The TÜV Österreich/Austria 1) (TÜV stands for “Technischer Überwachungs-Verein”; English: “Technical Inspection Association”), formerly TÜV Wien and Dampfkesseluntersuchungs- und Versicherungsgesellschaft auf Gegenseitigkeit (DUVG), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Verband der Technischen Überwachungsvereine (VdTÜV)
The Verband der Technischen Überwachungsvereine (VdTÜV; English: Association of Technical Inspection Agencies)1), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Twin Cities Knowledge Management Forum (TCKMF)*
The Twin Cities Knowledge Management Forum (TCKMF) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
TWS Consulting*
TWS1) Consulting, formerly TWS-Personalberatung, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Informa, formerly T&F Informa and Informa Group, 1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training