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Claremont Graduate University (CGU)*
Claremont Graduate University (CGU), formerly the Claremont University Center, Claremont Graduate School and University Center, and the Claremont University College, a member of the Claremont Colleges, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
National Defense University (NDU)*
The National Defense University (NDU)1), funded by the United States Department of Defense (US DoD), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Online Masters degree in Library Management or Knowledge Management?
In the LinkedIn Group of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP) Jessy S. asks: I live in Belgium and my country doesn’t offer a Master in Library or Information Management or in Knowledge Management. I’m considering the online alternative. Does anybody have any experience with this, perhaps graduated?
Notre Dame of Maryland Introduces Master’s in Knowledge Management
(Baltimore, MD, July 22, 2011) Responding regional demand for professionals skilled in the creation, enhancement and use of knowledge assets, Notre Dame of Maryland School of Arts and Sciences is launching a Master of Science in Knowledge Management. The program offers students the opportunity to develop multidisciplinary competencies in knowledge management technologies, quantitative processes and