of knowledge sharing and co-creation in developed regions
    Workplace learning that utilizes awareness in organizations where multi-skilled workers and individualization of work have progressed
    Toward realizing software-first in CASE and MaaS for automotive companies
    A study of the factors that promote voluntary participation in knowledge creation activities: Examining the possibility of connecting self-actualization theories
    Escape from being ‘taught’ – the art of adult learning, from petagogy to andragogy
    Knowledge management that effectively utilizes Sales force automation – Issues in utilizing SFA and approaches to solving them
    Diffusion of user innovation and user knowledge – from the case of medical devices

    Associated Events:
    General Meeting, May 27, 2023, Virtual venue

    Approval of activity report and settlement report proposal for the 25th term (FY2022)
    Accounting Audit Report for the 25th Fiscal Year (FY2022)
    Approval of the 26th term (FY2020) activity plan and budget proposal
    Reelection of Directors for the 26th Term (FY2023)

    Future Session:
    The Future Sessio which was held until the previous year, will not be held this year.

25th KMSJ Annual 2022, November 27, 2022, Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Individuals, families, teams, organizations, communities, society, and the earth ~ Re-questioning the problem setting to be solved in knowledge creation

    The Future of Knowledge Management as Seen from the Community of Practice

    Panel Discussions:
    What are the cutting-edge challenges of knowledge creation at the individual, family, team, organization, community, society,
    and global level?

    Research group reports (including Q&A)
    Tokai Section
    Knowledge Creation Research Group
    Practical Knowledge Innovation Study Group
    SDGs Study Group
    New Industrial Revolution Study Group
    ISO Standardization Study Group

    Research presentations:
    Urban Vulnerability and Knowledge: From the Perspective of Social Entrepreneurship”
    Speech Communication Analysis of Collaborative Processes in the Metaverse Space
    Knowledge management of fishing vessel engine maintenance using voice tweet system
    The value of veteran experience and knowledge expected by the junior class and its transfer – Co-creation of knowledge by the veteran and junior layers in the SE department of IT company A

    Panel discussion closing dialogue

    Associated Events:
    General Meeting, May 28, 2022, Virtual venue

    Proposal deliberation and approval session:
    No. 1 Proposal 24th term (2021) Approval of activity report and financial statements Proposal
    No. 2 Proposal No. 24 (FY2021) Accounting audit report
    No. 3 Proposal No. 25 (FY2022) Approval of activity plan and budget Proposal

    Future Session:
    Introducing Knowledge Utilization in Companies and Our Initiatives to Support Utilization
    Purpose of Corporate Member Participation, Sharing Practical Issues
    Applying Knowledge Management to Practice
    General sharing of future sessions

24th KMSJ Annual 2021, December 5, 2021, Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Co-creation of Multidimensional Value in the Big Wave of Change – The Role of Knowledge Management in the Social Implementation of Innovation

    Keynote: From Initiatives for Town Development DX and SDGs to Future Town Development for Value Co-creation
    Special Lecture: NEC’s future town development and smartness through overall optimization

    Panel Discussions:
    Efforts for Town Development DX, Toward a Transformation to an Overall Optimal Smart Society

    Research Groups’ Reports / Presentations:
    (1) Tokai Subcommittee
    (2) Creative research of knowledge Subcommittee
    (3) Practical Knowledge Innovation Research Subcommittee
    (4) SDGs Research Subcommittee
    (5) New Industrial Revolution Research Subcommittee

    General member presentations:

    Research presentations & discussions:
    Psychological safety creates a knowledge creation spiral
    Inheriting the Philosophy of Non-Profit Organizations through Regional Creative Projects
    Co-creation of value in company building

    Associated Events:
    Annual General Meeting, May 29, 2021, Virtual venue

23rd KMSJ Annual 2020, November 21, 2020, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Knowledge management in the new normal era (tentative: “New Development of Knowledge Management – Toward a Future Beyond Digital Transformation” and “Knowledge Management: Past, Present and Future”)

    Note: The Conference & General Meeting was scheduled for June 6, 2020; The general meeting was held on June 6 but online.

    The challenges of realizing digital transformation (DX) with the aim of exploring new knowledge

    Special Lectures:
    New Normal and Empathy Capitalism
    DX Fujitra at Fujitsu-Fujitsu Transformation

    Panel discussion on the theme of special lectures

    Research Group Activity Reports:
    (1) Tokai Subcommittee
    (2) Knowledge Creation Research Group
    (3) Social Media Research Group
    (4) ISO standardization research group
    (5) New Industrial Revolution Research Group
    (6) Practical SDGs Management Research Group
    (7) Practical Knowledge Innovation Research Group

    Future Session

    Research presentations & discussions

    Associated Events:
    Annual General Meeting, June 6, 2020, Virtual venue

22nd KMSJ Annual 2019, June 9, 2019, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Ideal way of knowledge management in the artificial intelligence age
(Host: KIT Toranomon Graduate School)

    Special Lectures:
    Promotion of digital transformation and trends and developments in the utilization of data and digital technology
    A new era of business through digital transformation accelerated by AI Digitization of “knowledge” is the driving force of change

    Panel Discussions:
    Knowledge management theory entering a new era ~ Does AI manage humans or adapt to human society?

    Thesis Presentations:
    Presentation 1&2
    SDGs Management Study Group
    Practical Knowledge Innovation Study Group

    Dialogue Sessions:

    High-tech regions Silicon Valley and Shenzhen. Knowledge creation from both societies Exploring the origin of the building society (embetsu de to knowledge) ”
    – Dialogue & Question: Mutual Subjectivity and Social Construction Principle, corporate and social change

    What is Knowledge co-creation for the future aiming for meso-level well-being
    – Dialogue & Question: Co-creation of knowledge and co-creation of value designing the future

    Practical community of researchers and creation of knowledge
    – Dialogue & Question: Innovation Fostering a Community of Practice

    Importance of tacit knowledge in employee education
    Dialogue & Question: Educators and educators From the perspective of common understanding and sympathy for technology

    KMSJ General Meeting

21st KMSJ Annual 2018, May 26, 2018, Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Create an Innovation Organization: Create a Process to Create Knowledge

    Special Lectures:
    TBA Nonaka

    Innovation organization: Mobility of indirect departments that create knowledge
    Top Roles in Innovation Companies: Case of Linnai
    Open Innovation and Value Creation
    Creating an Organization that Causes Innovation

    KMSJ General Meeting

20th KMSJ Annual 2017, March 18, 2017, Tokyo Keizai University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Is it possible to create value co-creation between AI and people? Issues to accelerate enterprise innovation and knowledge management

    Corporate Innovation through Knowledge Utilization

    Special Lectures:
    AI and Human Value Co-creation and Data Scientist

    Panel Discussions:
    AI and Human Value Co-creation
    ABC (Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Cloud) and IoT Society (Theme Track panel)
    Challenge to Form Organizational Knowledge-Silo Problem” Toward Innovation Beyond (Theme Track panel)

    Theme Track:
    Hackason and Ideas
    Business skills and behavioral change to prevent business people from being replaced by AI

    Free Topics Track:
    Nagoya Enterprises and Knowledge Management
    AI The value of the SECI model in the times
    Agile Development Human Resources Development through Industry-Academia Collaboration? PBL Based on Agile / Scrum Practical report?
    Reality and Vision of UEC Programming Class
    Does the knowledge of machines promote corporate innovation?
    Study on the ideal way of technology transfer to support globalization

    KMSJ General Meeting

19th KMSJ Annual 2016, March 19, 2016, Eisai Co., Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Outcome society – new business model for capitalism, pursuit of lifestyle and creativity

    SECI Model for Realizing Corporate Management Philosophy

    Special Lectures:
    What is co-existence management required for corporate management?
    What is Outcome Society?

    Panel Discussions:
    Corporate Philosophy and Outcomes (Theme Track panel)
    Future Developments and Issues of EGM (Employee Generated Media) (Free Topics Track panel)

    Theme Track:
    I aim to start a business “New Society”
    Importance of Social Innovation in Outcome Society
    Mind Change / Skill Improvement Program to Realize Outcome Society
    Outcome Society For young people to stand out? “Vision and Method of Programming Education at Dentsu University

    Free Topics Track:
    Case Study: Singapore Printing Company Transformation
    Momentum beyond Silicon Valley, San Francisco, which is growing rapidly due to social application rush
    Message App and Creativity

    KMSJ General Assembly

18th KMSJ Annual 2015, March 21, 2015, Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: The ideal collective intelligence of the new Internet era (cloud, big data, IoT / IoE) – collaboration of complex knowledge of people and machines

    Possibilities of Internet Collective Intelligence

    Special Lectures:
    IoT Initiatives in Komatsu’s Construction Mining Machinery

    Panel Discussions:
    Development of new Internet (cloud, big data, IoT / IoE) (Theme Track panel)
    Organizational change practice: current situation and future (Knowledge Creation Dialogue)

    Theme Track:
    In-house SNS that determines the success or failure of M & A / organizational restructuring
    Social Enterprise for Organizational Transformation
    Evolution of Information Society-Kumon S-shaped Wave Theory Smartphone Era 3D Analysis
    New Internet from Human History (Cloud, Big Data, Positioning of IoT / IoE)
    Development of virtual products in Europe and the United States
    What does OMRON’s wellness link bring?

    Free Topic Track:
    Customer’s knowledge and value consciousness-thinking about manufacturing innovation
    Creation of 0 to ∞ by KM-Practice of Learning & KM in IBM
    Strengthening the disabled in the security industry-SECI model consideration
    Venture support and educational activities at the university from the perspective of knowledge creation theory
    Analyzing: The Case of the University of Electro-Communications

    Organizational change practice research

    KMSJ Board of Directors meeting
    KMSJ General Meeting

17th KMSJ Annual 2014, March 8, 2014, Yokohama National University, Yokohama, Japan

Conference Theme: Management knowledge – conversion to industrialization of net service type
(Host: Faculty of Business Administration)

    Coca-Cola Way of Marketing in the Social Digital Era

    Special Lectures:
    Management will change due to M2M revolution

    Panel Discussions:
    Knowledge Creation Company & Practice of organizational change and its results (Free Topic Track panel)

    Theme Track:
    conversion to the net service industries
    Microsoft Venture Support, Online Business Support
    Internet service-type industrialization, new KM issues in the age of smart industrial society
    Net service era in IBM Knowledge Management

    Free Topic Track:
    Customer Knowledge and Platform Construction
    Efforts to Create Social Value for Companies
    Knowledge Creation: Starting from Integration – Strategic Utilization of Homepage

    Board of Directors meeting

16th KMSJ Annual 2013, March 9, 2013, Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge learned from history and corporate social contribution

    What to Learn from the Wisdom of Our Predecessors- Sadakan Earthquake and Japanese Society in Historical Records

    Special Lectures:
    Learn from Ise Jingu’s Ceremony Relocation-Leveraging the Philosophy of in Society
    – Overview of Jingu’s Ceremony and the Philosophy of

    – Taking a copy of the idea of ​​

    Research Reports:
    Corporate Philosophy Activities Aiming for Common Goodness
    Social Contribution of Small and Medium Enterprises from the Viewpoint of Measures
    Human Resource Development Monitoring System Based on the“ Four Processes of Knowledge and Action ”Model
    Development of Japanese Language and Japanese Management
    Corporate Sustainability: Integrated reporting to convey and share with society
    – Activities of the International Integrated Reporting Council and the role of WICI
    – Integrated reporting required for venture business

    Research Group Reports:
    Trancom Research
    Japan’s Strengths Learned from Do
    Smart Revolution and Service Control Logic at a Turning Point in History”
    Enriching Women’s Careers- Toward Diverse Growth in Organizations
    Organizational Recognition Group Report

    KMSJ General Meeting

15th KMSJ Annual 2012, March 3, 2012, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge of diversity

    Creativeness brought about by diversity”

    Special Lectures:
    Our Diversity

    Theme Track:
    Mechanism for a housewife part to become a’selling professional’-Companies with diverse abilities by looking at people without looking at attributes to
    Social media and diversity
    Issues for Diversity and Innovation of Japanese Companies
    Diversity of TV Viewing and Locating Free Viewing
    Diverse Employment Forms and Human Resources Strategy-Premium” Design and Corporate Brand

    Free Topics Track:
    Practice of Dynamic Capability: Intergenerational Communication of Knowledge and Competency-Comparative Study between Japan
    and France
    Finance Knowledge
    Transformation Thinking by CEOs of the World and IBM’s Initiatives for Networking Professionals
    Research on Fair Personnel Evaluation / Recruitment-Academic Background / Public National Qualifications / Academic research on career and human resources strategies that comprehensively consider work history and personal evaluation
    Consideration on Intellectual Asset Management Tools

    KMSJ General Meeting

14th KMSJ Annual 2011, March 5, 2011, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Leadership to cause innovation

    Recommendations for Normative Business Administration

    Special Lecture:
    Knowledge Creation and Innovation

    Theme Track:
    Human Healthcare: Eisai’s Knowledge Creation Activities Aiming to Become a Company
    Leadership of Practical Knowledge
    EQ and Career Design
    Diversification of Lifestyles and Companies” “Career Path”
    Introduction of” Re “introduction of Data Mining”

    Free Topics Track:
    Machizukuri: Knowledge-based Social Innovation
    Study on Problems and Solution Direction in Development and Sales Activities of Regional Brand Products in Small and Medium Enterprises from the Viewpoint of Knowledge Creation
    Japanese Eco-Industry that Saves Japan, a Resource-Small Country-A Case Study of Japan Refinemen

    KMSJ General Meeting

13th KMSJ Annual 2010, March 27, 2010, Kanazawa University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Exploring the Transformation Society – In Quest of Innovative Society

    Special Lectures:
    WICI and Knowledge Management
    Creative Workplace Dynamics

    Research Reports & Case Studies:
    Recognition through 5S Research
    Heterogeneity of risk perception for technical issues within the organization
    Knowledge Creation Research Group Case Study: Omron’s Corporate Philosophy and Creation of Knowledge; Creation of Kao’s Knowledge; ?
    Social TV
    Corporate Case Study KM in the Automotive Industry

    KMSJ General Assembly

12th KMSJ Annual 2009, March 7, 2009, Meisei University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Creativity and knowledge? Unique Business Model on MONODUKURI?

    Special Lectures:
    Knowledge leading to the discovery of carbon nanotubes”
    Management grows with type and place
    Knowledge Management of 100 Million People (Smooth Organization)

    Special Program:
    What is the knowledge of a highly profitable company that has achieved IPO in a headwind?

    Research Reports:
    Chikyu: Enables information layout design” Archive System
    Text Mining Issues and Solutions
    Development of Knowledge Management Methodology in the Place of Creation
    Report of TKF2008

    KMSJ General Assembly

11th Annual 2008, March 29, 2008, Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Dynamic “Ba” for Creation of “Chi”

    Special Lectures:
    Konosuke Matsushita of memories
    Management that Promotes the Creation of Knowledge
    Fusion of Digital and Knowledge

    Research Reports:
    How to Use Text Mining
    Research Group Activity Report Or case presentation
    Activity Report of KM Society in Germany and France
    New Research Subcommittee Activities Plan Report (Kyoto Subcommittee, e-Learning Research Subcommittee, Knowledge Creation Research Subcommittee, Diversity Research Subcommittee)
    The Knowledge Forum 2008 in Tokyo Plan

    KMSJ General Meeting

10th KMSJ Annual 2007, March 11, 2007, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Intellectual Asset Management and Communication

    Special Lectures:
    Management that utilizes the core

    Panel Discussions:
    Intellectual Asset Management and Knowledge Management
    Blog as a communication platform / SNS – How to think about functions and roles (Track A panel)

    Track A: To think about blog
    Realization of an open job opportunity with KM

    Track B: Intellectual Asset Management International Conference
    Knowledge of internal control for SMEs utilizing intellectual assets
    Cognitive Change, Organization Confidence and Business Results
    Consideration on the usefulness of BSC in intellectual asset management
    On intellectual asset management and corporate value creation of processing small and medium manufacturing industries: Recognition of Intellectual Assets and ‘Personality’ in SMEs
    Research on corporate value creation based on invisible assets (value): What will be visible from introduction of BSC by financial institutions

    Brazil TKF Report
    Presentation of MAKE JAPAN

9th KMSJ Annual 2006, March 19, 2006, Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Intellectual Asset Management

    Special Lectures:
    About Intellectual Asset Management Report – Visualization of Knowledge Management

    Research Reports:
    Report of the Corporate Evaluation Committee
    Risk management subcommittee report
    Share of Knowledge in ANA Group
    Knowledge base viewing angle and management of sales organization
    Secret of Ibiza ~ Customer satisfaction that the mind of manufacturing is transmitted

    KMSJ General Meeting

8th KMSJ Annual 2005, March 18-19, 2005, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Japanese Chi: Edge of Evolution
(Branded as the 1st The Knowledge Forum (TKF); Co-organizer: Japan Knowledge Management Association (NPOJAKM))

    Concept of Chi (Knowledge)
    Inheriting the Knowledge DNA of Honda: Organization Culture of Creativity and Frontier Spirit
    Building Knowledge Driven Organization
    Emotional Intelligence
    Intellectual Capital
    The Way towards Humanistic Eonomomy
    The Origin of Knowledge in the Eastern and Western Society

    Special Lectures:
    The Japanese Institute of Anatolian Archeology

    Breakout Sessions:

    Cognitive theory and knowledge
    Entirety and individuality of Chi (Knowledge, Wisdom, Mind)
    The Innovation Competency in the Context of Strategic Management in the New Generation
    Social networking & knowledge community
    Digital Information and Knowledge
    Management is a kite flying in bare feet: SME Case of Unique Technology
    How to realize Corporate sustainable grown by utilizing Intellectural Capital Rating
    Herrmann Model
    Intellectual Assets on Corporate Value

    Country Report Hong Kong
    Country Report Singapore
    Knowledge Management in France
    Knowledge Management in Brazil

    Japan Quality Awards ‘SME Winner’ Presentations:
    1997 (Chiba Isumi Golf Club), 2000 (Musashino), 2003 (NEC Fielding)

    Two KMSJ Study Group Reports

    Special Events:
    MAKE-Japan Presentation Ceremony

    KMSJ General Meeting

7th KMSJ Annual 2004, March 11, 2004, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: System of Knowledge of Human Recovery

    Economics of Human Recovery

    Special Lectures:
    Knowledge of Home Building

    Research Reprts:
    MAKE Japan Ranking Announcement
    Trends in World KM Conventions
    Announcement of Knowledge Management Standardization Standards
    Why does the organization not know what it knows? From knowledge representation research of organizational knowledge structure
    Let’s exchange knowledge-type that promotes self-transformation
    Process Innovation of Intellectual Business

    MAKE awards

    Board of Directors Meeting
    KMSJ General Meeting

6th KMSJ Annual 2003, February 18, 2003, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge of organization evaluation

    Knowledge of Corporate Governance

    Research Reports:
    Knowledge of IR
    KM of the audit corporation
    Proposal of standardization criteria for knowledge management
    MAKE-J ranking announcement
    Knowledge of ubiquitous
    Proposal of local government version assessment guidebook

    KMSJ General Meeting

5th KMSJ Annual 2002, February 12, 2002, Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Enabler of knowledge synergy


    Research Reports:
    Knowledge of design defect information
    Japan Roche’s KM practice
    About the 5th research group MAKEJAPAN
    Case study on knowledge management in Mie prefecture
    Interface between market knowledge and organization knowledge
    Total competence management and knowledge

4th KMSJ Annual 2001, February 13, 2001, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge of the new century


    Research Reports:
    Concept of holding the Intelligent Olympics
    Most Admired Knowledge Company Survey Report
    Revival of Japanese-style management by the knowledge community (wisdom market)
    Toward the activation of senior knowledge workers
    Knowledge Workplace Design and Effectiveness

    Board of Directors Meeting

3rd KMSJ Annual 2000, February 8, 2000, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme:

    Knowledge Creation Management in the 21st Century

    Research Reports:
    Knowledge management in network age
    Practice of knowledge management in Asahi Brewery
    Knowledge management application case study to business
    Communication Approach to KM
    Current status and issues of European knowledge management
    Seeking a new frontier for knowledge management

2nd KMSJ Annual & Commemorative lecture 1999, February 15, 1999, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Evolving Knowledge Management: Management of mind and wisdom

    Commemorative Lectures:
    Knowledge Space

    Research Reports:
    Management of tacit knowledge
    Essence of Failure – The Fitness of Organizational Learning and Self-Innovation
    Management Innovation and Knowledge Management
    Community of individuals and practices: trends in Western knowledge management

    3rd Board of Directors Meeting
    KMSJ General Meeting (Business Report)

1st KMSJ Annual Conference & 3rd Workshop 1998, September 21, 1998, Sakura Bank, Tokyo, Japan

Conference Theme: Knowledge and human resource utilization in the global era

    Research Reports:
    Raising questions on knowledge management
    Through two soft enablers and two difficult enablers KM Understand the model
    Consideration on Framework for Integrated Knowledge Management and System Construction
    Journey to Customer First in Chiba Izumi Golf
    Approach to construction of information network using knowledge management – Concept of knowledge web

    2nd Board of Directors Meeting
    Extraordinary KMSJ General Meeting

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