Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST)
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The Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST; Japanese: 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学), in the past also known as Hokuriku Advanced Institute of Science and Technology1), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Knowledge Science2) > Department of Knowledge Science3)
- Transformative Knowledge Management Research/Academic Area4)
- Knowledge Science Education and Research Center* (aka Knowledge Science Center or Center for Knowledge Science)5)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
Graduate School of Advanced Science and Technology > Division of Advanced Science and Technology
- Master of Science in Knowledge Science (
Majors: Knowledge Society Systems; Fundamentals of Knowledge Systems) - Doctor of Philosophy in Knowledge Science
(research areas: Transformational Knowledge Management4) - SIIT-JAIST Doctoral Dual Degree Program (research area: Knowledge Management)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering and Technology (Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thailand)
Doctor of Philosophy in Knowledge Science (JAIST)
Majors: Knowledge Society Systems; Fundamentals of Knowledge Systems6))
Doctoral Courses
- Advanced Knowledge Science Course** (JAIST Tokyo Satellite)
Knowledge Science Education and Research Center*
- Knowledge Media Creation Course**
JAIST International Advanced School
(Special Expense Project “Promotion of International Education and Research Collaboration Program” (H21-H25))
- New Trends in Service Science and Knowledge Co-Creation, January 28-29, 2014, Chonburi, Thailand
Knowledge and Systems Science, November 16-20, 2012, JAIST, Japan
Knowledge Co-creation and Service Innovation, February 29 – March 6, 2012, JAIST, Japan
Workshop on Smart Information, Smart Knowledge, and Smart Material (SISKSM)
- SISKSM (Sharing Innovative Solutions and Knowledge Sharing Meeting) 2023, Bangkok, Thailand (part of 1. JAIST Alumni Event)
SISKSM 2022, December 12, 2022, JAIST, Nomi, Japan & Online
SISKSM 2021, December 23, 2021, Online
SISKSM 2019, January 22-24, 2019, Pathum Thani & Bangkok, Thailand
SISKSM 2017, September 26-28, 2017, Pathum Thani & Bangkok, Thailand
Knowledge Innovation Research Center Sponsored Seminars
- Nov 2024: #01 What is Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)?: Practice in graduate school research and education
Graduate School Seminar series (unless otherwise stated: Transformative Knowledge Management Research Area)
- Feb 2025: #29 Searching for universal rules in deep learning: learning regimes and implicit bias (Computing Science Research Area)
Nov 2024: #24 Reconstructing Knowledge Management in the Era of Innovation Management
Sep 2024: #14 Useful for research and job hunting! An introduction to using mind maps for graduate students”
Aug 2024: #06 Sustainable Roadmapping Implementation with Digitalization Approach @ JAIST Tokyo Satellite
Jul 2024: #04 Living Labs as Co-Creation Platforms for Social Innovation: Practice and Methodological Research”
Jul 2024: #02 How will digital technology change knowledge management? @ JAIST Tokyo Satellite
Jun 2024: #01 Necessity of Technology Management in the Agricultural Sector and Examples of Innovation @ JAIST Tokyo Satellite
Knowledge Science Seminar (selection; was: Graduate School of Knowledge Science Seminar)
- Mar 2024: AI as an Innovation Mediator (TKM Research Area)
Feb 2024: Cultural evolution of belief systems and technology: Towards building co-creative intelligence (Co-creative Intelligence Research Area); Intersection of Systemic Design and HCD/Anthropology (TKM research area: HCD and Anthropology Dialogue Study Group)
Nov 2023: Agriculture driven by mathematical models (TKM Research area)
Aug 2023: What is the relationship between artificial intelligence as a ‘tool’ and humans? (TKM research area: HCD and Anthropology Dialogue Study Group)
Jul 2023: Thinking about a ‘co-creation’ platform – From the experience of a cross-cultural collaboration project (Creative Society Design Research Area)
Nov 2022: Recurrent Education’ from a Learner’s Perspective – To Become a Leader of Innovation”
Nov 2021: Quantification of brain information related to natural perception and application to AI
Dec 2020: Digital transformation: harnessing digital technologies for the next generation of services
Nov 2020: Knowledge science progress: Questions and perspectives from young researchers
Oct 2020: V.School as a place for value co-creation; Attempt to develop a process to come up with game ideas using the power of a team
Aug 2018: Kaysho for Knowledge Science: How Young Scientists Received Knowledge Science? ~ Knowledge Science Psycho 2018 Summer Team ~
Feb 2018: Knowledge Science Psycho: Young Researchers Telling the Outline of Knowledge Science
Oct 2017: Embodiment of Symbols and Knowledge Construction
Oct 2014: Practice of Data Mining in Businesses
Nov 2011: Brains for Perspective-Toward Understanding of Communication Mechanism (#8)
May 2011: FabLab and Social Fabrication (#5); Information environment that amplifies learning experience (#4); Silicon Valley Transition and Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (#3); Ability to learn from slime mold intelligence (#2)
Apr 2011: Critical thinking skills for research literacy (#1)
Innovation Design Seminar Based on Knowledge Science
- Jan 2023: Re-examining ‘Participation’ in Co-Creation” [HCD and Anthropology Dialogue Study Group] Nov 2022: Innovation design seminar based on knowledge science “Is altruistic manufacturing possible? [HCD and anthropology dialogue study group] Jul 2022: Towards a circular economy for clothing: Initiatives of JEPLAN Co., Ltd.
Apr 2022: Artificial Intelligence vs. Human Power – Human Wisdom Explained by an Eccentric Course
Feb 2022: Social innovation and knowledge creation
Dec 2021: What the co-design approach asks
Nov 2021: Creative town planning in Tsurugi
- International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS)*7)
- International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems (KICSS)*
- International Symposium on Integrated Uncertainty in Knowledge Modelling and Decision Making (IUKM)*
- Forum for Knowledge Co-Creation (FoKCs)*
- Symposium on Transformative Knowledge Management (TKM Symposium)*
(Organizer: JAIST Transformative Knowledge Management research area, School of Knowledge Science) - JAIST International Symposium on Knowledge Science (ISOKS), March 14-15, 2016, Kanazawa, Japan
(Organizer: JAIST Academic Field of Knowledge Management, School of Knowledge Science) - Knowledge Science Symposium** (KSS; 2001-2013; Japanese: 回知識科学シンポジウム)
- Symposium Themes:
2013: Creating Knowledge
2011: Multidimensional development of knowledge management
2010: Creating social reality through media technology
2009: Creating communities and services -Change! Choices that change lives and society-
2008: Knowledge Science and Creativity
2008: Achievements and Prospects of Knowledge Science: From the First 10 Years to the Next 10 Years (Graduate School of Knowledge Science 10th Anniversary Symposium)
2007: Knowledge Creation and Social Innovation
2006: Mathematicizing knowledge
2005: Knowledge Science and New Education Course
2004: Creation and practice of science and technology based on knowledge science
2003: Processes, spaces, and systemization of knowledge creation
2003: “Aiming to integrate technology and management knowledge”: MOT (Management of Technology) education in Japan
2002: Knowledge Research in Complex Systems/Bioinformatics
2002: Knowledge and Media
2001: n.a. - Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium** (2004-2011; Japanese: 回知識創造支援システム・シンポジウムを)
(Co-organizer: JAIST Knowledge Science Education and Research Center; Japan Creativity Society)- 8th Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2011, February 25-26, 2011, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
7th Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2012, February 25-26, 2010, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
6th Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2009, February 26-28th, 2009, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
5th Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2008, February 21-23, 2008, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
4th Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2007, February 22-24, 2007, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
(Co-located: 2nd Creative Technique Systematization Study Group meeting)3rd Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2006, February 23-25, 2006, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
2nd Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2005, February 25-26, 2005, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
(Co-host: Research and development of aware technology for aware home)1st Knowledge Creation Support System Symposium 2004, February 27-28, 2004, JAIST, Nomi, Japan
(Co-sponsor: Design Society Creativity Study Group, Preventive Society and Awareness Technology Study Group)
Center for Strategic Development of Science and Technology (COE Center)*8)
- International Society for Knowledge and Systems Sciences (ISKSS)9)
- COE-Seminar Series
(e.g. Some Advanced Issues and Methods of Data Mining for Knowledge Creation; A Knowledge Integration: Creative Space and Creative Environments; Vision of New Era of Knowledge Civilization; The Role of Intuition in the Creation of Mathematical Knowledge; Knowledge creation and systems research: Implications from memory science; Knowledge-based management in uncertain environments; Getting Together towards a Collaborative work; Knowledge Sciences and a New Episteme; Knowledge of the natural and the social)
International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS)*7)9)
- The International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences (KSS) series reflect continuous endeavors to develop the newly founded discipline knowledge science based on systems sciences.
International Joint Conference on Knowledge Science (IJKS 2007), November 5-7, 2007, Nomi, Japan
- The International Joint Conference on Knowledge Science (IJCKS) is a joint hosting conference of KSS (8th International Symposium on Knowledge and Systems Sciences) and KICSS (2nd International Conference on Knowledge, Information and Creativity Support Systems).
JAIST Forum**
- JAIST Forum 2006, November 10-11, 2006, Nomi, Japan
Forum Theme: Knowledge Creation and Social Innovation- Forum Tracks:
Paper Presentations (day 1)
Projects and recent developments of the COE Program (day 2) - JAIST Forum 2004, November 10-12, 2004, Tatsunokuchi, Japan
Forum Theme: Technology Creation Based on knowledge Science: Theory and Practice
(in conjunction with the Knowledge and Systems Sciences Symposium (KSS))- Forum Tracks:
Methodologies for Knowledge Integration and Creation (Nov 10)
Knowledge Management and Creativity Support (Nov 11)
Knowledge and Systems Sciences (Plenary Lectures) (Nov 12)
International Symposium on Knowledge Management for Strategic Creation of Techology**
- 2nd International Symposium on Knowledge Management for Strategic Creation of Technology, November 14-17, 2005, Kobe, Japan
Symposium Theme: Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science (IFSR2005 Symposium)- …
Co-located Conferences:
IFSR2005 – 1st World Congress of the International Federation of Systems Research
Congress Theme: New Roles of Systems Sciences for a Knowledge-based SocietyRelevant Symposia:
Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science
Data/Text Mining from Large Databases
Vision of Knowledge Civilization - 1st International Symposium on Knowledge Management for Strategic Creation of Technology, March 8-10, 2004, Nomi, Japan
Symposium Tracks:
Knowledge and Systems Sciences
Research, Development, and Organization
Approaches to Knowledge Science
Knowledge and Decision Making
Knowledge Technology and SoftwarePresentations: Introduction to JAIST COE Program
Technology Creation Based on Knowledge Science
Knowledge Theory at the Beginning of the Civilization Era of Informational and Knowledge Economy