The bit group (“bit” stands for “best in training”) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Birmingham City University (BCU)
Birmingham City University (BCU), formerly the University of Central England in Birmingham (UCE Birmingham), Birmingham Polytechnic, and Birmingham College of Art, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
IFM Institut für Managementberatung
IFM Institut für Managementberatung, formerly Bildungspartner Institut für Managementberatung, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
KM Chicago*
The USA-based KM Chicago, formerly the Chicago Chapter of the Knowledge Management Professional Society (KMPro), 1) has built connections between knowledge managers and the communities in which they practice. It has presented timely Knowledge Management issues, trends and systems. Interactive, open discussion of value and trends was encouraged. Anyone involved with knowledge application or with
Knowledge Management Education Forum 2013 Will Be Launching in February!
In the Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF) LinkedIn Group Denise B. says: We hope you will all be actively engaged in this year’s KMEF Webinars and also the Annual Summit. Last year’s Communities of Practice did a lot of great work, and set us up to dive deeper into some of the