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Special Library Association’s Certificate Program for Knowledge Management Professionals
Abstract: The Special Libraries Association (SLA), a nonprofit global organization for innovative information professionals and their strategic partners, announced it will offer its members a new opportunity to earn a knowledge management (KM) certificate. The certificate will be offered through Click University, an online learning system for post-graduate, practicing librarians and information professionals.
Knowledge Managers Share Knowledge!?
Abstract: I’ve had a creeping suspicion for some time that knowledge managers are fine about encouraging others to share knowledge, but that dictum doesn’t apply to them. In my role as President of iKMS I am always trying to get knowledge managers to share, and the ones who do are in the brave minority
Knowledge Management degree or certification?
In the Toolbox for IT Group Knowledge Management Career Robert L. asks: Degree or certification? That is the question. What are the thoughts out there? Thanks. Archived discussion » Robert L.: KM Certification, MSc, or Both? ‘Knowledge Management Career’ Toolbox IT Group, Sep 19, 2007.
Advance Knowledge Management into the University of Puerto Rico’s Graduate Studies
Abstract: How can the Island of Puerto Rico, a US territory in the Caribbean, be transformed into a knowledge-based economy to play a significant role in the networked global community? This has been one of the critical inquiries of a group of faculty from different disciplines at the University of Puerto Rico, together with