Abstract: An overall view of knowledge management, and the role of librarians in its implementation are being discussed. The shift from traditional work culture to a learning organization cannot be accomplished quickly. It requires high-level commitment to change, a rewards system that encourages teamwork, and the sharing of best practices. The main idea of
Nurse leader as chief knowledge officer
Abstract: Executive Summary * The most strategic asset a leader has to work with is the competency of her/his staff to perform at a level of excellence. * The successful leader has the ability to create Communities of Practice within the organization that create highly bonded and effective communities of practice throughout
Leadership styles in the process of knowledge acquisition
Abstract: Behavioural and interpersonal skills most often cited as essential for successful knowledge management (acquisition). Unfortunately, little is known about the roles played by leadership in the process of knowledge acquisition. A survey of 227 persons who are, or have been engaged in knowledge acquisition activities was undertaken to investigate the relationship between different
Knowledge Management User Training and Education
Abstract: The observation that KM is more about people and organizational culture than it is about IT is common currency in our field. That observation is translated into a variety of prescriptive forms—don’t leave KM to the IT folks, don’t assume that if you build it they will come, recognize the importance of social
Don’t Look to Certification Bodies for Knowledge Management Professionals
Purchase from publisher » Daniel W. Rasmus: Don’t Look to Certification Bodies