Government of South Africa
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The Government of South Africa offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
National School of Government (NSG)
Knowledge Management Directorate
- National School of Government (NSG) Knowledge Management Conference 2022, 23-24 June 2022, Pretoria, South Africa / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Re-imagining Knowledge Management Post COVID 19
(Co-organizer: Knowledge Management South Africa; Supporter: European Union)
Knowledge Management and Library Unit
- Oct 2016: Information and Knowledge Management Seminar
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA)
- 1st DPSA Public Service Knowledge Management Conference, 6 February 2020, DPSA, Pretoria, South Africa
- Knowledge Management Seminar for Provincial Governments (2001, in partnership with the DoC)
- Knowledge for Action Seminar (2001, in partnership with the DoC)
- KM CoP 2021 Session, November 2021, Virtual venue
Knowledge Management and the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR)
Leadership And Governance In Knowledge Management
How A Change Management Strategy Can Be Used To Drive Organisational Culture For Effective KMBreakaway sessions (3): Relationship between leadership, governance and effective KM
Site Visits
- Feb/Mar 2008: Public service KM practitioners study tour to Canada
Department of Public Service and Administration (DPSA) > Policy Development, Research and Analysis Branch > Policy Oversight, Development and Knowledge Management Chief Directorate > Learning and Knowledge Management (LKM) Unit 1)
- Learning and Knowledge Management (LKM) Learning Network*
Understanding Knowledge Management in the public service context
Knowledge Management Strategies and Application
Entrenching and Institutionalising Knowledge Management
Monitoring and Evaluation to assess impact of Knowledge Management
National/Public Sector Knowledge Management Forum
- National Knowledge Management Forum, October 2020, Virtual venue
- 2nd National Knowledge Management Forum, 12 September 2019, Hatfield (Pretoria), South Africa
- Public Sector Knowledge Management Forum, 16 August 2018,
LKM Learning Network workshops
- Knowledge Management Consultation Workshop, 2-3 November 2010, South Africa
Program n.a.
- Knowledge Management Workshop, 2 March 2009, Boksburg, South Africa
Workshop Theme: Learning from each other to improve productivity-
Key learnings from the Cities Network
Comments and questions
Giving voice to departments
Initial outcomes - Indaba (Meeting) on the Public Service as a Learning Organisation, 14-15 February 2008, Bloemfontein, South Africa
Day Themes:
Approaches in implementing Knowledge Management in private and public sectors (day 1); Finding ways to entrench Knowledge Management in the public service (day 2)Presentations:
Introducing Institute’s business portfolio and knowledge management thrust
The case for knowledge management in the public service
Getting the basics right in implementing knowledge management: the case for documentation and information management
Towards a knowledge management framework for the public service
Utilising knowledge management to support the centre of provincial government
Introducing the CPSI Innovation Awards
Towards establishing a vibrant Community of Practice for KM Practitioners in GovernmentDiscussions:
What Knowledge Management should do for the public service (panel discussion)
Towards establishing a vibrant knowledge management community in the public sector (plenary discussion)Panel discussion responses:
Academic/practitioner KM curriculum interface
Knowledge Sharing for Collaboration: Introducing as a knowledge exchange tool
Managing information and knowledge to improve development planning – the case of Mpumalanga Rural Development ProgrammeWorkshops: Knowledge management framework for the public service
Defining and understanding Knowledge Management and its strategic value-add in the public service
Strategies to implement Knowledge Management
Capacity-building and technical assistance in Knowledge Management - Indaba (Meeting) on the Public Service as a Learning Organisation, 21-22 November 2006, Boksburg, South Africa
Workshop Theme: Creating Time, Space and Culture of Learning and Sharing in Government-
Restating the Knowledge Management imperative in the public service
Demystifying Knowledge Management
Creating a learning public service: the Canadian experience
Using Benchmarking for maximum knowledge sharing: the A UK Experience
Knowledge Management for DevelopmentPanel discussions:
Current Knowledge Management practices in SA public serviceCommission Breakaway Sessions/Discussions (Lead Cases):
Understanding Knowledge Mnagement in the Public Service context (Knowledge management in Canada)
Knowledge Management strategies and application (Knowledge management in Natural Resources Canada)
Enthrenching and institutionalising Knowledge Management (Integrated Provincial Support Programme)
Monitoring and evaluation to assess impact of knowledge management (Results from using benchmarking techniques to share knowledge) - Learning Champions Workshop, 11-12 March 2004, Muldersdrift
Setting the scene – the framework for change in service delivery
Creating effective individual & team performance
Sustainable communities of practice: The UK experience (UK Public Sector Benchmarking Service)
A Knowledge & Learning Organisation: How do we do it (A Development Bank of Southern Africa case Study)
Knowledge Management in the public service: Towards a corporate framework
More lessons from the UK
Learning networks as knowledge sharing & exchange platforms in the public serviceInteractive Sessions:
Simulation game of Knowledge sharingGroup Breakaway Sessions: (3 Groups)
n.a. - LKM Learning Network Launch, 21 February 2003, Midrand
New Zealand Treasury – A practical experience
Department of Health – The district health information management system as a knowledge management tool
DPSA – Knowledge Management Initiatives
Department of Arts, Culture, Science and Technology – National Initiatives on Information Management
Department of Communications – Capacity building programmes on knowledge management
Government Information Technology Officers Council (GIOTTO)*
- Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Work Group/ Standing or Sub-Committee*
KIM Work Group Meetings
Jul 2009: GITOC KIM Work Group meeting @ DPSA
Mar 2004: Draft Discussion document: Developing a Government Knowledge and Information Management (KIM) Strategy
Jan 2003: GITOC KIM Work Group established
- Knowledge and Information Management Work Group Workshop and Conference, 19–20 November 2003
Department of Communications & Digital Technologies (DCDT)2) > Knowledge Management Development Intiative / Section / Unit*
- Knowledge Management Seminar for National Government Departments (2000/1)
- Knowledge Management Seminar for Provincial Governments (2001, in partnership with the DPSA)
- Knowledge for Action Seminar (2001, in partnership with the DPSA)
South African eKnowledgeCentre
- Certified Knowledge Management (CKM) capacity building programmes (to be launched in 2002)
- Communities of Practice (Interest Groups):
- National Government, Provincial Government, Local Government, Tertiary Education, Secondary Education, Trade Unions, Civic Organisations, NGOs, Youth Forums, Gender Forums, Rural Communities
- Knowledge Management Society, Communications Portfolio Organizations, Professional bodies and Associations, SMMEs and Empowerment Companies, International, Business, Media, KM solutions vendors, Consultants, Other