The Strategic Knowledge & Innovation Legal Leaders’ Summit (SKILLS), formerly the Legal Knowledge Management Summit (Legal KM Summit), organized by the NYC Large Law Firm Knowledge Management Group, is a closed door international meeting of large law firm knowledge management and innovation leaders with a public part – the SKILLS Showcase.
Prism Legal Consulting*
Prism Legal Consulting has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Five Essential Skills for Knowledge Managers
Abstract: It’s an exciting time in the world of knowledge management. You have a monsoon of knowledge-related data like never before; these essential skills for knowledge managers can help you make sense of all this data to improve your organization’s knowledge. The job growth rate for knowledge manager titles sits at
Communities of Practice Summit (CoP Summit)*
- Pre-/Post-conference Workshops: Cultivating Communities of Practices; Cutting-edge BEtreat
Universität zu Köln
The Universität zu Köln (English: University of Cologne; aka Neue Universität zu Köln), formerly the Universitas Studii (sancte civitatis) Coloniensis (aka Alte Universität Köln), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training